Many to Many @ Deutsche Bauzeitung

The idea of ​​converting the principle “one to many” into a “many to many” has already been formulated by Hans Magnus Enzensberger in 1970.

But what is different today, that what was not successful at the time could have one today?

Interview in the German architectural magazine Deutsche Bauzeitung by Christian Holl.

Interview Network Space, Christian Holl @ Deutsche Bauzeitung, Germany, 1 March 2006

Christian Holl: Another concept that is important in your work is that of the event. An event emotionalizes problems, but in a way that distracts because it represents the facts in a distorted dimension. Can an event also be designed in such a way that it does not have this effect? Or to come back to the picture again: How can you counteract a picture-selling marketing without making the mistakes that you are accusing others?

Frans Vogelaar: In the »reBoot« project, a ship equipped as a media lab moved from Amsterdam to Amsterdam. For a week, eighty artists, musicians, architects, urbanists, media collectives on the ship have occupied themselves with the space of the river, ports along the journey. At the harbors where the ship docked, events such as concerts, guided tours, lectures and art projects took place, involving the local public and local stakeholders. The projects were broadcast on local TV stations and on the Internet. At the same time, the ship was connected by internet connections to a number of rooms along the river, such as clubs. There were exciting feedback between physical and digital space. A “hybrid”, “translocal” space emerged, which was not to be located in one place, but was the result of the interaction and connection of all these physical as well as medial spaces.

Elizabeth Sikiaridi: We see this as an example of an inverted event – an event that makes the consumer an actor and connects local cultures.

Frans Vogelaar: This is at least one of our strategies, inverting, inversion. You can not stop developments, but you can invert them, invert them.
“Public Media Urban Interfaces” is an inversion of the principle “one to many”. Reassemble the parts. From “one to many”, the current system of media such as television, we made “many to many”. It is about organizing processes so that something else can emerge. Even if the result is unpredictable: it is enough to break the mode of the usual application. Many possibilities are opened, not all develop, some options are barely perceived, but they remain.

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