Caring Future Lab @ FURTUROMONDO

What does an integrated approach look like that brings together the physical and digital dimensions of care, providing impetus for innovative solutions in the areas of care and prevention?

How can we combine the best of technological innovations and digital and hybrid solutions with the socio-cultural dimensions of prevention and care?

Together we are developing the healthy city – a 15-Minute City with 5-Minute Communities, committed to the One Health concept!

Keynote & Panel Caring Future Lab @ FUTUROMONDO Foresight, Future Urban Economies Forum, Stuttgart, Germany, 3 July 2025

The Future Urban Economies Forum, Stuttgart, Germany July 3, 2025

If urbanization continues to increase worldwide and cities play a decisive role in the climate transformation, business models and industries will have to evolve accordingly: Away from individual products or services towards new urban solutions in the life cycle.
This will create new markets at the interface between high-tech and low-tech, while at the same time requiring bold future scenarios and concepts for construction, mobility, energy, communication, entertainment and security in these future urban economies.
Join us on a journey into the visions and potentials of future-oriented business models in energy, mobility and trade that will make cities smarter and more sustainable.
Find out how economic success and social benefits can go hand in hand.

related PROJECTS


The international travelling exhibition NatureTecture presents the fields of landscape architecture in all their breadth and relevance.
The exhibition is based on landscape architectural expertise from North Rhine-Westphalia and refers to examples of landscape architecture from NRW.
NatureTecture focuses on those fields of work that will become increasingly important internationally for the design of our living environments and formulates relevant questions for the future.
The NatureTecture exhibition is dedicated to the tasks and instruments of qualifying landscape in the post-industrial age.
The international travelling exhibition on the fields of work of landscape architecture is organized by the Chamber of Architects of North Rhine-Westphalia with the support of the Ministry of Building and Transport of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia.

Concept NatureTecture @ Chamber of Architects, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, 1 September 2009
Exhibition NatureTecture @ Chamber of Architects, DĂŒsseldorf, Germany 11 Februar -17 March 2010
Exhibition NatureTecture @ Representation of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia to the European Union, Berlin, Germany, 9 June-12 July 2010
Exhibition NatureTecture @ Chamber of Architects of Jeollabuk-Do Province (KIRA Jeonbuk), Republic of Korea, 1 September- 4 September 2010
Exhibition NatureTecture @ Building Culture Fair Daejeon 2010, Republic of Korea, 14-19 October 2010
Exhibition NatureTecture @ Architecture and Urbanism Fair Gwangju, Republic of Korea, 3-7 November 2010
Exhibition NatureTecture @ Turkish Chamber of Architects of the Metropolis of Istanbul, Turkey, 26 November-10 December 2010
Exhibition NatureTecture @ 20th Anniversary of German Reunification, Busan, Republic of Korea, 8-14 December 2010

related PRESS

Humboldt Futures @ Atlas der Datenkörper

Hybrid Space Lab developed a series of projects for the radical appropriation of the controversial Humboldt Forum in Berlin:
Whereas Humboldt Jungle formulated a strong vision for the re-wilding of the Forum and Humboldt Volcano developed a concrete architectural design solution that addresses many of the foreseeable problems in the Humboldt Forum and that could be realized in the (near) future, Humboldt Kosmos is a fictional universe based on Humboldt Forum that opens up a multiplicity of possible futures.

Publication Humboldt Futures @ Atlas der Datenkörper 2, Transcript Verlag, Germany, 27 May 2024

Poly Garden City @ SHEDIA Magazine

Playgrounds, gardens, sports areas.
The roofs of apartment buildings can become a true above-ground city, with multiple benefits for the environment and our socializing.

Interview @ SHEDIA magazine 111, Athens, May 2023

ANIMALfest @ Creative Tech Festival Berlin

The Berlin Government is establishing a creative and tech festival in Berlin in order to increase the city’s international appeal.
At the Public Presentations & Discussion event of the Berlin Creative & Tech Festival 2024-2029 at THFxIMPULSE Event Hybrid Space lab presents ANIMALfest.

Public Presentation & Discussion ANIMALfest @ THFxIMPULSE Event, Flughafen Tempelhof, Berlin, 31 May 2023

Startup Energy Transition @ Berlin Energy Transition Dialogue 2023

Startup Energy Transition Festival 2023 brings together a global network of innovators shaping the future of energy by start-ups, innovation-driven corporates, investors, & public organisations.

Panel Moderation & Lecture Building a Sustainable Future: Offsetting Emissions in Smart Cities @ Startup Energy Transition Festival 2023, Berlin, 28 March 2023
Participation @ Berlin Energy Transition Dialogue 2023, German Federal Foreign Office, Berlin, 29 March 2023

festCITY @ Creative Tech Festival Berlin

festCITY consists of a radical, situated approach to embed festival and cultural events into the city of Berlin and New York County.

Lecture #1 Town Hall Meeting @ betahaus, Berlin, 22 March 2023

Hybrid Space Lab @ Progressive Governance Summit 2022

Hybrid Space Lab is participating in the Progressive Governance Summit 2022 by the Progressive Zentrum on progressive politics.

Participation Progressive Governance Summit 2022 @ Progressive Zentrum, Haus Ungarn, Berlin, 13 October, 2022

eCommemoration Convention 2022 @ Körber Stiftung

Hybrid Space Lab is participating in the eCommemoration Convention 2022 at the Körber Stiftung.
The Körber Stiftung eCommemoration Program brings together international historians, museum makers, digital pioneers, and creatives to shape innovative and digital memory culture.

Participation @ eCommemoration Convention 2022, Körber Stiftung, 29- 30 September 2022

Hybrid Space Lab @ European Institute of Innovation and Technology

Hybrid Space Lab is participating INNOVEIT Berlin which brings together experts and entrepreneurs bringing the New European Bauhaus to life through innovation, creativity and design.

Participation INNOVEIT Berlin @ European Institute of Innovation and Technology, EIT Climate-KIC, Berlin, 23 September 2022

hybrid @ tanz

Hybrid Space Lab wrote the lead article “hybrid” for tanz yearbook 2022, the international magazine for ballet, dance and performance,  focussing on the body and space in the context of the physical and the digital.

Publication hybrid @ tanz, Germany, 19 August 2022

circulariCITY @ Bits & BĂ€ume 2022 Conference

Workshop and presentation of circulariCITY at the Bits & BĂ€ume 2022 Conference.
Bits & BĂ€ume connect communities and stand up for political change in the interaction of digitalisation and sustainability.

Presentation & Workshop circulariCITY @ Bits & BÀume 2022 Conference for Digitization and Sustainability, Technical University Berlin, 1 October 2022

Post COVID-19 City @ Academy of Media Arts

The pilot issue of KHM Magazine (#0) entitled “Out of Time” will address questions such as: What does it mean for people in general and artists in particular to have to keep their distance? How do we experience the changing world, the fears, hopes or anger, promises and consolations? How can we react to them or think of them in terms of a changed future? How is our relationship to closeness and distance changing?

Article Post COVID-19 City @ Academy of Media Arts, Cologne, Germany, 27 July 2022

Hybrid Space @ Digital Leaders in Architecture

How do digital technologies influence the architectural scene and its working world? What transformations are still ahead of us? And does all this change the quality of our cities?
Presented by SchĂŒco and Gira, Digital Leaders in Architecture provides architects with a platform for future scenarios and their embedding in reality. In 20-minute web sessions, opinion leaders from architecture are given the space to combine their specialist knowledge with future digital trends.

Interview & Lecture Hybrid Space @ Digital Leaders in Architecture, SchĂŒco International KG, Berlin, 1 July 2022

Hybrid Space Lab @ Smart Cities International Roundtable

Amsterdam Smart City is working together with Future City Foundation which is leading the realization of national (the Netherlands) City Deal.
Smart City: This is how you do it.Smart City: This is how you do it.

Discussion Smart Cities International Roundtable @ Amsterdam Smart Cit, Amsterdam, 7 June 2022

Hybrid Space Lab @ Weizenbaum Institute for the Networked Society Conference 2022

The Weizenbaum Institute for the Networked Society is organizing its 2022 annual conference on the subject of “Practicing Sovereignty. Interventions for open digital futures”.

Lecture @ Weizenbaum Institute for the Networked Society, Annual Conference Practicing Sovereignty, Berlin, 9-10 June 2022

Conflict Space @ ISEA 2022

The lecture and workshop Conflict Space takes place at the International Symposium on Electronic Art ISEA 2022 “Possibilities – Heritage and Futures” at the Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona.

Lecture & Workshop Conflict Space @ ISEA 2022 Symposium “Possibilities”, Heritage and Futures @ Museum of Contemporary Art, Barcelona, 12 June 2022 &  14 June 2022

ReWild Berlin @ bauhaus reuse BHROX

Hybrid Space Lab curates the pocket-size workshop on multispecies mobility at the BHROX bauhaus reuse in the framework of the Von A to B Fieldtrip – Amsterdam meets Berlin.

Lecture & Workshop @ BHROX bauhaus reuse, Berlin, 10.00-11.30, 9 February 2022

Hybrid Space @ The Future Now Show

Hybrid Space Lab lectures on Hybrid Space at The Future Now Show of the Club of Amsterdam.

Lecture @ Club of Amsterdam, The Future Now Show, Basel, Switserland, 1 February 2022

Smart City Expert Workshop @ City Lab Berlin

Hybrid Space Lab contributes to the Smart City Expert Workshop focussing on cultural issues, fostering the co-creative process to shape the content of Berlin’s Smart City strategy.

Workshop Smart City Expert @ Berlin Senate Chancellery and CityLAB Berlin, 7 January 2022

reWild Autobahn @ Smart City Berlin

ReWild Autobahn is presented at Smart City Berlin „Von A nach B” – Amsterdam meets Berlin.

Presentation, ReWild Autobahn @ Smart City Berlin „Von A nach B” – Amsterdam meets Berlin,  Berlin, Germany, 9 December 2021

Marleen Stikker @ INbetweenSTITUTE

Marleen Stikker, founder of Waag is presenting Future Lab at Hybrid Space Lab.

Lecture & Discussion, Marleen Stikker, Founder and Director, Waag Future Lab for design and technology @ Hybrid Space Lab, Berlin, Germany, 30 November 2021

reWild Autobahn @ BauNetz

Baunetz showcases ReWild Autobahn as part of the Berlin Atlas.

Publication ReWild Autobahn @ BauNetz, Berlin Atlas, Berlin, 19 November 2021

Hybrid is the Future! @ Kulturstiftung des Bundes

Workshop Hybrid is the Future! at the digital cultural innovation program dive in , Bundeskulturstiftung, Germany, 14 October 2021

Hybrid Workshop The Future is not Digital. Hybrid is the Future! @ Kulturstiftung des Bundes, HoloLab – dive in Program for Digital Interaction, Berlin, 14 October 2021

Hybrid Space @ Kulturstiftung des Bundes

Keynote Hybrid Space @ Culture at the digital cultural innovation program dive in , Bundeskulturstiftung, Germany, 22 September 2021

Keynote Hybrid Space @ Bundeskulturstiftung, dive in “new forms of artistic production”, Halle an der Saale, Germany, 22 September 2021

Kiez Lab @ Utopolis

Lecture and Workshop at Utopolis Conference 2021, Bundesverband Soziokultur e.V..

Lecture & Workshop Kiez Lab @ Utopolis German Federal Association for Socioculture, Digital Socioculture in the Neighborhood, Germany, 16 September 2021

Hybrid Space @ China University of Geo Sciences

With the rapid development and application of the discipline of human ergonomics, the number of people engaged in teaching and scientific research in the field of design ergonomics in China has been increasing.

Lecture Hybrid Space @ 2020 International Symposium on Design Ergonomics, Future · Awareness · Inclusion, China University of Geo Sciences, Wuhan, China, 29 December 2020

Deep Space @ archithese

Hybrid Space Lab analyzed “Valley of the Fallen” near Madrid – the pompous tomb for the fascist dictator Francisco Franco. They suggest leaving it unchanged but covering it with a new critical layer. Using augmented reality, they want to make hidden layers visible and write history from the victims’ perspective.

Publication Informing instead of glorifying, JĂžrg Himmelreich, @ archithese, Switserland, 28 November 2020

Kiez Lab @ Berlin Science Week

Kiez Lab looks at Berlin’s digital future through the eyes of city dwellers and residents, exploring new ways to align digital objectives with citizens’ needs.

Lecture & Workshop Kiez Lab @ Berlin Science Week, Participation in the Digital City, Berlin, 3 November 2020

Inclusive Democratic Digital @ Digital City Alliance Berlin

Workshop of the Digital City Alliance Berlin on “COVID-19: Lessons learned for the Berlin Digitization Strategy” focusing on observations and experiences during the spring 2020 pandemic and drawing conclusions for a democratic and inclusive digitization policy for Berlin.

Workshop Kiez Lab @ Bündnis digitale Stadt Berlin, 6 May 2020

Bricks & Bits @ Lithuanian Radio

Interview by RĆ«ta Leitanaitė on Lithuanian Radio on how the physical and the digital dimensions of the city interact, on how to develop cities in an integrated way, making the city more fair, comfortable, and attractive.

Interview City of Bricks and Bits, RĆ«ta Leitanaitė @ Lithuanian Radio, “Need an Architect”, Lithuania, 2 April 2020

Future Heritage @ Points of View

What would it be like if a volcano erupted next to the new Berlin City Palace?
If huge trees grew there, exotic plants proliferated and a waterfall cascaded down?

Publication Future Heritage @ Points of View, DASA Museum, Dortmund, Germany 1 March 2020

Experimental Space @ Weizenbaum Institute

What should spaces be like in which experiments with digital technologies are made, experienced and further developed? How can we provide access to and knowledge of digital technologies, and above all create ways to shape them, develop them further and experiment with them?

Open Lab @ Weizenbaum Institute, Berlin, 16 January 2020

Digital Strategy @ Digital City Alliance Berlin

More than thirty organisations and individuals from science and civil society sign the statement of the Digital City Alliance of Berlin. Berlin needs an inclusive digitization policy that focuses on people, nature and the common good. The development process of this strategy must be transparent and enable the active participation of civil society.

Declaration @ Bündnis digitale Stadt Berlin, 11 December 2019

Surveillance Capitalism & Cognitive Architecture @Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society

Surveillance Capitalism is becoming an established notion with a number of meanings around the commodification of personal information and Berlin lecture the social psychologist Shoshana Zuboff on 6 November 2019, organised by our partner Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society

Lecture Surveillance Capitalism, Professor Shoshana Zuboff @ Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society, Berlin, 6 November 2019 

KiezLab @ Alliance Digital City Berlin

The challenges of digital transformation are becoming more and more tangible in the daily lives of Berliners. There is an increasing need to get involved and take the city’s digital future into its one’s own hands. From 2019 Berlin will develop a digital strategy in which goals for the digital future of the capital are to be formulated.

Workshop Kiez Lab @ BĂŒndnis Digitale Stadt Berlin, Germany, 2019~2020

City to Go @ Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society

Ubiquitous digitization is increasingly transforming urban life in all its aspects and Smart City technologies promise unlimited efficiency to urban mobility solutions. It is however worth reflecting on why digitally supported and automated negotiation concerning, amongst others, mobility does not necessarily equal objective and fair decision-making.

Presentations & Discussion City to Go @ Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society, 15 July 2019, Berlin

City Making in the Digital Age @ Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society

City Making in the Digital Age is the kick-off event of City Making Lab, a co-operation between Hybrid Space Lab and Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society.Keynote speaker Marleen Stikker, co-founder of Waag Society, an Amsterdam based interdisciplinary non-profit media lab and research institute that aims to put social values at the core of technology by creating and promoting open, fair and inclusive innovations.

Keynote by Marleen Stikker , co-founder of Waag Society @ City Making in the Digital Age,  Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society, Berlin, 21 February 2019

Interview Future Heritage @ DASA Dortmund

Future is en vogue.
In 2018, she delivered the motto of the science year “Working Worlds of the Future”.
Daily, the media discusses the extent to which robots intervene in our everyday lives and what the progressive digitization is doing to us. And even exhibitions are not excluded from this.

Lecture Future Heritage @ DASA, Dortmund, Germany, 23-24 January 2019

Water Consious Fashion @ Fraulein

An initiative of the Hybrid Space Lab, in cooperation with the Neonyt Fair and the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Berlin.

Publication Neonyt Fair @ Fraulein Magazine, Germany, 15 January 2019

Digital Fabrication @ Aedes Metropolitan Laboratory

Craftsmanship in the Digital Age invites established manufacturers, proponents of newer digital production tools, architects, and building industry representatives, to co-articulate a craftsmanship approach to incorporating digital fabrication into architecture.

Lecture Prof. Dr. Richard Sennett, Centennial Professor of Sociology, London School of Economics @ ANCB The Aedes Metropolitan Laboratory, Berlin, 18 December 2017
Roundtable Discussion @ ANCB, The Aedes Metropolitan Laboratory, Berlin , 18 December 2017

NatureTecture @ MediaLab CAFA Beijing

Lecture “Naturetecture” at the Media Lab, Central Academy of Fine Arts in Beijing.

Lecture NatureTecture @ Media Lab, Central Academy of Fine Arts, No.8 Hua Jia Di Nan Street, Chao Yang District, Beijing, P.R. China, 27 November 2017

CLASH @ Xian Art Museum

CLASH refers to the clash of the encountering systems and functions as a social tool for bargaining, exchange and cross-fertilization.
CLASH is made out of elements that are to be transformed and expanded by visitors, tourists, artists, and inhabitants of Xi’an.
The futuristic and utopian installation CLASH embraces a social space and a shelter.

Exhibition CLASH @ Xi’an Art Museum, Xi’an, Shaanxi, P.R. China, 16 September-3 October 2017
Forum @ Xi’an Art Museum, Xi’an, Shaanxi, P.R. China, 10 September 2017

Smart & the City @ Xi’an Art Museum

The exhibition Silk Road, Portal to World Imagination at the Xi’an Art Museum in China re-imagines the cities along the Silk Road. Smart & the City showcases the integration of Smart Technologies and the Urban, as tools for a sustainable New Smart Silk Road.

Exhibition The 4 Session of the Silk Road International Art Festival @ Xi’an Art Museum, Xi’an, Shaanxi, P.R. China, 16 September-3 October 2017

Flexible Infrastructure @ TU Berlin

What are the social, economic, participatory, urban-architectural and technical concepts that Berlin as a Smart City really needs?
Smart City Berlin should address in an integrative way connected challenges such as urban growth and housing, migration and demographic change, mobility, use of resources and circularity, climate adaptation, citizen participation and digital networks.

Workshop Intelligent City Flexible Infrastructures for Smart City Development @ TU Berlin, HUMBOLDT-VIADRINA Governance Platform, Berlin, 21 November 2016

TOURcity @ ARTez

Tourism is a growing global phenomenon, adding to the wealth of cities, and contributing to the congestion of their “points of interest”; enabling global cultural exchange but also threatening local cultures and disrupting established local and global business models.
New forms of tourism are emerging such as Medical Tourism, Slow Tourism, Disaster Tourism, Slum Tourism, Culinary Tourism.

Lecture & Workshop FuTourism & Circular City @ ARTez, Arnhem, the Netherlands, 10 November 2016

Hybrid Culture @ Kulturinvest Conference

How do digital networks transform cultural institutions?
Digitalization supports hybridization as a fusion of creative artistic practices (post-medium art) as well as of cultural creators and consumers (cultural co-creation).
Participatory social media open up cultural institutions and transform them into active players in the creation of communities.

Keynote @ Tagesspiegel, Kulturinvest Conference, Digital Strategies & Social Media, Berlin, 4 November 2016

Ethics of Technology @ Beijing Media Art Biennale

Our current geological age is being described as “anthropocene”, as the epoch during which human activity is the dominant influence on climate and the environment.
But we do not need to consider a “longue durĂ©e” historical approach, giving priority to long-term historical structures over events.

Exhibition NatureTecture @ Beijing Media Art Biennale, China Millennium Monument, Beijing, 24 September – 30 October 2016
Lecture & Workshop NatureTecture @ Beijing Design Week 2016,  Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing, 30 September 2016

INbetweenSTITUTE @ Urban China Magazine

798 and the Creative Cluster Conundrum is a highly ambitious and innovative project in order to plan the next step of Beijing’s renowned 798 Art District and is presented during Beijing Design Week.

Workshop & Presentation INbetweenSTITUTE @ Urban China Magazine, Beijing, 26 – 27 September 2016

Refugees Futures @ DMY Festival 2016

Given the masses of uprooted people worldwide the question for solutions from the global design community arises to help refugees feel at home and support those that want or have to stay make their lives liveable.

Discussion Think Local Act Local! @ DMY Festival 2016,  Kraftwerk, Berlin, 2 June 2016

Culture of Sustainability @ Station Berlin

Can foreign cultural policy internationally promote sustainable concepts and processes?
How to communicate the complex issues of sustainability to a broad international audience by using cultural means in a playful and attractive way?
How to convey sustainability in an international intercultural context?

Lecture & Workshop Menschen Bewegen 2016 @ Station Berlin, Foreign Cultural Policy, Berlin, 15 April 2016

Landscape Urbanism @ Brandenburg Technical University

At the edges of the cities: landscape development strategies.

Publication Foundation of the Brandenburg Technical University Cottbus @ Brandenburg Technical University Cottbus-Senftenberg, Chair of Landscape Architecture and Planning, ISBN 978-3-940471-24-6, IKMZ University Library, Cottbus, Germany, 13 March 2016

B.A.N.G. @ Design Innovation Europe.

Subject to the exponential technological acceleration, challenged by alarming ecologic and social changes design’s role in shaping our increasingly hybrid world is changing.

Lecture & Discussion B.A.N.G. Design @ Design.Innovation.Europe., Embassy Kingdom of the Netherlands, Berlin, 30 November 2015

Hybrid Design @ Media Lab CAFA Beijing

Hybrid Design is a strategy that incorporates elements and processes from diverse fields that are in todays design practice not always perceived as compatible. This is a method to generate new design visions.

Lecture Hybrid Design @ Media Lab, Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing, 27 September 2015

Hybrid Heritage @ Beijing Design Week 2015

Hybrid Heritage is researching and designing contemporary interpretations and further development of heritage under a multicultural perspective.

Exhibition Hybrid Heritage @ Beijing Design Week 2015, Baitasi ReMade, no. 4 West Gongmenkou Hutong, Xicheng District, Beijing, 25 September-7 October 2015
Lecture Hybrid Heritage @ Baitasi Info Hub, No. 313 Fuchengmen Inner Street, Xicheng District, Beijing, 26 September 2015
Workshop Hybrid Heritage @ Media Lab, Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing, 26-27 September

Hybrid Design @ IFA Summit

Hybrid Space Lab’s Prof. Frans Vogelaar delivers the Keynote “Hybrid Design” at the IFA in Berlin, the global trade show for consumer electronics

Keynote Hybrid Design & Discussion @ IFA+ Summit, CityCube, Berlin, 8 September 2015

Cities in Transition @ University of Amsterdam

Students of the University of Amsterdam explored European cities, visited local initiatives and interviewed City Makers. This summer we publish their articles and interviews weekly. Maarten Ketelaar is spending a semester in Berlin, Germany and interviewed Elizabeth Sikiaridi and Frans Vogelaar of Hybrid Space Lab.

Interview City Makers New Europe @ Cities in Transition, University of Amsterdam, 8 July 2015

Humboldt Jungle @ TAZ

At the Berlin Castle, where the baroque façade is still missing, “Humboldt Jungle” is to grow.
On Tuesday evening, the project initiators spoke to experts and representatives of the various castle initiatives about possible implementations.

Publication Seductive Image, Brigitte Werneburg, Journalist @ TAZ, Berlin, 8 July 2015

New Civic @ Make City Berlin

Citizens take part in innumerable co-creation initiatives in the private and the public domains, and more importantly in the hybrid blur where the one can’t be separated from the other.

Lecture & Workshop Shaping the New Civic Smart City meets Creative City @ Make City, Berlin, 13 June 2015

Urban Lab @ Metropolitan Solutions

In the Dutch Urban Lab the Dutch Embassy in Berlin showcases in cooperation with Hybrid Space Lab and the City of Amsterdam the “Dutch Approach” on urban challenges.

Public Program Metropolitan Solutions Smart City Governance @ Dutch Urban Lab, CityCube, Berlin, 21 May 2015
Public Program Crisis Design @ Dutch Urban Lab, CityCube, Berlin, 22 May 2015

Internet of Things & Medical @ Conference Medical Technology

The Internet increasingly permeates our daily lives as more and with the Internet of Things (IoT) more objects are networked together.

Discussion, Panel & Conference Medical Technology @ Meelogic Consulting, Berlin, 23 April 2015

Affect Space @ open!

open! the platform for Art, Culture & the Public Domain published an essay by Eric Kluitenberg on Hybrid Space titled “Affect Space”.

Publication Affect Space, Eric Kluitenberg @ open! Platform for Art, Culture & the Public Domain, Amsterdam, 10 March 2015

Shrinking Car City @ Archined

Internet of Things Conference: at the intersection of technology and the built environment.

Publication, Paul van den Bergh @ Archined, The Netherlands, 21 May 2014

Hybridnet @ V2 Institute for Unstable Media

The lecture Hybridnet & Industry 4.0 will be streamed from the Hannover Messe 2014 and will take place at the Holland Smart City House in the TV studio, Halle 16, Metropolitan Solutions.

Lecture @ Hannover Messe, Metropolitan Solutions Conference Berlin, 9 April 2014
Lecture @ Internet of Things Conference Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 9 April 2014

Smart & the City @ Metropolitan Solutions

The animation film Smart & the City brings the themes processed at the “Metropolitan Solutions fair into the public realm, communicating to a general audience in a fresh, vibrant and generally comprehensive way.

Urban Screening Energy City, Water City, Green City, Participatory City @ Opera, Hannover, 7-11 April 2014
Publication Smart & the City @ Hannoversche Allgemeine, Hannover, 9 April 2014

Future Urbanism @ Strelka Institute for Media, Architecture and Design

“Future Urbanism” project – a collection of forty one interviews with contemporary writers, architects, sociologists, economists and city planners by Strelka in Moscow.

Interview Future Urbanism @ Strelka Institute for Media, Architecture and Design, Moscow, Russian Federation, 15 december 2013

Seeds of the Future @ Triennale di Milano

Exhibition at the Triennale di Milano reflecting on the themes of mobility, of living and working and imagining how energy research , new materials and ICT technologies will shape our daily over the next 20 years.

Exhibition Mobility Living Working @ Triennale di Milano, Milan, 9 October – 22 December 2013

CRISIS design @ Beijing Design Week 2013

How long can you hold your breath? Lecture on Crisis Design on September 26th 2013 at the event Our air! Our responsibility! , organized by Interactive Beijing and the Central Academy of Fine Arts Beijing.

Lecture Our Air! Our Responsibility! @ Beijing Design Week 2013, China Millennium Monument Museum of Digital Arts, Beijing, 26 September 2013

Hybrid Space Lab @ Refugium

Hybrid Space Lab’s work is exhibited at the Refugium: Berlin as a Design Principle exhibition at Tempelhof Flughafen Berlin.

Lecture & Exhibition @ DMY International Design Festival, Berlin Design Week 2013, Flughafen Tempelhof, Berlin, 5-9 June 2013

Dream Society @ Culture Station 284 Seoul

Hybrid Space Lab’s work is exhibited within the framework of the Dream Society exhibition at the Culture Station Seoul 284 from April 4th 2013 till May 26th 2013.

Exhibition Dream Society @ Culture Station 284, Seoul, South Korea, 4 April-26 May 2013

Hybrid City @ University of Sheffield School of Architecture Sheffield

Lecture on Hybrid City” at the University of Sheffield School of Architecture is part of the SHarc + SUAS Guest Lecture Series 2013-14.

Lecture SHarc + SUAS Guest Lecture @ University of Sheffield School of Architecture, Sheffield, 13 March 2013

The Future of Germany @ Club of Amsterdam

Hybrid Space Lab is invited to lecture “Inert Innovation” on “The Future of Germany” at the Club of Amsterdam.

Lecture Future of Germany & Panel Discussion @ Club of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 19:00-21:00, 20 April 2021

Hybrid Space @ Media Cultural Sciences University Utrecht

Max Urai interviews Professor Frans Vogelaar, who is a professor for Hybrid Space at the Academy of Media Arts in Cologne.

Interview by Max Urai @ BLIK #5.0, University Utrecht, Media and Cultural Sciences, Utrecht, The Netherlands, March 2012

Hybrid Prosumer @ Forbes

Hybrid Design initiated by Prof. Frans Vogelaar, Academy of Media Arts Cologne, approaches technological developments from the perspective of the designer, by “inhabiting technology”, by transforming these technological developments to meet the way we want to live. It introduces the design fields that are emerging through the combination and fusion of environments, objects and services in the information-communication age.

Publication Re: Thinking Innovation, Haydn Shaughnessy @ Forbes, USA, 16 October 2011

Hybrid Space @ Contemporary Art Center Torun

Discussing hybridization as a general approach and strategy and as a quality of urban spaces.
The public lecture serves as an introduction to the workshop “Hybrid Notations”.

Lecture Hybrid Space @ Contemporary Art Center Znaki Czasu, Torun, Poland, 31 March 2011

Hybrid Habitat @ European Forum Alpbach

What about security in our globalized world? The yearning for more security in our increasingly complex world and innovative solutions for coping with it.
Trust and security are becoming increasingly important for people in our globalized world. Globalization does not only take place “outside”; our own personal environment is also being globalized, with our real surroundings being expanded by virtual Internet space.

Lecture Hybrid Habitat @ European Forum Alpbach, Technology Forum, Security in a Globalized World Alpbach, Austria, 25 August 2006

Communication Space @ ISEA 2004

Today, the communicational paradigm, with its “network-cities” and “nodes”, “terminal architectures” and “urban branding strategies” is infiltrating and transforming the architectural/urban discourse and practice.

Lecture & Panel Architecture of Switching @ ISEA 2004, Helsinki, Finland, 19-22 August 2004

IdensityÂź of the Urbanite @ Cyber Art Congress Bilbao

To reinforce the significance of public space we have to deal with at least two “public”, the global and the local public, by creating spheres where local and global public space can fuse and interchange.

Lecture Idensity Âź of the Urbanite @ Cyber Art Congress, Bilbao, Spain, 23-30 April 2004

IdensityÂź @ Technoetic Arts

The world is changing and with it the cities.
The new possibilities of physical mobility in the industrial age have decisively influenced architecture and city planning.
The question now arises as to how much the present revolution of information and communication will have.

Lecture Technology & the City @ A2B International Architecture Symposium 02, Basel, Switserland, 24-25 January 2002

Mobility Immobility @ entourage

The conference A2B is an initiative of architect Jacques Herzog. This year’s exhibition “We are building the future for you” was presented by the prominent lecturers as designers of the future. International luminaries of architecture in real space like Toyo Ito were placed alongside pioneers of virtual architecture: Elizabeth Sikiaridi explained the term ‘idensity’, which has already been protected by her, which describes the density of media and urban networks and the fusion of virtual and real spaces.

Publication Architecture in the Information Age, Francesca Ferguson @ entourage, Switzerland, January 2002

Information Technology and the Urban @ de Balie

What is the role of urban planning in this highly dynamic unpredictable environment?
What could replace the failing instrument of prognosis?
What will the tools for processing possible urban transformations be?
Could hybrid (urban and media) environments function as generators (of trust) transforming planning to an event-communication (space) and entertainment zone?

Discussion & Lecture Science Friction @ de Orderverstoorders, de Balie, Amsterdam, 25 Januari 1999

Public Media Urban Interfaces @ Man Mass Media Conference

Interaction or Manipulation?
Man – Mass – Media, conference and exhibition organised by the Internationales Forum fĂŒr Gestaltung in Ulm.

Exhibition & Lab @ Internationales Forum fur Gestaltung, Ulm, Germany, 20-22 September 1996

Media Babies on Chanel no.5 @ Items

Telecommunications lacks the tangibility of real space. Conversely, the culture of the city needs to integrate digital technology.
How telecommunications and the city interact.
Media Babies on Chanel no.5 is a concept for a digital public structure for the city of London.

Article Network Architecture, Ed van Hinte @ Items #6, Netherlands, 20 September 1995

Demand Your Right To Broadcast! @ Architectural Association School of Architecture

Exhibition and publication at the Architectural Association School of Architecture on Networked Architecture.

Exhibition & Publication Demand Your Right To Broadcast @ Architectural Association, Architectural Association School of Architecture, 34-36 Bedford Square, London, 17-21 June 1991

Media Babies on CHANEL no. 5 @ Architectural Association School of Architecture

Exhibition presents the project “Media Babies on CHANEL no.5:” the fusion of media, architecture and urbanism.

Exhibition & Publication Future Media Space @ Architectural Association, Architectural Association School of Architecture, 34-36 Bedford Square, London, 28-30 June 1990

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Humboldt Futures @ Atlas der Datenkörper

Hybrid Space Lab developed a series of projects for the radical appropriation of the controversial Humboldt Forum in Berlin:
Whereas Humboldt Jungle formulated a strong vision for the re-wilding of the Forum and Humboldt Volcano developed a concrete architectural design solution that addresses many of the foreseeable problems in the Humboldt Forum and that could be realized in the (near) future, Humboldt Kosmos is a fictional universe based on Humboldt Forum that opens up a multiplicity of possible futures.

Publication Humboldt Futures @ Atlas der Datenkörper 2, Transcript Verlag, Germany, 27 May 2024

Poly Garden City @ SHEDIA Magazine

Playgrounds, gardens, sports areas.
The roofs of apartment buildings can become a true above-ground city, with multiple benefits for the environment and our socializing.

Interview @ SHEDIA magazine 111, Athens, May 2023

ANIMALfest @ Creative Tech Festival Berlin

The Berlin Government is establishing a creative and tech festival in Berlin in order to increase the city’s international appeal.
At the Public Presentations & Discussion event of the Berlin Creative & Tech Festival 2024-2029 at THFxIMPULSE Event Hybrid Space lab presents ANIMALfest.

Public Presentation & Discussion ANIMALfest @ THFxIMPULSE Event, Flughafen Tempelhof, Berlin, 31 May 2023

Startup Energy Transition @ Berlin Energy Transition Dialogue 2023

Startup Energy Transition Festival 2023 brings together a global network of innovators shaping the future of energy by start-ups, innovation-driven corporates, investors, & public organisations.

Panel Moderation & Lecture Building a Sustainable Future: Offsetting Emissions in Smart Cities @ Startup Energy Transition Festival 2023, Berlin, 28 March 2023
Participation @ Berlin Energy Transition Dialogue 2023, German Federal Foreign Office, Berlin, 29 March 2023

festCITY @ Creative Tech Festival Berlin

festCITY consists of a radical, situated approach to embed festival and cultural events into the city of Berlin and New York County.

Lecture #1 Town Hall Meeting @ betahaus, Berlin, 22 March 2023

Hybrid Space Lab @ Progressive Governance Summit 2022

Hybrid Space Lab is participating in the Progressive Governance Summit 2022 by the Progressive Zentrum on progressive politics.

Participation Progressive Governance Summit 2022 @ Progressive Zentrum, Haus Ungarn, Berlin, 13 October, 2022

eCommemoration Convention 2022 @ Körber Stiftung

Hybrid Space Lab is participating in the eCommemoration Convention 2022 at the Körber Stiftung.
The Körber Stiftung eCommemoration Program brings together international historians, museum makers, digital pioneers, and creatives to shape innovative and digital memory culture.

Participation @ eCommemoration Convention 2022, Körber Stiftung, 29- 30 September 2022

Hybrid Space Lab @ European Institute of Innovation and Technology

Hybrid Space Lab is participating INNOVEIT Berlin which brings together experts and entrepreneurs bringing the New European Bauhaus to life through innovation, creativity and design.

Participation INNOVEIT Berlin @ European Institute of Innovation and Technology, EIT Climate-KIC, Berlin, 23 September 2022

hybrid @ tanz

Hybrid Space Lab wrote the lead article “hybrid” for tanz yearbook 2022, the international magazine for ballet, dance and performance,  focussing on the body and space in the context of the physical and the digital.

Publication hybrid @ tanz, Germany, 19 August 2022

circulariCITY @ Bits & BĂ€ume 2022 Conference

Workshop and presentation of circulariCITY at the Bits & BĂ€ume 2022 Conference.
Bits & BĂ€ume connect communities and stand up for political change in the interaction of digitalisation and sustainability.

Presentation & Workshop circulariCITY @ Bits & BÀume 2022 Conference for Digitization and Sustainability, Technical University Berlin, 1 October 2022

Post COVID-19 City @ Academy of Media Arts

The pilot issue of KHM Magazine (#0) entitled “Out of Time” will address questions such as: What does it mean for people in general and artists in particular to have to keep their distance? How do we experience the changing world, the fears, hopes or anger, promises and consolations? How can we react to them or think of them in terms of a changed future? How is our relationship to closeness and distance changing?

Article Post COVID-19 City @ Academy of Media Arts, Cologne, Germany, 27 July 2022

Hybrid Space @ Digital Leaders in Architecture

How do digital technologies influence the architectural scene and its working world? What transformations are still ahead of us? And does all this change the quality of our cities?
Presented by SchĂŒco and Gira, Digital Leaders in Architecture provides architects with a platform for future scenarios and their embedding in reality. In 20-minute web sessions, opinion leaders from architecture are given the space to combine their specialist knowledge with future digital trends.

Interview & Lecture Hybrid Space @ Digital Leaders in Architecture, SchĂŒco International KG, Berlin, 1 July 2022

Hybrid Space Lab @ Smart Cities International Roundtable

Amsterdam Smart City is working together with Future City Foundation which is leading the realization of national (the Netherlands) City Deal.
Smart City: This is how you do it.Smart City: This is how you do it.

Discussion Smart Cities International Roundtable @ Amsterdam Smart Cit, Amsterdam, 7 June 2022

Hybrid Space Lab @ Weizenbaum Institute for the Networked Society Conference 2022

The Weizenbaum Institute for the Networked Society is organizing its 2022 annual conference on the subject of “Practicing Sovereignty. Interventions for open digital futures”.

Lecture @ Weizenbaum Institute for the Networked Society, Annual Conference Practicing Sovereignty, Berlin, 9-10 June 2022

Conflict Space @ ISEA 2022

The lecture and workshop Conflict Space takes place at the International Symposium on Electronic Art ISEA 2022 “Possibilities – Heritage and Futures” at the Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona.

Lecture & Workshop Conflict Space @ ISEA 2022 Symposium “Possibilities”, Heritage and Futures @ Museum of Contemporary Art, Barcelona, 12 June 2022 &  14 June 2022

ReWild Berlin @ bauhaus reuse BHROX

Hybrid Space Lab curates the pocket-size workshop on multispecies mobility at the BHROX bauhaus reuse in the framework of the Von A to B Fieldtrip – Amsterdam meets Berlin.

Lecture & Workshop @ BHROX bauhaus reuse, Berlin, 10.00-11.30, 9 February 2022

Hybrid Space @ The Future Now Show

Hybrid Space Lab lectures on Hybrid Space at The Future Now Show of the Club of Amsterdam.

Lecture @ Club of Amsterdam, The Future Now Show, Basel, Switserland, 1 February 2022

Smart City Expert Workshop @ City Lab Berlin

Hybrid Space Lab contributes to the Smart City Expert Workshop focussing on cultural issues, fostering the co-creative process to shape the content of Berlin’s Smart City strategy.

Workshop Smart City Expert @ Berlin Senate Chancellery and CityLAB Berlin, 7 January 2022

reWild Autobahn @ Smart City Berlin

ReWild Autobahn is presented at Smart City Berlin „Von A nach B” – Amsterdam meets Berlin.

Presentation, ReWild Autobahn @ Smart City Berlin „Von A nach B” – Amsterdam meets Berlin,  Berlin, Germany, 9 December 2021

Marleen Stikker @ INbetweenSTITUTE

Marleen Stikker, founder of Waag is presenting Future Lab at Hybrid Space Lab.

Lecture & Discussion, Marleen Stikker, Founder and Director, Waag Future Lab for design and technology @ Hybrid Space Lab, Berlin, Germany, 30 November 2021

reWild Autobahn @ BauNetz

Baunetz showcases ReWild Autobahn as part of the Berlin Atlas.

Publication ReWild Autobahn @ BauNetz, Berlin Atlas, Berlin, 19 November 2021

Hybrid is the Future! @ Kulturstiftung des Bundes

Workshop Hybrid is the Future! at the digital cultural innovation program dive in , Bundeskulturstiftung, Germany, 14 October 2021

Hybrid Workshop The Future is not Digital. Hybrid is the Future! @ Kulturstiftung des Bundes, HoloLab – dive in Program for Digital Interaction, Berlin, 14 October 2021

Hybrid Space @ Kulturstiftung des Bundes

Keynote Hybrid Space @ Culture at the digital cultural innovation program dive in , Bundeskulturstiftung, Germany, 22 September 2021

Keynote Hybrid Space @ Bundeskulturstiftung, dive in “new forms of artistic production”, Halle an der Saale, Germany, 22 September 2021

Kiez Lab @ Utopolis

Lecture and Workshop at Utopolis Conference 2021, Bundesverband Soziokultur e.V..

Lecture & Workshop Kiez Lab @ Utopolis German Federal Association for Socioculture, Digital Socioculture in the Neighborhood, Germany, 16 September 2021

Hybrid Space @ China University of Geo Sciences

With the rapid development and application of the discipline of human ergonomics, the number of people engaged in teaching and scientific research in the field of design ergonomics in China has been increasing.

Lecture Hybrid Space @ 2020 International Symposium on Design Ergonomics, Future · Awareness · Inclusion, China University of Geo Sciences, Wuhan, China, 29 December 2020

Deep Space @ archithese

Hybrid Space Lab analyzed “Valley of the Fallen” near Madrid – the pompous tomb for the fascist dictator Francisco Franco. They suggest leaving it unchanged but covering it with a new critical layer. Using augmented reality, they want to make hidden layers visible and write history from the victims’ perspective.

Publication Informing instead of glorifying, JĂžrg Himmelreich, @ archithese, Switserland, 28 November 2020

Kiez Lab @ Berlin Science Week

Kiez Lab looks at Berlin’s digital future through the eyes of city dwellers and residents, exploring new ways to align digital objectives with citizens’ needs.

Lecture & Workshop Kiez Lab @ Berlin Science Week, Participation in the Digital City, Berlin, 3 November 2020

Inclusive Democratic Digital @ Digital City Alliance Berlin

Workshop of the Digital City Alliance Berlin on “COVID-19: Lessons learned for the Berlin Digitization Strategy” focusing on observations and experiences during the spring 2020 pandemic and drawing conclusions for a democratic and inclusive digitization policy for Berlin.

Workshop Kiez Lab @ Bündnis digitale Stadt Berlin, 6 May 2020

Bricks & Bits @ Lithuanian Radio

Interview by RĆ«ta Leitanaitė on Lithuanian Radio on how the physical and the digital dimensions of the city interact, on how to develop cities in an integrated way, making the city more fair, comfortable, and attractive.

Interview City of Bricks and Bits, RĆ«ta Leitanaitė @ Lithuanian Radio, “Need an Architect”, Lithuania, 2 April 2020

Future Heritage @ Points of View

What would it be like if a volcano erupted next to the new Berlin City Palace?
If huge trees grew there, exotic plants proliferated and a waterfall cascaded down?

Publication Future Heritage @ Points of View, DASA Museum, Dortmund, Germany 1 March 2020

Experimental Space @ Weizenbaum Institute

What should spaces be like in which experiments with digital technologies are made, experienced and further developed? How can we provide access to and knowledge of digital technologies, and above all create ways to shape them, develop them further and experiment with them?

Open Lab @ Weizenbaum Institute, Berlin, 16 January 2020

Digital Strategy @ Digital City Alliance Berlin

More than thirty organisations and individuals from science and civil society sign the statement of the Digital City Alliance of Berlin. Berlin needs an inclusive digitization policy that focuses on people, nature and the common good. The development process of this strategy must be transparent and enable the active participation of civil society.

Declaration @ Bündnis digitale Stadt Berlin, 11 December 2019

Surveillance Capitalism & Cognitive Architecture @Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society

Surveillance Capitalism is becoming an established notion with a number of meanings around the commodification of personal information and Berlin lecture the social psychologist Shoshana Zuboff on 6 November 2019, organised by our partner Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society

Lecture Surveillance Capitalism, Professor Shoshana Zuboff @ Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society, Berlin, 6 November 2019 

KiezLab @ Alliance Digital City Berlin

The challenges of digital transformation are becoming more and more tangible in the daily lives of Berliners. There is an increasing need to get involved and take the city’s digital future into its one’s own hands. From 2019 Berlin will develop a digital strategy in which goals for the digital future of the capital are to be formulated.

Workshop Kiez Lab @ BĂŒndnis Digitale Stadt Berlin, Germany, 2019~2020

City to Go @ Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society

Ubiquitous digitization is increasingly transforming urban life in all its aspects and Smart City technologies promise unlimited efficiency to urban mobility solutions. It is however worth reflecting on why digitally supported and automated negotiation concerning, amongst others, mobility does not necessarily equal objective and fair decision-making.

Presentations & Discussion City to Go @ Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society, 15 July 2019, Berlin

City Making in the Digital Age @ Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society

City Making in the Digital Age is the kick-off event of City Making Lab, a co-operation between Hybrid Space Lab and Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society.Keynote speaker Marleen Stikker, co-founder of Waag Society, an Amsterdam based interdisciplinary non-profit media lab and research institute that aims to put social values at the core of technology by creating and promoting open, fair and inclusive innovations.

Keynote by Marleen Stikker , co-founder of Waag Society @ City Making in the Digital Age,  Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society, Berlin, 21 February 2019

Interview Future Heritage @ DASA Dortmund

Future is en vogue.
In 2018, she delivered the motto of the science year “Working Worlds of the Future”.
Daily, the media discusses the extent to which robots intervene in our everyday lives and what the progressive digitization is doing to us. And even exhibitions are not excluded from this.

Lecture Future Heritage @ DASA, Dortmund, Germany, 23-24 January 2019

Water Consious Fashion @ Fraulein

An initiative of the Hybrid Space Lab, in cooperation with the Neonyt Fair and the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Berlin.

Publication Neonyt Fair @ Fraulein Magazine, Germany, 15 January 2019

Digital Fabrication @ Aedes Metropolitan Laboratory

Craftsmanship in the Digital Age invites established manufacturers, proponents of newer digital production tools, architects, and building industry representatives, to co-articulate a craftsmanship approach to incorporating digital fabrication into architecture.

Lecture Prof. Dr. Richard Sennett, Centennial Professor of Sociology, London School of Economics @ ANCB The Aedes Metropolitan Laboratory, Berlin, 18 December 2017
Roundtable Discussion @ ANCB, The Aedes Metropolitan Laboratory, Berlin , 18 December 2017

NatureTecture @ MediaLab CAFA Beijing

Lecture “Naturetecture” at the Media Lab, Central Academy of Fine Arts in Beijing.

Lecture NatureTecture @ Media Lab, Central Academy of Fine Arts, No.8 Hua Jia Di Nan Street, Chao Yang District, Beijing, P.R. China, 27 November 2017

CLASH @ Xian Art Museum

CLASH refers to the clash of the encountering systems and functions as a social tool for bargaining, exchange and cross-fertilization.
CLASH is made out of elements that are to be transformed and expanded by visitors, tourists, artists, and inhabitants of Xi’an.
The futuristic and utopian installation CLASH embraces a social space and a shelter.

Exhibition CLASH @ Xi’an Art Museum, Xi’an, Shaanxi, P.R. China, 16 September-3 October 2017
Forum @ Xi’an Art Museum, Xi’an, Shaanxi, P.R. China, 10 September 2017

Smart & the City @ Xi’an Art Museum

The exhibition Silk Road, Portal to World Imagination at the Xi’an Art Museum in China re-imagines the cities along the Silk Road. Smart & the City showcases the integration of Smart Technologies and the Urban, as tools for a sustainable New Smart Silk Road.

Exhibition The 4 Session of the Silk Road International Art Festival @ Xi’an Art Museum, Xi’an, Shaanxi, P.R. China, 16 September-3 October 2017

Flexible Infrastructure @ TU Berlin

What are the social, economic, participatory, urban-architectural and technical concepts that Berlin as a Smart City really needs?
Smart City Berlin should address in an integrative way connected challenges such as urban growth and housing, migration and demographic change, mobility, use of resources and circularity, climate adaptation, citizen participation and digital networks.

Workshop Intelligent City Flexible Infrastructures for Smart City Development @ TU Berlin, HUMBOLDT-VIADRINA Governance Platform, Berlin, 21 November 2016

TOURcity @ ARTez

Tourism is a growing global phenomenon, adding to the wealth of cities, and contributing to the congestion of their “points of interest”; enabling global cultural exchange but also threatening local cultures and disrupting established local and global business models.
New forms of tourism are emerging such as Medical Tourism, Slow Tourism, Disaster Tourism, Slum Tourism, Culinary Tourism.

Lecture & Workshop FuTourism & Circular City @ ARTez, Arnhem, the Netherlands, 10 November 2016

Hybrid Culture @ Kulturinvest Conference

How do digital networks transform cultural institutions?
Digitalization supports hybridization as a fusion of creative artistic practices (post-medium art) as well as of cultural creators and consumers (cultural co-creation).
Participatory social media open up cultural institutions and transform them into active players in the creation of communities.

Keynote @ Tagesspiegel, Kulturinvest Conference, Digital Strategies & Social Media, Berlin, 4 November 2016

Ethics of Technology @ Beijing Media Art Biennale

Our current geological age is being described as “anthropocene”, as the epoch during which human activity is the dominant influence on climate and the environment.
But we do not need to consider a “longue durĂ©e” historical approach, giving priority to long-term historical structures over events.

Exhibition NatureTecture @ Beijing Media Art Biennale, China Millennium Monument, Beijing, 24 September – 30 October 2016
Lecture & Workshop NatureTecture @ Beijing Design Week 2016,  Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing, 30 September 2016

INbetweenSTITUTE @ Urban China Magazine

798 and the Creative Cluster Conundrum is a highly ambitious and innovative project in order to plan the next step of Beijing’s renowned 798 Art District and is presented during Beijing Design Week.

Workshop & Presentation INbetweenSTITUTE @ Urban China Magazine, Beijing, 26 – 27 September 2016

Refugees Futures @ DMY Festival 2016

Given the masses of uprooted people worldwide the question for solutions from the global design community arises to help refugees feel at home and support those that want or have to stay make their lives liveable.

Discussion Think Local Act Local! @ DMY Festival 2016,  Kraftwerk, Berlin, 2 June 2016

Culture of Sustainability @ Station Berlin

Can foreign cultural policy internationally promote sustainable concepts and processes?
How to communicate the complex issues of sustainability to a broad international audience by using cultural means in a playful and attractive way?
How to convey sustainability in an international intercultural context?

Lecture & Workshop Menschen Bewegen 2016 @ Station Berlin, Foreign Cultural Policy, Berlin, 15 April 2016

Landscape Urbanism @ Brandenburg Technical University

At the edges of the cities: landscape development strategies.

Publication Foundation of the Brandenburg Technical University Cottbus @ Brandenburg Technical University Cottbus-Senftenberg, Chair of Landscape Architecture and Planning, ISBN 978-3-940471-24-6, IKMZ University Library, Cottbus, Germany, 13 March 2016

B.A.N.G. @ Design Innovation Europe.

Subject to the exponential technological acceleration, challenged by alarming ecologic and social changes design’s role in shaping our increasingly hybrid world is changing.

Lecture & Discussion B.A.N.G. Design @ Design.Innovation.Europe., Embassy Kingdom of the Netherlands, Berlin, 30 November 2015

Hybrid Design @ Media Lab CAFA Beijing

Hybrid Design is a strategy that incorporates elements and processes from diverse fields that are in todays design practice not always perceived as compatible. This is a method to generate new design visions.

Lecture Hybrid Design @ Media Lab, Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing, 27 September 2015

Hybrid Heritage @ Beijing Design Week 2015

Hybrid Heritage is researching and designing contemporary interpretations and further development of heritage under a multicultural perspective.

Exhibition Hybrid Heritage @ Beijing Design Week 2015, Baitasi ReMade, no. 4 West Gongmenkou Hutong, Xicheng District, Beijing, 25 September-7 October 2015
Lecture Hybrid Heritage @ Baitasi Info Hub, No. 313 Fuchengmen Inner Street, Xicheng District, Beijing, 26 September 2015
Workshop Hybrid Heritage @ Media Lab, Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing, 26-27 September

Hybrid Design @ IFA Summit

Hybrid Space Lab’s Prof. Frans Vogelaar delivers the Keynote “Hybrid Design” at the IFA in Berlin, the global trade show for consumer electronics

Keynote Hybrid Design & Discussion @ IFA+ Summit, CityCube, Berlin, 8 September 2015

Cities in Transition @ University of Amsterdam

Students of the University of Amsterdam explored European cities, visited local initiatives and interviewed City Makers. This summer we publish their articles and interviews weekly. Maarten Ketelaar is spending a semester in Berlin, Germany and interviewed Elizabeth Sikiaridi and Frans Vogelaar of Hybrid Space Lab.

Interview City Makers New Europe @ Cities in Transition, University of Amsterdam, 8 July 2015

Humboldt Jungle @ TAZ

At the Berlin Castle, where the baroque façade is still missing, “Humboldt Jungle” is to grow.
On Tuesday evening, the project initiators spoke to experts and representatives of the various castle initiatives about possible implementations.

Publication Seductive Image, Brigitte Werneburg, Journalist @ TAZ, Berlin, 8 July 2015

New Civic @ Make City Berlin

Citizens take part in innumerable co-creation initiatives in the private and the public domains, and more importantly in the hybrid blur where the one can’t be separated from the other.

Lecture & Workshop Shaping the New Civic Smart City meets Creative City @ Make City, Berlin, 13 June 2015

Urban Lab @ Metropolitan Solutions

In the Dutch Urban Lab the Dutch Embassy in Berlin showcases in cooperation with Hybrid Space Lab and the City of Amsterdam the “Dutch Approach” on urban challenges.

Public Program Metropolitan Solutions Smart City Governance @ Dutch Urban Lab, CityCube, Berlin, 21 May 2015
Public Program Crisis Design @ Dutch Urban Lab, CityCube, Berlin, 22 May 2015

Internet of Things & Medical @ Conference Medical Technology

The Internet increasingly permeates our daily lives as more and with the Internet of Things (IoT) more objects are networked together.

Discussion, Panel & Conference Medical Technology @ Meelogic Consulting, Berlin, 23 April 2015

Affect Space @ open!

open! the platform for Art, Culture & the Public Domain published an essay by Eric Kluitenberg on Hybrid Space titled “Affect Space”.

Publication Affect Space, Eric Kluitenberg @ open! Platform for Art, Culture & the Public Domain, Amsterdam, 10 March 2015

Shrinking Car City @ Archined

Internet of Things Conference: at the intersection of technology and the built environment.

Publication, Paul van den Bergh @ Archined, The Netherlands, 21 May 2014

Hybridnet @ V2 Institute for Unstable Media

The lecture Hybridnet & Industry 4.0 will be streamed from the Hannover Messe 2014 and will take place at the Holland Smart City House in the TV studio, Halle 16, Metropolitan Solutions.

Lecture @ Hannover Messe, Metropolitan Solutions Conference Berlin, 9 April 2014
Lecture @ Internet of Things Conference Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 9 April 2014

Smart & the City @ Metropolitan Solutions

The animation film Smart & the City brings the themes processed at the “Metropolitan Solutions fair into the public realm, communicating to a general audience in a fresh, vibrant and generally comprehensive way.

Urban Screening Energy City, Water City, Green City, Participatory City @ Opera, Hannover, 7-11 April 2014
Publication Smart & the City @ Hannoversche Allgemeine, Hannover, 9 April 2014

Future Urbanism @ Strelka Institute for Media, Architecture and Design

“Future Urbanism” project – a collection of forty one interviews with contemporary writers, architects, sociologists, economists and city planners by Strelka in Moscow.

Interview Future Urbanism @ Strelka Institute for Media, Architecture and Design, Moscow, Russian Federation, 15 december 2013

Seeds of the Future @ Triennale di Milano

Exhibition at the Triennale di Milano reflecting on the themes of mobility, of living and working and imagining how energy research , new materials and ICT technologies will shape our daily over the next 20 years.

Exhibition Mobility Living Working @ Triennale di Milano, Milan, 9 October – 22 December 2013

CRISIS design @ Beijing Design Week 2013

How long can you hold your breath? Lecture on Crisis Design on September 26th 2013 at the event Our air! Our responsibility! , organized by Interactive Beijing and the Central Academy of Fine Arts Beijing.

Lecture Our Air! Our Responsibility! @ Beijing Design Week 2013, China Millennium Monument Museum of Digital Arts, Beijing, 26 September 2013

Hybrid Space Lab @ Refugium

Hybrid Space Lab’s work is exhibited at the Refugium: Berlin as a Design Principle exhibition at Tempelhof Flughafen Berlin.

Lecture & Exhibition @ DMY International Design Festival, Berlin Design Week 2013, Flughafen Tempelhof, Berlin, 5-9 June 2013

Dream Society @ Culture Station 284 Seoul

Hybrid Space Lab’s work is exhibited within the framework of the Dream Society exhibition at the Culture Station Seoul 284 from April 4th 2013 till May 26th 2013.

Exhibition Dream Society @ Culture Station 284, Seoul, South Korea, 4 April-26 May 2013

Hybrid City @ University of Sheffield School of Architecture Sheffield

Lecture on Hybrid City” at the University of Sheffield School of Architecture is part of the SHarc + SUAS Guest Lecture Series 2013-14.

Lecture SHarc + SUAS Guest Lecture @ University of Sheffield School of Architecture, Sheffield, 13 March 2013

The Future of Germany @ Club of Amsterdam

Hybrid Space Lab is invited to lecture “Inert Innovation” on “The Future of Germany” at the Club of Amsterdam.

Lecture Future of Germany & Panel Discussion @ Club of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 19:00-21:00, 20 April 2021

Hybrid Space @ Media Cultural Sciences University Utrecht

Max Urai interviews Professor Frans Vogelaar, who is a professor for Hybrid Space at the Academy of Media Arts in Cologne.

Interview by Max Urai @ BLIK #5.0, University Utrecht, Media and Cultural Sciences, Utrecht, The Netherlands, March 2012

Hybrid Prosumer @ Forbes

Hybrid Design initiated by Prof. Frans Vogelaar, Academy of Media Arts Cologne, approaches technological developments from the perspective of the designer, by “inhabiting technology”, by transforming these technological developments to meet the way we want to live. It introduces the design fields that are emerging through the combination and fusion of environments, objects and services in the information-communication age.

Publication Re: Thinking Innovation, Haydn Shaughnessy @ Forbes, USA, 16 October 2011

Hybrid Space @ Contemporary Art Center Torun

Discussing hybridization as a general approach and strategy and as a quality of urban spaces.
The public lecture serves as an introduction to the workshop “Hybrid Notations”.

Lecture Hybrid Space @ Contemporary Art Center Znaki Czasu, Torun, Poland, 31 March 2011

Hybrid Habitat @ European Forum Alpbach

What about security in our globalized world? The yearning for more security in our increasingly complex world and innovative solutions for coping with it.
Trust and security are becoming increasingly important for people in our globalized world. Globalization does not only take place “outside”; our own personal environment is also being globalized, with our real surroundings being expanded by virtual Internet space.

Lecture Hybrid Habitat @ European Forum Alpbach, Technology Forum, Security in a Globalized World Alpbach, Austria, 25 August 2006

Communication Space @ ISEA 2004

Today, the communicational paradigm, with its “network-cities” and “nodes”, “terminal architectures” and “urban branding strategies” is infiltrating and transforming the architectural/urban discourse and practice.

Lecture & Panel Architecture of Switching @ ISEA 2004, Helsinki, Finland, 19-22 August 2004

IdensityÂź of the Urbanite @ Cyber Art Congress Bilbao

To reinforce the significance of public space we have to deal with at least two “public”, the global and the local public, by creating spheres where local and global public space can fuse and interchange.

Lecture Idensity Âź of the Urbanite @ Cyber Art Congress, Bilbao, Spain, 23-30 April 2004

IdensityÂź @ Technoetic Arts

The world is changing and with it the cities.
The new possibilities of physical mobility in the industrial age have decisively influenced architecture and city planning.
The question now arises as to how much the present revolution of information and communication will have.

Lecture Technology & the City @ A2B International Architecture Symposium 02, Basel, Switserland, 24-25 January 2002

Mobility Immobility @ entourage

The conference A2B is an initiative of architect Jacques Herzog. This year’s exhibition “We are building the future for you” was presented by the prominent lecturers as designers of the future. International luminaries of architecture in real space like Toyo Ito were placed alongside pioneers of virtual architecture: Elizabeth Sikiaridi explained the term ‘idensity’, which has already been protected by her, which describes the density of media and urban networks and the fusion of virtual and real spaces.

Publication Architecture in the Information Age, Francesca Ferguson @ entourage, Switzerland, January 2002

Information Technology and the Urban @ de Balie

What is the role of urban planning in this highly dynamic unpredictable environment?
What could replace the failing instrument of prognosis?
What will the tools for processing possible urban transformations be?
Could hybrid (urban and media) environments function as generators (of trust) transforming planning to an event-communication (space) and entertainment zone?

Discussion & Lecture Science Friction @ de Orderverstoorders, de Balie, Amsterdam, 25 Januari 1999

Public Media Urban Interfaces @ Man Mass Media Conference

Interaction or Manipulation?
Man – Mass – Media, conference and exhibition organised by the Internationales Forum fĂŒr Gestaltung in Ulm.

Exhibition & Lab @ Internationales Forum fur Gestaltung, Ulm, Germany, 20-22 September 1996

Media Babies on Chanel no.5 @ Items

Telecommunications lacks the tangibility of real space. Conversely, the culture of the city needs to integrate digital technology.
How telecommunications and the city interact.
Media Babies on Chanel no.5 is a concept for a digital public structure for the city of London.

Article Network Architecture, Ed van Hinte @ Items #6, Netherlands, 20 September 1995

Demand Your Right To Broadcast! @ Architectural Association School of Architecture

Exhibition and publication at the Architectural Association School of Architecture on Networked Architecture.

Exhibition & Publication Demand Your Right To Broadcast @ Architectural Association, Architectural Association School of Architecture, 34-36 Bedford Square, London, 17-21 June 1991

Media Babies on CHANEL no. 5 @ Architectural Association School of Architecture

Exhibition presents the project “Media Babies on CHANEL no.5:” the fusion of media, architecture and urbanism.

Exhibition & Publication Future Media Space @ Architectural Association, Architectural Association School of Architecture, 34-36 Bedford Square, London, 28-30 June 1990