Hybrid Space Lab is participating in the Progressive Governance Summit 2022 by the Progressive Zentrum on progressive politics.
Participation Progressive Governance Summit 2022 @ Progressive Zentrum, Haus Ungarn, Berlin, 13 October, 2022
is a prototype for experimenting with future functions of diplomacy in the age of EUization, globalization and digitalization.
Hybrid Space Lab is participating in the Progressive Governance Summit 2022 by the Progressive Zentrum on progressive politics.
Participation Progressive Governance Summit 2022 @ Progressive Zentrum, Haus Ungarn, Berlin, 13 October, 2022
By means of creativity, Hybrid Space Lab’s approach paves the way towards a more integrated, collective processes of memory- and meaning-making.
Bringing creativity into controversial situations informs engagement with contentious landscapes, negotiation stasis, and political reticence.
Publication Creative Crossovers @ Public Diplomacy Magazine, University of Southern California, USC Annenberg, USC Centre on Public Diplomacy, USC Masters of Public Diplomacy Program, USA, 7 June 2019
Issues like disinformation, AI and the civic impact of digital technology have only become more contentious, particularly in Europe, Brexit on the horizon, European elections looming, the rise of China as a technological superpower and continuing security challenges on the continent’s eastern and southern flanks, Europe’s diplomats need to grasp the opportunities and threats of digital technology now, more than ever.
Lecture & Workshop @ Permanent Representation of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to the European Union, Brussels, 7 February 2019
An initiative of the Hybrid Space Lab, in cooperation with the Neonyt Fair and the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Berlin.
Publication Neonyt Fair @ Fraulein Magazine, Germany, 15 January 2019
Hybrid Diplomacy: How to integrate digital and creative innovation in diplomatic processes.
AR/VRxIoT+AI+? = Hybrid Space
The combination of physical and media space, of local place and digital networks, is coined Hybrid Space. Space today is transformed by technologies such as Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR) or Mixed Reality, becoming increasingly hybrid.
Lecture The Transformation of Diplomacy: Digitalization and Innovation @ Advanced Social and Political Research Institute, Riga Readings in Social Sciences, University of Latvia, Riga, 22-23 November 2018
Among other international experts, Anna Yudina was invited to attend the “Embassy Lab GREEN TOPIA” at the Dutch Embassy, where Elizabeth Sikiaridi and Frans Vogelaar of Hybrid Space Lab invited to the event, which is part of the international festival “MakeCity”.
Publication, Sabine Holper @ Der Tagesspiegel, Berlin, 23 June 2018
We are very honored that Renate Künast, politician for the Bündnis 90/Die Grünen and Member of the German Parliament is opening Embassy Lab GRÜNtopia.
Green spaces are essential for the quality of life, wellbeing, and health of urban populations.
Today, the focus on and interest in green urban spaces is increasing thanks to initiatives working toward Healthy Cities, environmental justice, food security, and strengthening local communities.
Lectures & Discussion, Embassy Lab GRÜNtopia, Keynote Renate Künast @ Embassy of Kingdom of the Netherlands, Berlin, 22 June 2018
Fast-paced advances in technology are creating diffuse and volatile conditions in which international actors operate. Disruptive innovations such as machine learning and big data analytics are changing governments, NGOs, the media, businesses, and in some cases entire industries. New and unexpected players entering the field are putting pressure on the traditional division of roles between politics, business, journalism and civil society. And this is just the beginning: developments like artificial intelligence and blockchain technology are only just starting to have an impact.
Lecture & Workshop Digital Diplomacy Camp Un-Conference @ Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands, The Hague, 2 February 2018
In the Dutch Urban Lab the Dutch Embassy in Berlin showcases in cooperation with Hybrid Space Lab and the City of Amsterdam the “Dutch Approach” on urban challenges.
Public Program Metropolitan Solutions Smart City Governance @ Dutch Urban Lab, CityCube, Berlin, 21 May 2015
Public Program Crisis Design @ Dutch Urban Lab, CityCube, Berlin, 22 May 2015
The animation film Smart & the City brings the themes processed at the “Metropolitan Solutions fair into the public realm, communicating to a general audience in a fresh, vibrant and generally comprehensive way.
Urban Screening Energy City, Water City, Green City, Participatory City @ Opera, Hannover, 7-11 April 2014
Publication Smart & the City @ Hannoversche Allgemeine, Hannover, 9 April 2014