#Diplomacy Lab

is a prototype for experimenting with future functions of diplomacy in the age of EUization, globalization, and digitalization.


Grow Your Green City

Grow Your Green City is an international campaign creating awareness of the fundamental role played by urban green. Grow Your Green City is committed to the idea that a Smart City should be a climate-conscious city, exploring how digital and media technologies can contribute to address urban climate adaptation and water-conscious urban development, strengthening and promoting sustainability cultures.

Workshop Grow Your Green City @ Floriade Expo 2022, Almere, The Netherlands, 25 February 2021

Crossover Diplomacy

Article “Creative Crossovers: Negotiating Past and Future” in the University of Southern California Public Diplomacy Magazine issue summer 2019.Monuments stand as a tangible testimony to what is untouchable: memory and history in their collective dimension.As vehicles of meaning, monuments are ambassadors affecting the public negotiation of narratives

Article Creative Crossovers @ Public Diplomacy Magazine, University of Southern California, USC Annenberg, USC Centre on Public Diplomacy, USC Masters of Public Diplomacy Program, USA, 7 June 2019

Future Narratives and Immersive Experiences Symposium

The “Future Narratives and Immersive Experiences” symposium addresses the challenges posed by these developments by bringing together interdisciplinary co-creators in the audiovisual sector, companies with a background in media, VR/AR/MR, games, 3D sound, in the staging of productions, in communication and advertising as well as cultural and heritage institutions and players from other fields with the urge of delivering high-quality storytelling in the digital era.

Lectures, Pitches & Dinner Future Narratives and Immersive Experiences Symposium @ Film University Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF, Potsdam, Germany, 22 May 2019

Future Diplomacy Lab

We are experiencing a structural change in the function of diplomats due to the changing role of the nation state in our globalized and increasingly digital and networked world.
Future Diplomacy Lab creates an inspirational space to speculate on possible diplomacy applications by projecting onto diplomacy innovative digital solutions from numerous fields.

Lectures & Workshop Future Diplomacy Lab @ Diplomacy Camp, Embassy Kingdom of the Netherlands, Brussels, 7 February 2019

Water Conscious Fashion

Water is the necessary resource for life. Human settlements have always been dependent upon access to clean water and its relative scarcity – freshwater makes up only 2.5% of water available on the earth – has awarded it the name ‘blue gold’. If world population increases as expected, hitting the 9 billions threshold by 2050, will water resources be sufficient?

Embassy Lab Water Conscious Fashion, @ Neonyt, Kraftwerk Berlin, 16 January 2019


We are very honored that Renate Künast, politician for the Bündnis 90/Die Grünen and Member of German Parliament is opening Embassy Lab GRÜNtopia on 22 June 2018.
Green spaces are essential for the quality of life, wellbeing, and health of urban populations. Today, the focus on and interest in green urban spaces is increasing thanks to initiatives working toward Healthy Cities, environmental justice, food security, and strengthening local communities.

Lectures & Discussions Embassy Lab GRÜNtopia @ Embassy of Kingdom of the Netherlands , Berlin, 22 June 2018
Keynote Renate Künast, Bündnis 90/Die Grünen @ Embassy of Kingdom of the Netherlands , Berlin, 22 June 2018

Digital Diplomacy

Fast-paced advances in technology are creating diffuse and volatile conditions in which international actors operate. Disruptive innovations such as machine learning and big data analytics are changing governments, NGOs, the media, businesses, and in some cases entire industries. New and unexpected players entering the field are putting pressure on the traditional division of roles between politics, business, journalism and civil society.

Lectures & Workshops Digital Diplomacy @ The Hague Digital Diplomacy Camp 2018 Un-Conference, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands, The Hague, 2 February 2018

Hybrid Diplomacy

Hybrid Diplomacy designates the combining of traditional diplomacy and innovative diplomacy. Hybrid Diplomacy includes the collaboration between state and non-state actors in a network diplomacy that involves next to traditional diplomats and governments, also civil society and NGOs, businesses, international organizations, and other players. Hybrid Diplomacy addresses also the multiple hybridizations in the diplomatic field, including diplomatic practices that combine communication in physical space and social media, that deal with crossover issues, and that mediate in the interaction fields of different cultures.

Lectures, Workshop & Discussions Are You A Hybrid Diplomat ? @ Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Directorate-General for European Cooperation (DGES) & Innovation Team DARE, The Haag, The Netherlands, 18 January 2018


Sharing Economy is one of the phenomena of a world rapidly changing. This reshaping of the world is happening faster than the reshaping of the societies and their institutions.

Talks, Lectures, Discussions & Workshop Embassy Lab shareCONOMY @ Embassy Kingdom of the Netherlands, Berlin, 7 July 2017

Co-Curating the City

International interdisciplinary lab researches the potential of curating as co-creating with the public as well as the transformations of the role of the expert curator.

Lectures, Discussions & Workshops Embassy Lab Co-Creating the City @ Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Berlin, 14 October 2016
Ikarian-Cretan Dinner @ Hybrid Space Lab, Berlin, 18.00-23.00, 14 October 2016

Future Diplomacy

Embassy Lab Future Diplomacy brings together experts from the Harvard J. F. Kennedy School of Government, the Académie Diplomatique Internationale in Paris, Global Diplomacy Lab, the German Federal Office, the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, international diplomats, creative professionals, and other experts.
Digital tools enable and support participative practices and networks, trespassing all borders. In our globalized world, a whole range of transnational webs perform independently and often with no connection to the traditional channels of diplomacy.

Lectures, Discussions & Workshops Embassy Lab Future Diplomacy @ Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Berlin, 7 October 2016

Global Challenges Smart Solutions

Highly innovative, creative and pragmatic Dutch approach to develop technology solutions for global challenges at the Hannover Messe 2014.
The Netherlands, this year’s partner country of Hannover Messe, will present the Holland Smart City House as part of the Metropolitan Solutions trade fair from Monday 07 April to Friday 12 April 2014.

Television Program: Interviews, Lectures, Talks & Discussions @ Hannover Messe, Hannover, Germany, 7-10 April 2014
Urban Screening Smart & the City @ Hannover Opera, Hannover, Germany, 7-10 April 2014

Circular Economy

Circular Economy encompasses technical as well as biological cycles and has as a goal to keep materials and products at their highest utility and value during the whole up-cycling process.

Research Embassy Lab Circular Economy @ Kingdom of The Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, The Hague, 18 March 2016

Hybrid Health

Embassy Lab Hybrid Health focuses on innovative health solutions that combine the physical and the digital and on health applications and services embedded in our daily living environment.
Kingdom of The Netherlands Minister of Health, Welfare and Sport, Edith Schippers is opening Embassy Lab Hybrid Health.

Lectures, Pitches & Workshop, Opening Edith Schippers, Minister of Health, Welfare and Sport, Kingdom of The Netherlands @ Medica, Dusseldorf, Germany, 17 November 2015


Embassy Lab Velo focuses on sustainable and innovative cycling traffic resources and knowledge exchange between the City of Amsterdam and the City of Berlin.

Bicycle Tour, Lectures & Discussions Embassy Lab Velo @ Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Berlin, 29 March 2015


CRISISdesign innovates in and for situations of change and crisis for communities that need new infrastructures for daily life.

Lectures & Discussions Embassy Lab CRISIS design @ Metropolitan Solutions, CityCube, Berlin, 22 May 2015

Smart City Governance

The complexity of urban systems demands the involvement of different stakeholders at a very early stage, in order to identify the challenges and define objectives.

Public Lecture Program Embassy Lab Smart City Governance @ Metropolitan Solutions, CityCube, Berlin, 21 May 2015


Mobility+ investigates the synergies between Smart Mobility and the different systems of Smart City and addresses mobility in all of its dimensions, incorporating topics such as Urban Service Design, Smart Tourism, Smart Retail, Healthy & Smart Cities, and Clean Tech.

Public Lecture & Workshop Program Embassy Lab Mobility+ @ BMW Welt, Munich, 25 February 2015


Embassy Lab Co-Operative is a one-day program for the Berlin visit of the Dutch Minister of the Interior and Kingdom Relations, Ronald Plasterk, February 23rd 2015.
Next to his meeting with the German Federal Minister for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety, Barbara Hendricks, Minister Ronald Plasterk visited Berlin urban initiatives, cooperatives and participation movements to discuss them the potential of urban co creation.

Discussions & Visits Embassy Lab Co-Operative @ Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations, Berlin, 23 February 2015

Embassy Lab

Embassy Lab is innovation program and a prototype for experimenting with future functions of embassies in the current age of EUization, globalization and digitalization.
Embassy Lab at the Royal Netherlands Embassy in Berlin brings together the official traditional institution of the “Embassy” with the innovative potential of a creative “Lab”.
Embassy Lab is a think tank and innovation hub, for research and discussion, for experimenting with new models, and for presenting and communicating ideas.

Research, Workshops, Lectures & Symposiums Embassy Lab @ Embassy of the Kingdom of The Netherlands in Berlin & Kingdom of The Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, The Hague, 2014~2021

HAPPY health

Happy Health explores the impact of Smart Cities and related concepts and technologies on wellbeing and the prevention of illness.
Happy Health functions as a platform for exchange between innovative projects from the Netherlands and relevant German institutions and actors.
Happy Health focuses on health, the urban environment and lifestyle bringing together designers, experts and stakeholders to investigate current challenges and develop new scenarios and concepts.

Workshop & Public Lecture Program Embassy Lab HAPPY health @ DMY 2014, Tempelhof Airport, Berlin, 29 May 2014


Hybrid Space Lab @ Progressive Governance Summit 2022

Hybrid Space Lab is participating in the Progressive Governance Summit 2022 by the Progressive Zentrum on progressive politics.

Participation Progressive Governance Summit 2022 @ Progressive Zentrum, Haus Ungarn, Berlin, 13 October, 2022

Crossover @ Public Diplomacy Magazine

By means of creativity, Hybrid Space Lab’s approach paves the way towards a more integrated, collective processes of memory- and meaning-making.
Bringing creativity into controversial situations informs engagement with contentious landscapes, negotiation stasis, and political reticence.

Publication Creative Crossovers @ Public Diplomacy Magazine, University of Southern California, USC Annenberg, USC Centre on Public Diplomacy, USC Masters of Public Diplomacy Program, USA, 7 June 2019

Diplomacy Lab Cross Over @ Diplomacy Camp

Issues like disinformation, AI and the civic impact of digital technology have only become more contentious, particularly in Europe, Brexit on the horizon, European elections looming, the rise of China as a technological superpower and continuing security challenges on the continent’s eastern and southern flanks, Europe’s diplomats need to grasp the opportunities and threats of digital technology now, more than ever.

Lecture & Workshop @ Permanent Representation of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to the European Union, Brussels, 7 February 2019

Water Consious Fashion @ Fraulein

An initiative of the Hybrid Space Lab, in cooperation with the Neonyt Fair and the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Berlin.

Publication Neonyt Fair @ Fraulein Magazine, Germany, 15 January 2019

Riga Readings @ Advanced Social and Political Research Institute

Hybrid Diplomacy: How to integrate digital and creative innovation in diplomatic processes.
AR/VRxIoT+AI+? = Hybrid Space
The combination of physical and media space, of local place and digital networks, is coined Hybrid Space. Space today is transformed by technologies such as Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR) or Mixed Reality, becoming increasingly hybrid.

Lecture The Transformation of Diplomacy: Digitalization and Innovation @ Advanced Social and Political Research Institute, Riga Readings in Social Sciences, University of Latvia, Riga, 22-23 November 2018

Embassy Lab GRÜNtopia @ Tagesspiegel

Among other international experts, Anna Yudina was invited to attend the “Embassy Lab GREEN TOPIA” at the Dutch Embassy, where Elizabeth Sikiaridi and Frans Vogelaar of Hybrid Space Lab invited to the event, which i