#Future Lab


Future Heritage @ Points of View

What would it be like if a volcano erupted next to the new Berlin City Palace?
If huge trees grew there, exotic plants proliferated and a waterfall cascaded down?

Publication Future Heritage @ Points of View, DASA Museum, Dortmund, Germany 1 March 2020

Experimental Space @ Weizenbaum Institute

What should spaces be like in which experiments with digital technologies are made, experienced and further developed? How can we provide access to and knowledge of digital technologies, and above all create ways to shape them, develop them further and experiment with them?

Open Lab @ Weizenbaum Institute, Berlin, 16 January 2020

Digital Strategy @ Digital City Alliance Berlin

More than thirty organisations and individuals from science and civil society sign the statement of the Digital City Alliance of Berlin. Berlin needs an inclusive digitization policy that focuses on people, nature and the common good. The development process of this strategy must be transparent and enable the active participation of civil society.

Declaration @ Bündnis digitale Stadt Berlin, 11 December 2019

Surveillance Capitalism & Cognitive Architecture @Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society

Surveillance Capitalism is becoming an established notion with a number of meanings around the commodification of personal information and Berlin lecture the social psychologist Shoshana Zuboff on 6 November 2019, organised by our partner Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society

Lecture Surveillance Capitalism, Professor Shoshana Zuboff @ Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society, Berlin, 6 November 2019 

KiezLab @ Alliance Digital City Berlin

The challenges of digital transformation are becoming more and more tangible in the daily lives of Berliners. There is an increasing need to get involved and take the city’s digital future into its one’s own hands. From 2019 Berlin will develop a digital strategy in which goals for the digital future of the capital are to be formulated.

Workshop Kiez Lab @ BĂŒndnis Digitale Stadt Berlin, Germany, 2019~2020

City to Go @ Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society

Ubiquitous digitization is increasingly transforming urban life in all its aspects and Smart City technologies promise unlimited efficiency to urban mobility solutions. It is however worth reflecting on why digitally supported and automated negotiation concerning, amongst others, mobility does not necessarily equal objective and fair decision-making.

Presentations & Discussion City to Go @ Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society, 15 July 2019, Berlin

City Making in the Digital Age @ Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society

City Making in the Digital Age is the kick-off event of City Making Lab, a co-operation between Hybrid Space Lab and Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society.Keynote speaker Marleen Stikker, co-founder of Waag Society, an Amsterdam based interdisciplinary non-profit media lab and research institute that aims to put social values at the core of technology by creating and promoting open, fair and inclusive innovations.

Keynote by Marleen Stikker , co-founder of Waag Society @ City Making in the Digital Age,  Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society, Berlin, 21 February 2019

Interview Future Heritage @ DASA Dortmund

Future is en vogue.
In 2018, she delivered the motto of the science year “Working Worlds of the Future”.
Daily, the media discusses the extent to which robots intervene in our everyday lives and what the progressive digitization is doing to us. And even exhibitions are not excluded from this.

Lecture Future Heritage @ DASA, Dortmund, Germany, 23-24 January 2019

Water Consious Fashion @ Fraulein

An initiative of the Hybrid Space Lab, in cooperation with the Neonyt Fair and the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Berlin.

Publication Neonyt Fair @ Fraulein Magazine, Germany, 15 January 2019

Digital Fabrication @ Aedes Metropolitan Laboratory

Craftsmanship in the Digital Age invites established manufacturers, proponents of newer digital production tools, architects, and building industry representatives, to co-articulate a craftsmanship approach to incorporating digital fabrication into architecture.

Lecture Prof. Dr. Richard Sennett, Centennial Professor of Sociology, London School of Economics @ ANCB The Aedes Metropolitan Laboratory, Berlin, 18 December 2017
Roundtable Discussion @ ANCB, The Aedes Metropolitan Laboratory, Berlin , 18 December 2017

NatureTecture @ MediaLab CAFA Beijing

Lecture “Naturetecture” at the Media Lab, Central Academy of Fine Arts in Beijing.

Lecture NatureTecture @ Media Lab, Central Academy of Fine Arts, No.8 Hua Jia Di Nan Street, Chao Yang District, Beijing, P.R. China, 27 November 2017

Smart & the City @ Xi’an Art Museum

The exhibition Silk Road, Portal to World Imagination at the Xi’an Art Museum in China re-imagines the cities along the Silk Road. Smart & the City showcases the integration of Smart Technologies and the Urban, as tools for a sustainable New Smart Silk Road.

Exhibition The 4 Session of the Silk Road International Art Festival @ Xi’an Art Museum, Xi’an, Shaanxi, P.R. China, 16 September-3 October 2017

CLASH @ Xian Art Museum

CLASH refers to the clash of the encountering systems and functions as a social tool for bargaining, exchange and cross-fertilization.
CLASH is made out of elements that are to be transformed and expanded by visitors, tourists, artists, and inhabitants of Xi’an.
The futuristic and utopian installation CLASH embraces a social space and a shelter.

Exhibition CLASH @ Xi’an Art Museum, Xi’an, Shaanxi, P.R. China, 16 September-3 October 2017
Forum @ Xi’an Art Museum, Xi’an, Shaanxi, P.R. China, 10 September 2017

Flexible Infrastructure @ TU Berlin

What are the social, economic, participatory, urban-architectural and technical concepts that Berlin as a Smart City really needs?
Smart City Berlin should address in an integrative way connected challenges such as urban growth and housing, migration and demographic change, mobility, use of resources and circularity, climate adaptation, citizen participation and digital networks.

Workshop Intelligent City Flexible Infrastructures for Smart City Development @ TU Berlin, HUMBOLDT-VIADRINA Governance Platform, Berlin, 21 November 2016

TOURcity @ ARTez

Tourism is a growing global phenomenon, adding to the wealth of cities, and contributing to the congestion of their “points of interest”; enabling global cultural exchange but also threatening local cultures and disrupting established local and global business models.
New forms of tourism are emerging such as Medical Tourism, Slow Tourism, Disaster Tourism, Slum Tourism, Culinary Tourism.

Lecture & Workshop FuTourism & Circular City @ ARTez, Arnhem, the Netherlands, 10 November 2016

Hybrid Culture @ Kulturinvest Conference

How do digital networks transform cultural institutions?
Digitalization supports hybridization as a fusion of creative artistic practices (post-medium art) as well as of cultural creators and consumers (cultural co-creation).
Participatory social media open up cultural institutions and transform them into active players in the creation of communities.

Keynote @ Tagesspiegel, Kulturinvest Conference, Digital Strategies & Social Media, Berlin, 4 November 2016

Ethics of Technology @ Beijing Media Art Biennale

Our current geological age is being described as “anthropocene”, as the epoch during which human activity is the dominant influence on climate and the environment.
But we do not need to consider a “longue durĂ©e” historical approach, giving priority to long-term historical structures over events.

Exhibition NatureTecture @ Beijing Media Art Biennale, China Millennium Monument, Beijing, 24 September – 30 October 2016
Lecture & Workshop NatureTecture @ Beijing Design Week 2016,  Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing, 30 September 2016

INbetweenSTITUTE @ Urban China Magazine

798 and the Creative Cluster Conundrum is a highly ambitious and innovative project in order to plan the next step of Beijing’s renowned 798 Art District and is presented during Beijing Design Week.

Workshop & Presentation INbetweenSTITUTE @ Urban China Magazine, Beijing, 26 – 27 September 2016

Refugees Futures @ DMY Festival 2016

Given the masses of uprooted people worldwide the question for solutions from the global design community arises to help refugees feel at home and support those that want or have to stay make their lives liveable.

Discussion Think Local Act Local! @ DMY Festival 2016,  Kraftwerk, Berlin, 2 June 2016

Culture of Sustainability @ Station Berlin

Can foreign cultural policy internationally promote sustainable concepts and processes?
How to communicate the complex issues of sustainability to a broad international audience by using cultural means in a playful and attractive way?
How to convey sustainability in an international intercultural context?

Lecture & Workshop Menschen Bewegen 2016 @ Station Berlin, Foreign Cultural Policy, Berlin, 15 April 2016

Landscape Urbanism @ Brandenburg Technical University

At the edges of the cities: landscape development strategies.

Publication Foundation of the Brandenburg Technical University Cottbus @ Brandenburg Technical University Cottbus-Senftenberg, Chair of Landscape Architecture and Planning, ISBN 978-3-940471-24-6, IKMZ University Library, Cottbus, Germany, 13 March 2016

B.A.N.G. @ Design Innovation Europe.

Subject to the exponential technological acceleration, challenged by alarming ecologic and social changes design’s role in shaping our increasingly hybrid world is changing.

Lecture & Discussion B.A.N.G. Design @ Design.Innovation.Europe., Embassy Kingdom of the Netherlands, Berlin, 30 November 2015

Hybrid Design @ Media Lab CAFA Beijing

Hybrid Design is a strategy that incorporates elements and processes from diverse fields that are in todays design practice not always perceived as compatible. This is a method to generate new design visions.

Lecture Hybrid Design @ Media Lab, Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing, 27 September 2015

Hybrid Heritage @ Beijing Design Week 2015

Hybrid Heritage is researching and designing contemporary interpretations and further development of heritage under a multicultural perspective.

Exhibition Hybrid Heritage @ Beijing Design Week 2015, Baitasi ReMade, no. 4 West Gongmenkou Hutong, Xicheng District, Beijing, 25 September-7 October 2015
Lecture Hybrid Heritage @ Baitasi Info Hub, No. 313 Fuchengmen Inner Street, Xicheng District, Beijing, 26 September 2015
Workshop Hybrid Heritage @ Media Lab, Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing, 26-27 September

Hybrid Design @ IFA Summit

Hybrid Space Lab’s Prof. Frans Vogelaar delivers the Keynote “Hybrid Design” at the IFA in Berlin, the global trade show for consumer electronics

Keynote Hybrid Design & Discussion @ IFA+ Summit, CityCube, Berlin, 8 September 2015

Cities in Transition @ University of Amsterdam

Students of the University of Amsterdam explored European cities, visited local initiatives and interviewed City Makers. This summer we publish their articles and interviews weekly. Maarten Ketelaar is spending a semester in Berlin, Germany and interviewed Elizabeth Sikiaridi and Frans Vogelaar of Hybrid Space Lab.

Interview City Makers New Europe @ Cities in Transition, University of Amsterdam, 8 July 2015

Humboldt Jungle @ TAZ

At the Berlin Castle, where the baroque façade is still missing, “Humboldt Jungle” is to grow.
On Tuesday evening, the project initiators spoke to experts and representatives of the various castle initiatives about possible implementations.

Publication Seductive Image, Brigitte Werneburg, Journalist @ TAZ, Berlin, 8 July 2015

New Civic @ Make City Berlin

Citizens take part in innumerable co-creation initiatives in the private and the public domains, and more importantly in the hybrid blur where the one can’t be separated from the other.

Lecture & Workshop Shaping the New Civic Smart City meets Creative City @ Make City, Berlin, 13 June 2015

Urban Lab @ Metropolitan Solutions

In the Dutch Urban Lab the Dutch Embassy in Berlin showcases in cooperation with Hybrid Space Lab and the City of Amsterdam the “Dutch Approach” on urban challenges.

Public Program Metropolitan Solutions Smart City Governance @ Dutch Urban Lab, CityCube, Berlin, 21 May 2015
Public Program Crisis Design @ Dutch Urban Lab, CityCube, Berlin, 22 May 2015



BETWEENstitute speculates on new hybrid models for culture and develops future visions for Berlin cultural networks involved in research, production and distribution of media culture.
BETWEENstitute is developed and curated by Hybrid Space Lab, on invitation by transmediale and CTM Festival.

Workshop SPIEL lab @ Hybrid Space Lab, Berlin, 10.00-13.00, 28 January 2025
Roundtable Discussion BETWEENstitute @ transmediale, Kuppelhalle silent green, Berlin, 16.00-17.30, 30 January 2025
Workshops BETWEENstitute @ Hybrid Space Lab, Berlin, 15 March-15 July 2025

Cool Cities

With our planet getting hotter and hotter, we need to cool down our cities!
Consultancy to the Deputy Mayor of Athens for Climate Governance and Social Economy, Nikos Chrysogelos, focusing on urban climate adaptation strategies.

Consultancy Cool Down Cities @ Municipality of Athens, Deputy Mayor of Athens for Climate Governance and Social Economy Nikos Chrysogelos, Athens 25 August 2024


KOSMOS is a prototype for innovative venues dedicated to global cultural interaction and an experimentation space for the future of museums and cultural institutions.
Offering a hybrid (combined digital/physical) infrastructure that fosters transcultural exchange, KOSMOS is open to all people and communities worldwide who have Internet access to participate in this co-creative platform, to interact and collectively envision new cultural futures.

Kosmos @ Hybrid Space Lab, 2024

Creative & Tech Festival Berlin

Hybrid Space Lab’s innovative concepts have been incorporated as recommendations for action in the White Paper of the Creative & Tech Festival Berlin.

Concept Hybrid & Crossover @ White Paper Creative Festival Berlin, 12 June 2023


Ecological transition implies and demands a conceptual mutation, a paradigm shift.
This global transistion has to integrate also other systems of knowledge and ways of conceiving the world, some of which are still organizing the daily lives of the inhabitants of cities in the Global South, and are often shunned and disregarded in the Global North.

Labs & Fests @ Glocal, 2023~2026


festCITY consists of a radical, situated approach to embed festival and cultural events into the city. It entails a process-oriented think-tank to sustainably integrate festivals and festival designing and making into the environment, with a crossover, hybrid approach that combines Berlin’s (bio)diversity leveraging unexpected encounters and combinations from the cultural and tech fields.

Lecture FESTcity, Town Hall Meeting #1 @ betahaus, Berlin, 22 March 2023

Next Stop Culture

Animal Club connects creatives, ecologists, biologists, artists, philosophers and other experts with professionals from the club scene to generate new concepts and develop new business models for a sustainable future of clubbing and culture.

Presentation, Workshop, Panel, Party @ Amsterdam Dance Event @ SEXYLAND World, Amsterdam, 16.00-24.00, 2022

Animal Club

Animal Club connects creatives, ecologists, biologists, artists, philosophers and other experts with professionals from the club scene to generate new concepts and develop new business models for a sustainable future of clubbing and culture.

Presentation, Workshop, Panel & Party Animal Club, Co-Hosted by VibeLab @ Amsterdam Dance Event, SEXYLAND World, 1 Noordwal, 1021 PX Amsterdam, 20 October 2022


The notion of a circular city has taken to occupy center stage as a main concept for sustainable zero-waste urban futures. And yet, as one takes a closer look, the circle expands in multiple ripples and loops, revealing the sheer complexity that envisioning – let alone developing – circular cities entail.

Presentation & Workshop Cities in the Loop: Re-coding the Circular City @ Hybrid Space Lab, Berlin, 1 July 2022
Presentation & Workshop zirkularKIEZ @ Bits & BĂ€ume 2022 Conference for Digitization and Sustainability, Technical University Berlin, 2 October 2022


The way people communicate and connect around the world today, is being radically redefined by digitalization.
With the acceleration of digitization as one of the most obvious consequences of the pandemic, the use of digital tools is experiencing an unprecedented rise among arts and cultural institutions and practices.

Publication @ tanz Yearbook 2022, Germany, 15 August 2022


Convers(at)ions engages creatively with exchanges over border phenomenology and performativity, it transforms negative spaces such as military demarcations and borders by adopting a ‘more-than-human’ perspective and taps into the potential of nature and environmental conservation activities.

Research @ Korean Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) &  European Green Belt (EGB), Berlin & Seoul, October 2019~2023


The future of culture is hybrid. Cultural innovation lies in the cross-pollination between different fields, approaches and expertise.

Lectures, Presentations, Discussions & Cooking @ Hybrid Space Lab, Berlin, 2021~2023
Presentation & , Discussion Marleen Stikker, founder and director Waag Future Lab for Design and Technology @ Hybrid Space Lab, Berlin, 18.00-20.00, 30 November 2021
Presentation & Discussion Hybrid Face, Merlijn Schoonenboom, cultural historian and journalist @ Hybrid Space Lab, Berlin, 18.00-21.00, 19 May 2023
Cooking & Sound,  The Common Meal, FM Einheit, musician, sound researcher, actor, composer, producer and founding member EinstĂŒrzende Neubauten, LI Zhenhua, master chef, curator, poet, filmmaker and artist, Prof. Dr. Siegfried Zielinski, media archaeologist, writer and curator @ Hybrid Space Lab, Berlin, February 2023

Future Cultural Space

What are engaging, inclusive, and sustainable hybrid formats and spaces for art and culture?
For the German Federal Cultural Fund Hybrid Space Lab developed a workshop on the hybrid future of culture.

Hybrid Workshop “The Future is not Digital. Hybrid is the Future!” @ Kulturstiftung des Bundes, HoloLab – dive in Program for Digital Interaction, Halle an der Saale, Germany 14 October 2021

Hybrid Spaces

Investigating and speculating on the future of social and cultural spaces requires considering physical spaces in combination with digital media networks, emphasizing the hybrid qualities of spaces in the interplay of the digital and the physical.

Publication Hybrid Space @ @ Regeneration [and its Discontents], Lithuanian Architectural Foundation, Vilnius, Lithuania, 4 June 2021

Co-Creating Hybrid Culture

For the German Federal Cultural Foundation Hybrid Space Lab developed Co-Creating Hybrid Culture that addresses the augmenting of physical cultural sites and practices through digital spaces via transdisciplinary co-creating events.

Keynote Future Cultural Space @ Kulturstiftung des Bundes, HoloLab – dive in Program for Digital Interaction, Halle an der Saale, Germany, 16.00 – 17.00, 22 September 2021
Research & Concept @ German Federal Cultural Foundation, Halle an der Saale, Germany, 2021

Grow Your Green City

Grow Your Green City is an international campaign creating awareness of the fundamental role played by urban green. Grow Your Green City is committed to the idea that a Smart City should be a climate-conscious city, exploring how digital and media technologies can contribute to address urban climate adaptation and water-conscious urban development, strengthening and promoting sustainability cultures.

Workshop Grow Your Green City @ Floriade Expo 2022, Almere, The Netherlands, 25 February 2021

Resignify City

Focussing on rereading the cityscape, granting visibility and recognition to voices and histories previously silenced, the program focuses on fostering memory-making and processing through the development of innovative, participatory methods that do not physically touch the spaces involved.

Lectures & Workshop Resignify City @ Media Architecture Biennale 2021, Amsterdam, Utrecht, The Netherlands, 24 June 2021

Club Futures

Club Futures is an international laboratory with the aim of developing new perspectives for the club and cultural scene.

Exchange, Ideation, Research, Panels, Parties, Prototyping, Workshops @ Club Futures, Hybrid Space Lab, Berlin & Amsterdam, 2022~2023

Reboot Culture

Reboot Culture experiments with collective cultural experiences deeply rooted in urban space, combining public physical space and public digital space. Through hybrid formats and the support of a mobile, modular media infrastructure, the program engages with practices that can make culture ‘go-round’ in its hybridity, embedding cultural co-creation in the city fabric. With floating stage and studio facilities at the riversides Reboot Culture merges (urban) landscapes with Hybrid Staging, developing a strong symbolic momentum for the rebooting of culture.

Concerts, Jam-sessions, Performances, Screenings & Narrow- and Broadcasts @ Instrument Inventors, Royal Academy of Art & Royal Conservatoire the Hague, Sonic Acts, V2 Lab for Unstable Media, Waag technology & society, The Netherlands, 2020-2021


As museums and cultural institutions face the prospect of a 1.5mt-apart life and economy, how to offer meaningful visitors’ experiences whilst keeping afloat of financial needs has become a most pressing question.

Research & Ideation @ Hybrid Space Lab, Berlin, 2020

Hybrid Staging

With its physical distancing measures, the COVID-19 pandemic is destroying public space as we know it.
The current crisis creates the necessity – and emergency – to rethink cultural space.

Research, Lectures & Workshops @ Cultural Institutions, Germany, 2020-2021
Keynote Hybrid Space @ Culture @ Kulturstiftung des Bundes, HoloLab – dive in Program for Digital Interaction, Halle an der Saale, Germany, 16.00 – 17.00, 22 September 2021
Hybrid Workshop The Future is not Digital. Hybrid is the Future! @ Kulturstiftung des Bundes, HoloLab – dive in Program for Digital Interaction, 13.30–18.00, 14 October 2021
Workshop Hybrid Platforms @ Next Level Festival for Games, Kokskohlenbunker, Zeche Zollverein, Essen, Germany, 14.00–16.30, 14 November 2020

Networked City

What is the relationship between city visions and urban concepts from the past and today’s Smart City narratives?

Lectures & Discussion Visions, Concepts and Narratives for the Networked City @ Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society, Berlin, 20 February 2020

Kiez Lab

Kiez Lab is a hybrid (combined physical-digital) low-threshold cross-sector neighbourhood lab with inclusive co-creative formats to permanently bring local perspectives and civil society experiences into the digital transformation of the City of Berlin.

Publications, Presentation, Lectures & Workshops @ Alliance Digital City Berlin, Marlowes Online Magazin for Architectur and City, Berlin Science Week, Mein Berlin,Utopolis Federal Association for Social Culture, Academy for Media Arts, Berlin Cologne, Stuttgart, 2019-2022

Tools for Heritage

By unlocking the potential laying at the intersection between arts, technology, memory studies and sciences, Deep Space has cracked open the interwoven, historically painful meanings of the controversial monument Valle de los Caídos, envisioning its possible futures, once Franco’s remains will be exhumed from the site.

Exhibition, Lecture & Discussion 5 June 2019 @ Goethe Institut, Madrid, 5 June 2019

City Making in the Digital Age

Digitalization transforms our cities, with far-reaching efforts towards technology-powered increased efficiency, sustainability and at times participation. This raises new questions on privacy, data governance and (digital) design, historically unaddressed by city planning, architecture, civil society and governance. With cities worldwide striving to earn a “Smart City” reputation, it is however disputed who exactly benefits from these concepts.

Lectures & Discussion City Making in the Digital Age @ Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society, Berlin, 21 February 2019

Future Diplomacy Lab

We are experiencing a structural change in the function of diplomats due to the changing role of the nation state in our globalized and increasingly digital and networked world.
Future Diplomacy Lab creates an inspirational space to speculate on possible diplomacy applications by projecting onto diplomacy innovative digital solutions from numerous fields.

Lectures & Workshop Future Diplomacy Lab @ Diplomacy Camp, Embassy Kingdom of the Netherlands, Brussels, 7 February 2019

Water Conscious Fashion

Water is the necessary resource for life. Human settlements have always been dependent upon access to clean water and its relative scarcity – freshwater makes up only 2.5% of water available on the earth – has awarded it the name ‘blue gold’. If world population increases as expected, hitting the 9 billions threshold by 2050, will water resources be sufficient?

Embassy Lab Water Conscious Fashion, @ Neonyt, Kraftwerk Berlin, 16 January 2019

Hybrid Biotope

Hybrid Biotope, a temporary co-working camp taking place at the Raketenstation Hombroich in spring 2019, explores the coming together and merging of nature and artefact and of artificial and organic life. The program focuses on developing speculative ideas for strengthening the Raketenstation Hombroich’s potential as a transdisciplinary intellectual-artistic laboratory, a Hybrid Biotope.

Research & Concept @ Rocket Station Hombroich, Germany, 1 April 2018

Digital Diplomacy

Fast-paced advances in technology are creating diffuse and volatile conditions in which international actors operate. Disruptive innovations such as machine learning and big data analytics are changing governments, NGOs, the media, businesses, and in some cases entire industries. New and unexpected players entering the field are putting pressure on the traditional division of roles between politics, business, journalism and civil society.

Lectures & Workshops Digital Diplomacy @ The Hague Digital Diplomacy Camp 2018 Un-Conference, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands, The Hague, 2 February 2018


Sharing Economy is one of the phenomena of a world rapidly changing. This reshaping of the world is happening faster than the reshaping of the societies and their institutions.

Talks, Lectures, Discussions & Workshop Embassy Lab shareCONOMY @ Embassy Kingdom of the Netherlands, Berlin, 7 July 2017

Future Diplomacy

Embassy Lab Future Diplomacy brings together experts from the Harvard J. F. Kennedy School of Government, the Académie Diplomatique Internationale in Paris, Global Diplomacy Lab, the German Federal Office, the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, international diplomats, creative professionals, and other experts.
Digital tools enable and support participative practices and networks, trespassing all borders. In our globalized world, a whole range of transnational webs perform independently and often with no connection to the traditional channels of diplomacy.

Lectures, Discussions & Workshops Embassy Lab Future Diplomacy @ Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Berlin, 7 October 2016

Global Challenges Smart Solutions

Highly innovative, creative and pragmatic Dutch approach to develop technology solutions for global challenges at the Hannover Messe 2014.
The Netherlands, this year’s partner country of Hannover Messe, will present the Holland Smart City House as part of the Metropolitan Solutions trade fair from Monday 07 April to Friday 12 April 2014.

Television Program: Interviews, Lectures, Talks & Discussions @ Hannover Messe, Hannover, Germany, 7-10 April 2014
Urban Screening Smart & the City @ Hannover Opera, Hannover, Germany, 7-10 April 2014

Hybrid Health

Embassy Lab Hybrid Health focuses on innovative health solutions that combine the physical and the digital and on health applications and services embedded in our daily living environment.
Kingdom of The Netherlands Minister of Health, Welfare and Sport, Edith Schippers is opening Embassy Lab Hybrid Health.

Lectures, Pitches & Workshop, Opening Edith Schippers, Minister of Health, Welfare and Sport, Kingdom of The Netherlands @ Medica, Dusseldorf, Germany, 17 November 2015