Culture and Computing is an important research area which aims to address the human-centred design of interactive technologies for the production, curation, preservation and fruition of cultural heritage, as well as developing and shaping future cultures.
Program Board Member Culture & Computing Conference 2021 @ Washington Hilton Hotel, Washington DC, USA, 24-29 July 2021
There are various research directions in the relations between culture and computing: to preserve, disseminate and create cultural heritages via ICT (cf. digital archives), to empower humanities research via ICT (cf. digital humanities), to create art and expressions via ICT (cf. media art), to support interactive cultural heritage experiences (cf. rituals), and to understand new cultures born in the Internet, Web and Entertainment (cf. net culture, social media, games).
The International Conference on Culture and Computing provides an opportunity to share research issues and discuss the future of culture and computing.
Matthias Rauterberg, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands
Juan A. Barcelo, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, Spain
Emmanuel G. Blanchard, IDU Interactive Inc., Canada
Erik Champion, University of Western Australia, Australia
Torkil Clemmensen, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
Fabian Lopes Da Cunha, São Paulo State University, Brazil
Halina Gottlieb, Digital Heritage Center Sweden AB, Sweden
Susan Hazan, Digital Heritage, Israel, Israel
Rüdiger Heimgärtner, Intercultural User Interface Consulting (IUIC), Germany
Isto Huvila, Uppsala University, Sweden
Toru Ishida, Waseda University, Japan
Katerina Kabassi, Ionian University, Greece
Sagini Keengwe, University of North Dakota, United States
Gertraud Koch, University of Hamburg, Germany
Donghui Lin, Kyoto University, Japan
Yohei Murakami, Ritsumeikan University, Japan
Ryohei Nakatsu, Kyoto University, Japan
Jong-il Park, Hanyang University, Korea
Robert Parthesius, New York University Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Antonio Rodà, University of Padova, Italy
Kasper Rodil, Aalborg University, Denmark
Hooman Samani, National Taipei University, Taiwan
Vibeke Sorensen, Nanyang Technological University Singapore, Singapore
Frans Vogelaar, Academy of Media Arts, Cologne, Germany
Michael Walsh, Nanyang Technological University Singapore, Singapore
Jianjiang Wang, Shanghai Normal University, P.R. China
Lin Zhang, Communication University of China, P.R. China
Analysis of new culture on the internet and web
Computational interactive culture
Cultural and social computing
Cultural data analytics
Cultural heritage archiving
Culture and brain science
Culture and collaboration
Culture based media art and music
Digital libraries for culture
Digital storytelling in cultural context
Emotions, archetypes and culture
Games and culture
Information environments for humanity studies
Intangible heritage preservation
Interaction with digital humanities
Interaction with tangible and intangible cultural heritage
Interactive art and design
Interactive digital museums
Interactive light and illumination
Intergenerational communication and education
New interfaces for tangible and intangible cultural heritage
Reflections on the impact of ICT on culture
Religion and culture
Rituals in human life
Virtual, augmented and mixed reality (xR) application for culture
Visitors’ experiences in digital culture
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