festCITY @ Creative Tech Festival Berlin

festCITY consists of a radical, situated approach to embed festival and cultural events into the city of Berlin.

Lecture #1 Town Hall Meeting @ betahaus, Berlin, 22 March 2023

festCITY is Hybrid Space Lab’s contribution to the second Town Hall Meetings

You’ve heard it before. Everyone says it. Berlin is sexy because of the diversity of offerings, ranging from an innovative art, music, film, gaming and XR scene, to serendipitous, happy encounters from the tech scene to world-class scientific institutions exchanging with society and countless other initiatives – you name it. Add the countless established cultural venues and a great potential of untapped urban spaces, Berlin has safely secured international appeal.

This also means that any event that cultivates the ambition to reflect Berlin must reckon with the sheer variety of actors, audiences, events, ideas, backgrounds, and visions that have always been crossing it and shaping it.

Furthermore, events need to be designed and delivered – and experienced – in a way that seamlessly mirrors – and is embedded in – the city’s atmosphere and innermost urban character.


In a lighthouse project, the Berlin Senate for Economic Affairs, Energy and Operations is funding the Creative Industries with 12 million euros over four years to host a creative festival. As a community of interests of more than 70 actors, coordinated in the non-profit association Berlin Worx, we are a broad alliance of Berlin’s creative industries, demonstrating our unity and the willingness to create a new, unique, innovative and innovative festival together, to jointly develop a new, unique, innovative and sustainable format.

It is a vision, a plan, around which more and more actors and institutions of Berlin’s creative industries are gathering. Creative industries are gathering around it. Creative networks and companies jointly initiate a process to design and establish a large, multi-day festival at various locations in Berlin.

The international appeal of the city of Berlin is based on a great variety of offerings from a wide range of actors that have grown over the years and decades.
An innovative art, music, film, design, games and XR scene, successful industry meetings of the startup, digital and tech scene, and world-class events, digital and tech scene, world-class scientific institutions that dare to engage in an active exchange with society, and countless other initiatives. Added to this is an incomparable variety of established cultural venues and as yet unused urban potential areas that make Berlin the envy of is envied worldwide.

The festival is a cross-over format, which succeeds in building a bridge across the different creative sectors in order to use this worldwide unique existing potential – an intersectoral, co-creative and cross-locational cooperation of actors of the creative sector shall emerge. is to emerge. A format that provides a curated overview and accessibility of the multitude of creative and accessibility of the multitude of actors in Berlin’s creative industries and their products and services.

The format is to include elements of a trade fair, classic art, music and film festivals, as well as innovative components from tech and science conferences. At the same time, creative experimental spaces for academic knowledge transfer and citizen science. The festival brings together leading experts, innovation pioneers and interested parties in different locations of the and interested people at different locations in the city to inspire each other and to create together. The festival will be hybrid – physically and digitally – accessible. It is intended to be a showcase, entrance door and platform for Berlin’s creative industries at the same time. Such a format does not yet exist in Berlin – not even in in Europe.
Berlin Worx

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The international travelling exhibition NatureTecture presents the fields of landscape architecture in all their breadth and relevance.
The exhibition is based on landscape architectural expertise from North Rhine-Westphalia and refers to examples of landscape architecture from NRW.
NatureTecture focuses on those fields of work that will become increasingly important internationally for the design of our living environments and formulates relevant questions for the future.
The NatureTecture exhibition is dedicated to the tasks and instruments of qualifying landscape in the post-industrial age.
The international travelling exhibition on the fields of work of landscape architecture is organized by the Chamber of Architects of North Rhine-Westphalia with the support of the Ministry of Building and Transport of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia.

Concept NatureTecture @ Chamber of Architects, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, 1 September 2009
Exhibition NatureTecture @ Chamber of Architects, Düsseldorf, Germany 11 Februar -17 March 2010
Exhibition NatureTecture @ Representation of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia to the European Union, Berlin, Germany, 9 June-12 July 2010
Exhibition NatureTecture @ Chamber of Architects of Jeollabuk-Do Province (KIRA Jeonbuk), Republic of Korea, 1 September- 4 September 2010
Exhibition NatureTecture @ Building Culture Fair Daejeon 2010, Republic of Korea, 14-19 October 2010
Exhibition NatureTecture @ Architecture and Urbanism Fair Gwangju, Republic of Korea, 3-7 November 2010
Exhibition NatureTecture @ Turkish Chamber of Architects of the Metropolis of Istanbul, Turkey, 26 November-10 December 2010
Exhibition NatureTecture @ 20th Anniversary of German Reunification, Busan, Republic of Korea, 8-14 December 2010

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