Lecture Internet of Things @ V2 Institute for Unstable Media, Rotterdam, 9 April 2015
International Internet of Things Conference explores the concept of IoT and implications for people and society.
Technology and data will merge with physical objects and structures in the city and alter our city experience. In all domains, whether healthcare, waste management, shopping, public transport or education and social life, IoT will influence our cities.
There is an increasing awareness that the developments in technology and media have created a hybrid environment which incorporates our architecture.
19.15–19.25 Leon van Geest
19.25–19.30 Martin Pot
19.35–20.00 Ben van Lier, Account Manager Governance at Centric: Developing the Industrial Internet of Things with a networking centric approach
20.00–20.15 Floris Schiferli, Superuse Studios, Rotterdam: Pulsapp, the exchange of data to limit/reduce waste of building materials
20.30–20.45 Elizabeth Sikiaridi and Frans Vogelaar, Hybrid Space Lab, Berlin: Metropolitan Solutions
20.45–21.00 Cristina Ampatzidou: Re-interpreting ‘Civic Participation’ in the context of planning processes
21.30–21.45 Nimish Biloria, Ass.Prof. at TU-Delft Hyperbody Lab: Metabody project”
21.45–22.00 Jan Belon, Afdeling Buitengewone Zaken, Rotterdam: Hidden Design, how to design for the IoT.
22.15 – 22.30 Nils Berndsen (D66), Cristina Ampatzidou and Floris Schiferli
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