
BETWEENstitute speculates on new hybrid models for culture and develops future visions for Berlin cultural networks involved in research, production and distribution of media culture.

BETWEENstitute is developed and curated by Hybrid Space Lab, on invitation by transmediale and CTM Festival.

Presentation & Discussion BETWEENstitute @ transmediale, Kuppelhalle silent green, Gerichtstraße 35, 13347 Berlin, 16.00-17.30, 30 January 2025


Imagining spaces for future cultural collaborations within the framework of Vorspiel.

Pulling from hybrid networked formats, BETWEENstitute invites Vorspiel participants and interested Berlin cultural organizers at large to speculate on new models of cooperation and networks and to discuss possible infrastructures and platforms that promote collaboration and co-creation.

Vorspiel is an initiative by transmediale and CTM Festival that for over 10 years has aimed to showcase the richness and diversity of Berlin’s independent project spaces and artist initiatives active in music and sound, visual, and media arts, as well as connected hybrid fields.

Ongoing challenges – such as gentrification, the commodification of culture, shrinking public funding and a lack of structural resources while legislative and production standards increase, deepening polarization and accelerating processes of desolidarization – create the need and urgency to reimagine sustainable perspectives by exploring new models for future cultural networks.

How can Vorspiel help reinforce and enable initiatives and infrastructures that are already in place? How can Vorspiel help spark impulse in the Berlin community and potentially beyond? The networks around CTM and transmediale have the experience and skills to respond to such challenges.

Today, we are witnessing a hybridization of cultural-artistic practices in multiple dimensions: with different art forms merging in a single project, with artists contributing to transdisciplinary research, and with cultural programs anchored in physical places while distributed, negotiated and shaped in digital realms. Yet, in Berlin these forms still lack the recognition, visibility, and support they deserve.

How can we develop hybrid, networked formats and distributed transdisciplinary programs that are deeply rooted in the city? How to strengthen community-building around and between cultural initiatives and institutions? What kinds of infrastructures and platforms might be useful to actively engage both online and on-site audiences, and foster processes of co-creation? And how can we support the creation of more sustainable, inclusive, and equitable futures – spaces that inspire dialogue, empathy, and a genuine sense of community?

The program is developed and curated by Hybrid Space Lab, on invitation by transmediale and CTM.


SPIEL lab uses play to speculate on the future of Spielstätten. Dedicated to imagining possible futures, SPIEL lab develops long term scenarios, to then discuss possible paths and trajectories as well as the short-term next steps.

With an accelerating pace of innovation in media and digital technology and in view of the strong, sometimes unquestioned and un-reflected acceleration of these technological developments, there is an increasing and urgent need for cultural appropriation and artistic reflection. With its long history and track record and deep expertise in media-related forms of artistic and cultural practices, the network around transmediale and CTM has all credentials to drive such a cultural innovation process. SPIEL lab is, therefore, committed to activating the creative power of the participants in order to foster networked decentralized cultural and artistic innovation.

SPIEL lab provides the space for exploring hybrid and networked formats and speculating on new models for venues. Focusing on network-formats for future cultural collaborations, SPIEL lab discusses possible infrastructures and platforms that promote co-creation processes.

SPIEL lab imagines new ways of engaging with diversified target groups and with local communities, strengthening the perception of cultural institutions as an important public asset.

Investigating new (re-)venue models, SPIEL lab also explores how crowdsourcing and crowdfunding could be used to bind communities to cultural institutions and what we could we learn from start-ups.

By promoting dialogue and exchange, SPIEL lab strengthens the network in order to develop experimental artistic and cultural projects – locally and internationally.

Play is the central activity in flourishing societies and civilization is created “in and as play” (Johan Huizinga).


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