The Berlin Government is establishing a creative and tech festival in Berlin in order to increase the city’s international appeal.
At the Public Presentations & Discussion event of the Berlin Creative & Tech Festival 2024-2029 at THFxIMPULSE Event Hybrid Space lab presents ANIMALfest.
Public Presentation & Discussion ANIMALfest @ THFxIMPULSE Event, Flughafen Tempelhof, Berlin, 31 May 2023
At the Public Presentations & Discussion event Berlin Creative & Tech Festival 2024-2029 at THFxIMPULSE Event Hybrid Space lab presents ANIMALfest.
ANIMALfest investigates and celebrates the future of urban culture and creativity at the crossroads of technological innovation and the pressing urgency of biodiversity loss. The first edition of the Berlin Creative Festival 2024 should focuss on biodiversity (also in urban spaces) and thus on the urgent biodiversity crisis.
ANIMALfest integrates club culture, music, sound and tech as well as many other creativity fields, such as gaming, theatre, dance, performance, children’s programmes and science. ANIMALfest is to be interpreted appropriated and in manifold ways by the different actors.
ANIMALfest’ focus allows to break through technological determinism, the attitude that places efficiency (as the inherent logic of technology) above the development of social structures and cultural values. ANIMALfest gives the festival a unique, strong, future-oriented and imaginative identity!
Berlin Creative & Tech Festival 2024-2029 is planned to be the first joint festival of Berlin’s creative industries. It is still a vision, a plan around which more and more actors and institutions of Berlin’s creative industries are gathering.
Is Berlin capable of synergy? Is the city capable of cohesion and cooperation between the most diverse actors and sectors? Can music, IT, gaming, etc., can networks and business enterprises jointly initiate a process that brings to life a unique product, namely a large, multi-day festival at a wide variety of locations in Berlin? And why shouldn’t Tempelhof be one of these places where creativity and profitability come together?
@ Flughafen Tempelhof
19.00-21.00, 31 May 2023
Emiko Gejic is an urban researcher and working as an artist/creative as well as an event and tour organizer in Berlin.
Stefanie Raab, coopolis, has been the contact person for cultural and creative industries in the city for 10 years on behalf of the Neukölln Economic Development Agency and ensures the networking of the district, creatives and producing companies in Neukölln.
Elizabeth Sikiaridi, Hybrid Space Lab, is an architect and founder of Hybrid Space Lab, which focuses on innovation and design with a strong cultural component and develops spatial interventions that open up and interpret places in new ways.
Robert Skuppin, Head of Programming at RBB’s Radio Eins
Stefan Richter (Tempelhof Projekt GmbH)
In a lighthouse project, the Berlin Senate for Economic Affairs, Energy and Operations is funding the Creative Industries with 12 million euros over four years to host a creative festival. As a community of interests of more than 70 actors, coordinated in the non-profit association Berlin Worx, we are a broad alliance of Berlin’s creative industries, demonstrating our unity and the willingness to create a new, unique, innovative and innovative festival together, to jointly develop a new, unique, innovative and sustainable format.
It is a vision, a plan, around which more and more actors and institutions of Berlin’s creative industries are gathering. Creative industries are gathering around it. Creative networks and companies jointly initiate a process to design and establish a large, multi-day festival at various locations in Berlin.
The international appeal of the city of Berlin is based on a great variety of offerings from a wide range of actors that have grown over the years and decades.
An innovative art, music, film, design, games and XR scene, successful industry meetings of the startup, digital and tech scene, and world-class events, digital and tech scene, world-class scientific institutions that dare to engage in an active exchange with society, and countless other initiatives. Added to this is an incomparable variety of established cultural venues and as yet unused urban potential areas that make Berlin the envy of is envied worldwide.
The festival is a cross-over format, which succeeds in building a bridge across the different creative sectors in order to use this worldwide unique existing potential – an intersectoral, co-creative and cross-locational cooperation of actors of the creative sector shall emerge. is to emerge. A format that provides a curated overview and accessibility of the multitude of creative and accessibility of the multitude of actors in Berlin’s creative industries and their products and services.
The format is to include elements of a trade fair, classic art, music and film festivals, as well as innovative components from tech and science conferences. At the same time, creative experimental spaces for academic knowledge transfer and citizen science. The festival brings together leading experts, innovation pioneers and interested parties in different locations of the and interested people at different locations in the city to inspire each other and to create together. The festival will be hybrid – physically and digitally – accessible. It is intended to be a showcase, entrance door and platform for Berlin’s creative industries at the same time. Such a format does not yet exist in Berlin – not even in in Europe.
We believe that the project will have a great international impact, supported by the diverse competence of the actors in our alliance, whose individual formats have been established for years and are internationally successful. First meetings of the alliance as well as the two town hall meetings on 22.03.2023 and 11.04.2023 have already made us feel: here is an enormous potential for completely new synergies!
Berlin Worx, the collective of Berlins creative and technology sector, is organizing two Town Hall Meetings to develop ideas for the festival.
The international appeal of the city of Berlin is based on a great variety of offerings from a wide range of players that have grown over years and decades: an innovative art, music, film, games and XR scene, successful industry meetings of the startup, digital and tech scene, world-class scientific institutions that venture into active exchange with society, and countless other initiatives. In addition, there is an incomparable number of established cultural venues and a large potential of as yet unused urban spaces that make Berlin the envy of the world.
What has been missing so far is a format that succeeds in building a bridge across the various creative sectors in order to exploit this potential, which is unique in the world – an intersectoral, co-creative and cross-location collaboration of creative sector players. A format that provides a curated overview and accessibility of the multitude of actors in Berlin’s creative industries and their products and services to an international public.
Berlin Worx, the collective of Berlins creative and technology sector, is initiating two Town Hall Meetings in order to discuss very fundamentally the necessity of such a festival and, if necessary, to develop clear ideas for the festival planning.
After the Berlin Senate last fall awarded Axel Springer and Penske Media millions in funding for the planning and implementation of a multi-day culture and technology festival, modeled after SXSW, and withdrew it due to public criticism, the planning for the festival, which has been postponed to 2024, is currently unresolved. Berlin Clubcommission believes that this festival cannot be designed without the local creative scene.
That’s why the Berlin Clubcommission, as an association of different actors of the cultural and technology scene, have decided to gather all interested persons and organizations on our own initiative in order to discuss the necessity of such a festival and to develop frameworks for the festival planning.
On this occasion the Berlin Clubcommission is inviting you to two Town Hall Meetings. In addition to keynote speeches by experts and thematic inputs on the current state of planning, the Berlin Clubcommission want to give you the opportunity to share and discuss your ideas with the other participants.
The Berlin Clubcommission will document the resulting findings and make them publicly available afterwards.
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