Public Media Urban Interfaces


Soft Urbanism @ Architect 1997

Public urban space and the “space” of communication networks are usually seen as frameworks for social interaction, competing or mutually exclusive.
The traditional functions of urban public space are being taken over by telecommunications networks.
The inputs and outputs of their channels are increasingly located in private interior spaces.

Soft Urbanism @ Architect, Magazine for Architecture and Urbanism, 1 June 1997

Media Babies on CHANEL no.5 @ Items #6 1993

Telecommunications lack the tangible everyday reality of the residential neighborhood. Conversely, the culture of the city is entitled to digital technologies.
This is why Frans Vogelaar and Elizabeth Sikiaridi developed the project “Media Babies on Chanel no.5.”
It is a more elaborate concept for a digital public space for London.

Media Babies on CHANNEL no.5 @ Items #6, Magazine for Design, Visual Communication and Architecture, 1 September 1993

Frans Hals Prize for Exhibition Design @ Items #8 1988

The Netherlands has a new design prize: the Frans Halle Prize for exhibition design.
The initiative deserves and receives much praise.
However, the elaboration of this new prize leaves much to be desired.
Carel Kuitenbrouwer takes stock now that the prize has been awarded for the first time.

Frans Hals Prize Exhibitiondesign @ Items #8, Magazine for Design, Visual Communication and Architecture, 1 September 1988
