Smart City Governance

The complexity of urban systems demands the involvement of different stakeholders at a very early stage, in order to identify the challenges and define objectives.

Public Lecture Program Embassy Lab Smart City Governance @ Metropolitan Solutions, CityCube, Berlin, 21 May 2015

Embassy Lab
Smart City

How can we co-create the Smart City?

Embassy Lab Smart City Governance creates a platform for the exchange and creation of ideas between government officials and experts from the Netherlands and Germany.
Embassy Lab Smart City Governance connects to the “Urban Agenda”, the focus of the Dutch Presidency of the Council of the European Union in 2016.

The program addresses Smart City Governance as an interactive process and provides networking opportunities between the different actors involved in urban transformation.
The complexity of urban systems demands the involvement of different stakeholders at a very early stage, in order to identify the challenges and define objectives.


Welcome Address

Her Excellency Monique van Daalen, Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands


Prof. Elizabeth Sikiaridi and Prof. Frans Vogelaar, Hybrid Space Lab


Cis Apeldoorn, Head of the Department of City Development and Economics, City of Amsterdam
Hidde Baars, Economic Counselor, Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Berlin
Ger Baron, Chief Technology Officer, City of Amsterdam
Dr. Philipp Bouteiller, Director of Berlin TXL Urban Tech Republic, Berlin
Peter Dortwegt, General Director of New Energy Docks, Amsterdam
Eelco van der Eijk, Innovation Attaché, Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Berlin
Julia Kloiber, Hack Your City / Open Knowledge Foundation
Florian Bögner and Yannick Haan, Hack Your City / Wissenschaft im Dialog
Dr. Willemieke Hornis, Project Manager Smart Cities, Ministry for Infrastructure and the Environment, Den Haag
Klaus Illigmann, Smart City Munich
Jens Libbe, DIFU / Deutsches Institut für Urbanistik
Prof. Dr. Radu Popescu-Zeletin, Director of Fraunhofer FOKUS, Berlin
Charlot Schans, Head of Urban Development Program,Pakhuis de Zwijger, Amsterdam
Floris Beemster, Senior Policy Advisor, City of Amsterdam
Benjamin Scharfenberg, Hamburg Port Authority
Dr. Sebastian Saxe, CIO, Hamburg Port Authority, Hamburg
Mary-Ann Schreurs, Alderman for Innovation, Culture and Public Space, City of Eindhoven
Thorsten Tonndorf, Berlin Smart City Strategy
Hanno Wurzner, Head Economic Department, Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Berlin


Prof. Elizabeth Sikiaridi and Prof. Frans Vogelaar of Hybrid Space Lab curate the program, together with the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Berlin.

Embassy Lab is a prototype for experimenting with future functions of embassies in the current age of EUization, globalization and digitalization.

Embassy Lab Smart City Governance is developed by Hybrid Space Lab together with the Embassy of the Kingdom of The Netherlands Embassy in Berlin and Kingdom of The Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs in The Hague.

Workshops, Lectures & Symposiums Embassy Lab @ Kingdom of The Netherlands Embassy, Berlin, Germany & Kingdom of The Netherlands Ministery of Foreign Affairs, The Hague, The Netherlands, 2014~2021

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