Contemporary societies are faced with multiple crises, including climate change, biodiversity loss, social injustice and turmoil, geopolitical conflict and war, humanitarian crises, energy emergency and food insecurity.
In this multi-crisis situation, in this permaCRISIS, humans are left with the bitter reckoning that their limited, biased attention span allows them to only deal with and care about a very limited range of emergencies.
Newsletter Permacrisis @ Hybrid Space Lab, 10 June 2022
Conflict Space
ISEA 2022 Symposium “Possibilities”
Heritage and Futures
14.30-18.00, 12 June 2022
16.50-17.20, 14 June 2022
@ Centre de Cultura Contemporània
Crises occur in and unfold spaces, and Hybrid Space Lab’s work deals with unresolved historical wounds and how they’re reflected in controversial, conflictual monuments, with an ongoing commitment to engendering dialogues aimed at history’s collective processing and memory-making.
Conflict Space workshop and lecture at the International Symposium on Electronic Art ISEA2022 “Possibilities – Heritage and Futures” of the International at Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona:
Presentation and Discussion
Merlijn Schoonenboom, cultural historian and journalist
18.00-21.00, 13 October 2022
@ INbetweenSTITUTE 2.0
Hybrid Space Lab
The ongoing interloping crises and layered spaces of conflict are riddled with questions of identity and identity claims. As our identities are continuously negotiated on, and shaped by our digital as much as physical presence, what does it mean to navigate contemporary societies with increasingly hybrid identities – and increasingly hybrid faces?
Why has the face become so important in contemporary – digitally networked – society?
And how does this focus change the way we use our face in our daily lives?
Addressing a cultural-historical analysis of the face in the Digital Age, Merlijn Schoonenboom presents his upcoming book “The Face. A Cultural History from Veil to Selfie”.
Hybrid Face, Merlijn Schoonenboom @ The Face. A Cultural History from Veil to Selfie.
Elizabeth Sikiaridi, Frans Vogelaar
19 August 2022
@ tanz
And, beyond the face, how are our hybrid identities on the move – apart from and towards one another – both physically and digitally? As the way we communicate and connect is being radically redefined by digitalization, we need to reckon with the consequences and potential of hybrid – and possibly, more-than-human – bodily intuition unfolding into previously unthought-of hybrid dances and movement.
How do our hybrid bodies navigate the merging of digital and physical spaces?
What are the consequences of hybridization for performance, performers and audiences?
These questions are addressed in the opening article of the upcoming “Jahrbuch” (“Yearbook) of the magazine “tanz. europäische zeitschrift für ballett, tanz und performance” (“tanz. european journal for ballet, dance and performance”).
Workshops, Field Labs
Circular City
October 2022 – June 2024
@ Berlin, Amsterdam
Ideation Workshop
CITIES IN THE LOOP: Re-coding the Circular City
11.00 – 13.00, 1 July 2022
The notion of a Circular City has become a main concept for sustainable zero-waste urban futures.
However, if one looks closer, the circle expands in multiple ripples and loops, revealing the sheer complexity that envisioning – let alone developing – circular cities entail.
Hybrid Space Lab is curating the circulariCITY program, and hosting its launch with Ideation Workshop CITIES IN THE LOOP: Re-coding the Circular City, to be followed by lectures in Berlin and Amsterdam and workshops.
Exchange, Ideation, Research, Prototyping Workshops
@ Hybrid Space Lab
Workshop, Panels, Party
20 October 2022
@ Amsterdam Dance Event
Club Futures is an international laboratory with the aim of developing new perspectives for the club and cultural scene.
It is undeniable that club-going is a significant cultural practice of our time and Berlin has earned a reputation as a pioneer of related experiments and developments.
A group of visionaries and networkers is initiating an ideation and concept development project, inviting the clubbing and cultural scene to participate. In addition to developing innovative ideas and concepts, the program aims to initiate collaborations between clubs, cultural professionals, the creative and tech industries, as well as science and art, in order to foster sustainable and inclusive clubbing practices. Representatives from the Berlin and international clubbing scene meet with experts, visionaries, and creatives from various fields in a series of workshops and events.
The program addresses the multifaceted dimensions of club culture and examines the future of clubs as spatial-architectural venues, as cultural producers, and as service providers.
is a Think Tank and a Design Lab and a cultural breeding ground for incubating break-through ideas and fostering innovation that contribute to positive societal and environmental change.
is a Think Tank and a Design Lab for Architecture, Urbanism, Design and Digital Culture.
the Future is not Digital
the Future is Hybrid!