Fabric @ documenta 14 South Issue #9

Adam Szymczyk, director of documenta 14, refers to Hybrid Space Lab’s documentary Fabric in the documenta 14 magazine South.

Publication South issue #9, Katerina Koskina, Adam Szymczyk, Domenick Ammirati @ documenta 14, Kassel/Athens, 17 September 2017

Katerina Koskina and Adam Szymczyk in conversation with Domenick Ammirati

“One can trace fascinating routes in terms of the economic interest that impels travelā€”and documenta, though much smaller than many other types of economic players, is now one of these interests. For centuries, especially in the nineteenth and the early twentieth centuries, Asia Minor and the whole basin of the Mediterranean was a place of frenetic traveling by families and businesses that were established in places like Constantinople, Alexandria, Odessa, and so forth.
This history can be, of course, romanticized, via ideas of curiosity and discovery. For example, the Sikiarides family, the great Mediterranean traders of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, organized a new business of selling second-hand hats from Manchester to Istanbul after Kemal AtatĆ¼rk came to power and decided to ban the fez. Coincidentally or not, the site and buildings of their Athenian textile factory became the governmentā€™s property when Sikiaridis went out of business and were given to the Athens School of Fine Arts in 1992. Seemingly paradoxical, the history of trade and industry allows us to understand the current predicament quite precisely.”
Adam Szymczyk, documenta 14

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