Media Babies on CHANEL no. 5 @ Architectural Association School of Architecture

The exhibition Media Baby and BridgeClub networks for London presents the project “Media Babies on CHANEL no.5:” the fusion of media, architecture and urbanism.

Exhibition & Publication Future Media Space @ Architectural Association, Architectural Association School of Architecture, 34-36 Bedford Square, London, 28-30 June 1990


Media Babies on Chanel no. 5â€Č derives its strength from fragmentation in order to develop a truly public ‘narrow/ broadcasting/ catching network.

A local based public interface the media baby is the instrument that seduces it’s public to use and abuse the television medium maximizing its possible spontaneity by hijacking the publics imagination.

One hundred and twenty-eight distributed evenly over the city of London and interconnected by means of the ISDN network and a micro wave transmitter.

Before being able to narrow/broadcast your message you might want to use the debutante’s booth (if you are new to the network), or the intro booth here you can prepare your narrow/broadcast.

Here you can discover the facilities, which are open to the whole network and are located along the Thames, such as ‘Chanel no. 5 expert program’ or the hall of digital personalities, that make program making as natural as going to the toilet.

Once you’ve produced your program, instant satisfaction is guaranteed.

Check out the ‘connector platform’. Put on your V.R. helmet and see what reactions your program provokes in the network.

With your V.R. helmet on you have a four-dimensional overview of the lifecycle, the pains and joys, of your message.


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