Hybrid Heritage @ AMPS University Kent

As in the 21st Century the world develops a deeper understanding of heritage, digital technology is ever more present in our reading of the past.

Hybrid Space Lab’s lecture Hybrid Heritage addresses how to best unlock the unique potentialities of this interdisciplinary and technological moment.

Re-signify heritage

How to re-signify heritage and physical monuments with the help of creative visions and hybrid (combined physical and digital) tools? Addressing these issues the lecture Hybrid Heritage presents a series of Hybrid Space Lab’s projects researching and designing contemporary interpretations and further development of heritage under a multicultural perspective.

Cultural hybridity in a globalized world

Including the integration of digital technology, Augmented Reality, and media networks in heritage projects, Hybrid Heritage also focuses on cultural hybridity in today’s globalized world.

Digitally supported co-creative processes

Next to integrating creative design research methods into the processing of heritage, Hybrid Heritage bolsters innovative ideas on (the future of) heritage in the Digital Age: Digitally supported co-creative processes potentially eliminate boundaries to engagement and visualization, fostering radical re-signification of physical monuments and heritage. Dynamic, digital, networked archives enable the integration of side-lined voices within polyphonic heritage (sites).

Lecture Hybrid Heritage

The lecture shortly introduces Hybrid Space Lab’s Hybrid Heritage approach as well as Hybrid Space Lab’s projects Humboldt JungleHumboldt Volcano, INbetweenSTITUTE, Deep Space, Voiced Space, Future Narratives Immersive Experiences, and Hybrid Staging.

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