

circulariCITY @ Bits & Bäume 2022 Conference

Workshop and presentation of circulariCITY at the Bits & Bäume 2022 Conference.
Bits & Bäume connect communities and stand up for political change in the interaction of digitalisation and sustainability.

Presentation & Workshop circulariCITY @ Bits & Bäume 2022 Conference for Digitization and Sustainability, Technical University Berlin, 1 October 2022

City to Go @ Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society

Ubiquitous digitization is increasingly transforming urban life in all its aspects and Smart City technologies promise unlimited efficiency to urban mobility solutions. It is however worth reflecting on why digitally supported and automated negotiation concerning, amongst others, mobility does not necessarily equal objective and fair decision-making.

Presentations & Discussion City to Go @ Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society, 15 July 2019, Berlin

Technology & The City @ BPD Magazine

BPD Magazine will publish in June 2018 a double interview with Prof. Frans Vogelaar, Partner at Hybrid Space Lab in Berlin and Prof. Dr. Elphi Nelissen, Dean of the Faculty of Architecture at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) on how digitization is changing mobility and the city. They explore the possibilities of digital technologies for citizens and cities and the design of future cities.

Double Interview with Prof. Dr. Elphi Nelissen & Prof. Frans Vogelaar @ BPD Magazine, The Netherlands, 1 June 2018


Recent developments such as Internet of Things, Big Data, and Machine Intelligence have ambition and the potential to algorithmically manage life, including urban nature. These developments in technology and media are supporting the development of a new hybrid architecture where Architecture and Nature fuse: NatureTecture!

Article NatureTecture © Hybrid Space Lab, Berlin, 20 March 2018

Internet of Things & Nature @ V2 Institute for Unstable Media

NatureTecture proposes how Internet of Things will merge with green structures in the city.
With the Internet of Things, Big Data and Machine Intelligence algorithmically organizing life, society, work and industry, the only question that remains is what will happen with nature. The accelerating developments in nature, bio-technology, technology and architecture are creating a new hybrid architecture.

Lecture & Discussion NatureTecture @ V2 Institute for Unstable Media, Rotterdam, 9 April 2017

TOURcity @ ARTez

Tourism is a growing global phenomenon, adding to the wealth of cities, and contributing to the congestion of their “points of interest”; enabling global cultural exchange but also threatening local cultures and disrupting established local and global business models.
New forms of tourism are emerging such as Medical Tourism, Slow Tourism, Disaster Tourism, Slum Tourism, Culinary Tourism.

Lecture & Workshop FuTourism & Circular City @ ARTez, Arnhem, the Netherlands, 10 November 2016
