Future Cultural Space

What are engaging, inclusive, and sustainable hybrid formats and spaces for art and culture?

For the German Federal Cultural Fund Hybrid Space Lab developed a workshop on the hybrid future of culture.

Keynote Future Cultural Space @ Kulturstiftung des Bundes, HoloLabdive in Program for Digital Interaction, Halle an der Saale, Germany, 16.00 – 17.00, 22 September 2021Hybrid Workshop The Future is not Digital. Hybrid is the Future! @ Kulturstiftung des Bundes, HoloLabdive in Program for Digital Interaction, 13.30–18.00, 14 October 2021

The Future is not Digital.

Hybrid is the Future!

Keynote Future Cultural Space @ Kulturstiftung des Bundes, HoloLab – dive in Program for Digital Interaction, Halle an der Saale, Germany, 22 September 2021


Co-creative Workshop

During the co-creative workshop, we will speculate about hybrid spaces for art and cultural practices. We will experiment with co-creative processes of a hybrid design studio to develop ideas for infrastructures and networks for combined on-site and online co-creation and public engagement and formulate proposals for hybrid modular and mobile systems to engage urban society in co-creation processes.

The workshop refers to several hybrid dimensions of art and culture: on the one hand, to the coming together of creative practices such as painting, sculpture, theatre, dance, performance, video, sound, interactive media, and digital art in one artistic project as post-media art; at the same time, to hybridization as the fusion of cultural creators and consumers, as cultural co-creation in hybrid spaces. Polyphonic hybrid cultures are anchored and embedded in physical spaces, while at the same time they are increasingly disseminated, shaped and negotiated in trans-local digital networks .


The onsite workshop takes place at Hybrid Space Lab: Wilhelmine-Gemberg-Weg 6, entry A, 10179 Berlin.


The event will be held in compliance with the 2G rules (vaccinated and/or recovered).

Onsite Workshop Session

13:30 – Start of the onsite workshop: Welcome address and short introduction of all participants, introduction to the workshop’s theme, and short guided tour of Hybrid Space Lab.
14:45 – Working in groups onsite.
15:30 – Coffee break.

Online Workshop Session

The online workshop takes place via Zoom.

15:30 – Start of the online workshop with an introductory lecture.
15:50 – Short online presentation of the workshop to all HoloLab participants.
16:00 – Online Q&A session.

Workshop Plenary

Onsite + Online
Bringing all onsite and online participants together.

16:10 – Start of the plenary session with a presentation of the results of the on-site groups and discussion together with the online participants.
17:00 – Short break.
17:10 – Wrap up discussion in the plenary session.
17:30 – Closing of the event and networking in the plenary session.
18:00 – End of the hybrid (combined onsite and online) workshop.


INbetweenSTITUTE reinserts art production in Beijing 798 Art Area. It is a new open infrastructure for co-creation, bridging the private space of artistic creation (ateliers, studios) and the public spaces of the audience (public showcase, museum, gallery, theater, concert hall…)

Artists and creative professionals interact and actively involve their online and on-site audiences.
INbetweenSTITUTE provides a new hybrid infrastructure that fuses the private space of the artist/creative professional with the public spaces of the audience, creating a hybrid platform for co-creation.

The distancing rules put into place during the coronavirus crisis have had a massive impact on life and society. Other forms of dialogue and exchange must be found and put into practice, or for otherwise social cohesion runs the risk of breaking down. However, the crisis has revealed that the digital sphere can offer innovative possibilities for interaction which have not yet been fully explored.

Since the pandemic began, cultural institutions have been discussing how they can reach and interact best with their audiences. How can a target group-specific, active dialogue – either as a participation format or artistic presentation practice – be converted into a digital format or expanded in digital space? With “dive in. Programme for Digital Interactions” the Federal Cultural Foundation wishes to support and encourage cultural institutions in Germany to respond to the current pandemic-related situation with innovative, digital dialogue and exchange formats.

The programme is targeted at contemporary-oriented cultural institutions in all artistic areas, as well as memorial sites, libraries, sociocultural centres, archives with archival assets in artistic disciplines, and festivals. Its aim is to enable these institutions to implement innovative ideas and digital exchange projects, to test formats for reaching new audiences, experiment with new digital applications and further develop existing services by the end of the coming year. The Foundation would like dive in to support measures that create links between analogue and digital formats to create new ways to access artistic productions and offer diverse forms of audience interaction and user participation.

The programme will be accompanied by idea workshops organised by the Federal Cultural Foundation, as well as workshops on nationwide knowledge transfer to flank the interdisciplinary development of digital concepts and their implementation in the cultural institutions.
German Federal Cultural Foundation

related PROJECTS


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NatureTecture focuses on those fields of work that will become increasingly important internationally for the design of our living environments and formulates relevant questions for the future.
The NatureTecture exhibition is dedicated to the tasks and instruments of qualifying landscape in the post-industrial age.
The international travelling exhibition on the fields of work of landscape architecture is organized by the Chamber of Architects of North Rhine-Westphalia with the support of the Ministry of Building and Transport of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia.

Concept NatureTecture @ Chamber of Architects, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, 1 September 2009
Exhibition NatureTecture @ Chamber of Architects, DĂźsseldorf, Germany 11 Februar -17 March 2010
Exhibition NatureTecture @ Representation of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia to the European Union, Berlin, Germany, 9 June-12 July 2010
Exhibition NatureTecture @ Chamber of Architects of Jeollabuk-Do Province (KIRA Jeonbuk), Republic of Korea, 1 September- 4 September 2010
Exhibition NatureTecture @ Building Culture Fair Daejeon 2010, Republic of Korea, 14-19 October 2010
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