playVOID @ Pop Up Park

A two week program explores how the VOID in the center of the Embassy’s premises can function as a pleasurable communication space by playing, dancing, lounging, exchanging, enjoying.

Opening & Press Conference Public Pop-Up Park @ Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Berlin, 15 June 2018
Reading, Presentation & Discussion Alexander von Humboldt and Humboldt Volcano @ Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, MakeCity Festival, Berlin, 15 June 2018 


playVOID program includes a series of events:

Studio Talk” on “Alexander von Humboldt and Humboldt Volcano” as a conversation between the author and journalist, head of cultural affairs section of Tagesspiegel, Rüdiger Schaper, and Prof. Elizabeth Sikiaridi and Prof. Frans Vogelaar of Hybrid Space Lab (15-06-2018, 19:30)

Embassy Lab GRÜNtopia”, investigating how to integrate green in dense urban settings, developing ideas for greening the VOID (22-06-2018, 15:00).

Mart Stam Talks” focussing on alternative artistic approaches to creating space (date to be announced).

The courtyard is activated with the help of the experimental “Plug-in” of the “Home not Shelter” initiative.

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