Hybrid Space Lab @ Berlin Climate Protection Conference

Berlin is growing. 

With an increasing demand for mobility, infrastructure and communal services the challenge is climate protection.

At the same time, however, this also increases the city’s prosperity and diversity.

In order to grow sustainably, one of the challenges we face today is climate protection.

After all, we can only fulfil our ambitious climate protection goals if we succeed in mastering the increasing demands on mobility, infrastructure and services of general interest as the population grows.

Panel @ Conference Climate Protection Urban Growth, EUREF Campus, Berlin, 24 November 2015


Welcome and opening of the 5th Berlin Climate Change Conference

Petra Schwarz (moderation) in conversation with Rainer Knauber (head of corporate communications and marketing of the GASAG AG) and Alexander Jung (Executive Vice President of Vattenfall GmbH Berlin)

Keynote Urban growth: Success Factor Climate Protection

Andreas Geisel, Senator for urban development and environment of the Land Berlin

Urban growth: Success Factor Climate Protection

Discussion Does Berlin need a green new Deal ?
Dr. Stepham FranzkeManaging Director of Berlin Partner for Economy and Technology GmbH
Dr. Bernd Heinrichs, Managing Director of Cisco Systems GmbH
Alanus von Radecki, Head of Fraunhofer Innovation Network “Morgenstadt: City Insights”
Jürgen WittkeChief Executive Officer of the Handwerkskammer Berlin

Keynote Climate Protection and Energy Transition

Matthias Machnig, State Secretary at the Federal Ministry of Economy and Energy

Urban growth: Influence of Technology

Discussion: “how smart should a growing city be?”
Kerstin Anfrea, MdB, Deputy Chairman of the faction Alliance ‘ 90 / the Greens
Prof. Dr. Michael Braungart, cradle to cradle Chair for innovation and quality, Rotterdam School of Management (Erasmus University)
Henner Bunde, Secretary of the Senate Department for Economics, Technology and Research of the Land Berlin
George Friedrichs, Managing Director of Vattenfall Europe Wind Power GmbH
Alexander Mankowsky, Futures Studies & Ideation of Daimler AG
Rainer Knauber, Head of Corporate Communications and Marketing of  GASAG AG

Urban growth: Influence of Policy

Discussion: “Sustainable city, Efficient City: a look”
Prof.. Dr. Andrea Knie, Director of the Innovation Centre for Mobility and Sociatal Change (InnoZ) GmbH
Michael Nallinger, Editor-in-Chief of the Newspaper for Local Economy
Burkhard Rhein, Deputy Head of Economic Policy of the Association of Business Associations in Berlin and Brandenburg e.V. (UVB)
Dr. Birgit  Schiffmann, Head of the City of Hamburg Climate Protection
Prof. Frans Vogelaar, Hybrid Space Lab

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