Media Architecture @ New Media Festival

The Media Architecture, New Media Cultural “Art + Communication” Festival, an event that stands at the cusp international research network between the computer and the postmodern architecture.

The topics range of the application of the dynamics of the network incorporeal to the creation of physical spaces open and public, based architectures processes, and hybrid spaces such as reachability and positioning via networks and satellites is impacting on the notions of space-time and on ‘ social organization.

Lecture Architecture @ New Media Cultural Festival, Riga, Latvia, 16-17 May 2003


The 6th International ART+COMMUNICATION festival will comprise a series of events from May 15-18, 2003 conceptually located at the intersection of information networks and post-modern architectonics; while physically located in Latvia in Riga, as well as in Karosta, Liepaja and at the VIRAC Radiotelecope in Irbene.

The Media Architecture international conference will include: how lessons from the social dynamic of ‘virtual ‘networks, can be applied to the creation of open, public physical spaces; designs for process-based architecture, and hybrid spaces; and how mapping/positioning and wireless networking impact on notions of space time and social organization.

To emphasize the reflections on urban transformation, the seminars have been provided in the old part of the city, with several vacant sites, as well as the ambitious project of the new headquarters dell’RIXC , the media center of the Latvian capital. The conferences are ‘urban geographies and networked media / process-based architecture’ with Frans Vogelaar, Hybrid Space Lab, KHM, Lev Manovich, Tuomas Toivonen, HALL, Francesca Ferguson , Urban Drift , Herve Trioreau, Carl Biorsmark, Kristine Briede, K @ 2 and Alex Adriaansens, V2, ‘Hybrid space / Interrelations of media art in public spaces, in virtual networks and architecture’ with Eric Kluitenberg, Tania Gorucheva, Russian Media Art Lab (RU), Edwin van der Heide, Luke Jerram, Atau Tanaka , Tamas Szakal, Michael Mastrototaro, Sabine Maier, Christoph Theiler, machfeld, Tim Boykett and Andreas Mayrhof, Times Up , ‘Cellspace wireless networks, mapping and GPS-positioning’ with Marc Tuters, GPSter, Ewen Chardronnet, Ellipse, Marko Peljhan, Projekt Atol , Wayne Piekarski (AU), Jaanis Garancs (DE-LV), Adam Hyde, Radioqualia and Locative mediamaps and psychogeography with Konrad Becker, Public Netbase, Brian Holmes, Aske Hopman, Esther Polak, Tom Demeyer, Marleen Sticker, Waag Society, Leonore Bonaccini, Xavier Fourt, Bureau d’etudes, 0100101110101101.ORGVopos .

Among the facilities include: ‘Matrix’, installation by Luke Jerram, which creates light sculptures directly into the eye of the user, using a proprietary technology of image retention on the retina, ‘Real Time Line’, the application to the territory of local ‘ self-titled project carried out in Amsterdam in December last year. ‘Psychotronic Government’, maps of the Bureau d’Etudes, and ‘Soft Cinema’ by Lev Manovich, in which the user is subjected to an endless series of sequences filmed narratives constructed on the fly from an appropriate software according to the rules imposed by ‘author, including songs from the soundtrack. Also sonic performance with three-dimensional visual and sound interfaces (Navigable Sound, Pingsonik,,, videos of Mike Stubbs and Wolf Kahlen, ‘LSP # 2’ by Edwin van der Heide with a laser controlled by the sounds , ‘Sensor Duo’ of Atau Tanaka and Cecile Babiole, ‘Data Comm Space’ by Adam Hyde and ‘Spectrosphere’ of Clausthome. Finally presented ‘Acoustic.Space (4): Media Architecture’ magazine aperiodic printed in Riga, together with the dvd ‘RT-32: Acoustic Space Lab’, with the history and exploration of multimedia performance about the famous radio telescope VIRAC deployed to Irbene .

How lessons from the social dynamic of ‘virtual ‘networks, can be applied to the creation of open, public physical spaces; discussion on designs for process-based architecture, and hybrid spaces.


Information Networks
Post-modern Architectonics

Urban Geographies and Networked Media / Process-based Architecture

Frans Vogelaar, KHM Cologne, DE , Hybrid Space Lab , Amsterdam, NL
Tuomas Toivonen, AULA, Helsinki, FI
Francesca Ferguson, Urban DriftBerlin, DE
Lev Manovich, San Diego, USA
Herve Trioreau, Paris, FR
Carl Biorsmark, Kristine BriedeK@2Liepaja, LV
Alex Adriaansens, V2Amsterdam

Hybrid Space
Open Source Media Architecture

Eric Kluitenberg, de BalieAmsterdam, NL
Tania Gorucheva, Media Art LabMoscow, RU
Tim Boykett, Andreas Mayrhof, Times UpLinz, AT
Luke Jerram, BristolUK
Tamas Szakal, Leipzig, DE
Michael Mastrototaro, Sabine Maier, Christoph Theiler, MACHFELDVienna, AT

Mobile Media for Social Geography
Locative Art

Cell Space: Mapping-Positioning and Wireless Networks

Marc Tuters, GPSterMontreal, CA
Ewen Chardronnet, EllipseParis, FR
Marko Peljhan, Projekt AtolLjubljana, SI – tbc.
Wayne Piekarski, UniSA, AU
Jaanis Garanchs, Cologne, DE, Riga, LV –
Adam Hyde , r a d i o q u a l i a / London, UK-NZ

Mobile Media for Social Geography
Locative Art

Locative Media and Psychogeography

Konrad Becker, Public NetbaseVienna, AT
Brian Holmes, Paris, FR-US
Aske Hopman, Esther Polak, Tom Demeyer, Marleen Stickerde WaagAmsterdam, NL
Leonore Bonaccini, Xavier FourtBureau d’etudesParis, FR
Ted Pikul, 0100101110101101.ORGBologne, IT – VOPOS – Life Sharing

Acoustic Space Lab

Presentation of the multimedia research DVD [RT-32] by RIXC and participants of the 2001 Acoustic Space Lab symposium.
The DVD [RT-32] produced by RIXC in Riga 2002-2003, is a multi-media exploration of the VIRAC radio telescope – a 32 m dish antenna in Irbene, Latvia. It covers the history of this top-secret Soviet era military object, including precise technical data and its conversion to scientific and civilian use, and introduces the international ACOUSTIC SPACE LAB symposium on sound art using radio and satellite technology that took place in summer 2001 at the site of the dish.

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