Iannis Xenakis @ Akademie der Künste

Control and Chance

Iannis Xenakis: composer, architect, visionary

Lecture on Iannis Xenakis @ Akademie der Künste, Hanseatenweg, Berlin, 25 November 2011


Friday, November 25, 2011 – Hanseatenweg, Hall 11

Hall 1, 17.00-18.00, Exhibition
Control and Chance: A performative guided tour through the exhibition with members of the Academy of Arts Isabel Muntlry (Music Section) and Karin Sander (Visual Arts Section) as well as Philip Ursprung (History of Art and Architecture at ETH Zurich)

Sunday, November 27, 2011 – Hanseatenweg, Clubroom and Studio

Clubroom, 15.00-17.00, Lectures
15.00 Lecture by Elizabeth Sikiardi (Berlin/Amsterdam): Morphologies: the architectures of lannis Xenakis.
(TU Berlin. Founder of Hybrid Space Lab. Worked at the architectural office Behnisch & Partner in Stuttgart)
Xenakis‘ architectural works are closely linked to his musical research and his light productions and thus form an important integral part of his overall artistic production. With his holistic approach to form – which he materialized in different media and dimensions, in sound, light, time and space. Xenakis advocates the development of the new discipline of a “morphology generale”.

16.00, Lecture by Viola Vahrson (Berlin, Hildesheim): Everything under control
(University of Hildesheim)
How much control does art need and how much chance does science need in order to be interestingly relevant but also resistant?
Under what circumstances can trendsetting currents emerge and new results be achieved through the interaction of art and science? Does the interweaving of art and science aim to generate a controlled coincidence or is there a futile attempt to tame the unpredictability and volatility of the kairos? These questions will be explored using a number of practical examples.

Studio, 18.00, Performance – admission free
Performance Lectures: DESTROY! BUILD!!! DESTROY!!!
On the generativity of destructive chance. A limitinage by Ketan Bhatti. With: Doris Kolesch, Simon Stockhausen, Milian Vogel, Augustin Maurs, Nikolas Tillmann, Patrick Muller and Aron Kitzig Aleatorik and Chance Operations.

Decollage and decomposition are domesticated in historical retrospect, a museum case in an unfortunately bad sense. In their time, however, artistic practices of aleatorics meant a courageous and contested destruction of existing encapsulations: a search for liberation. It explores the questions of what coincidence means today and which media-cultural forms could be stripped of their legitimacy today. What needs to be destroyed by chance in 2011 – and reorganized in a politically effective way?

Studio, 20.30 h concert – admission 6,-/reduced

lannis Xenakis: La Legende d’Eer. Electroacoustic composition for 8-track tape, 1977
Sound direction: Daniel Teige (Centre lannis Xenakis Rouen/Berlin) Concert of the Berliner Künstlerprogramm/DAAD in co-production with the Akademie der Künste Xenakis’ piece “La Legende d’Eer”, which he composed for the opening of the Centre Georges Pompidou in Paris, will be performed as an example of the connection between music and architecture. On the occasion of the Federal Garden Show in Bonn (1979), the piece was performed again in the red tent architecture.

There will be free guided tours of the exhibition with Sonja Claser from Wednesday, November 2, 2011 until November 27, 2011 on Wednesdays at 18.00 and Saturdays at 15.00.

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