Discussing hybridization as a general approach and strategy and as a quality of urban spaces.
The public lecture serves as an introduction to the workshop “Hybrid Notations“.
Lecture Hybrid Space @ Contemporary Art Center Znaki Czasu, Torun, Poland, 31 March 2011
Hybridization is today everywhere. Currently, we are dealing with hybrid cities, hybrid cars, hybrid enterprises, hybrid plastics, hybrid plants, hybrid wars … This development reflects the transition from thinking based on clearly defined categories and the treatment of individual disciplines separately towards a flexible approach based on a network paradigm, concentrating on connections and interrelations.
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Today, media networks are influencing and interacting with real places. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is radically changing the way we live, interact and perceive our world.
Politics, economics, warfare, culture are increasingly taking place in the spaces of information-communication, media networks.
Publication Hybrids @ Interior Wor(l)ds, Umberto Allemandi & C., Torino, Italy, September 2010
Politics, economics, warfare, culture are increasingly taking place in the spaces of information-communication, media networks.
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