


BETWEENstitute speculates on new hybrid models and discusses possible infrastructures and platforms that promote cultural collaboration and co-creation.
SPIEL lab are creative ideation workshops investigating and activating the potentials of transmediale and CTM Festival networks.
BETWEENstitute is developed and curated by Hybrid Space Lab, on invitation by transmediale and CTM Festival.

Workshop SPIEL lab @ Hybrid Space Lab, Berlin, 10.00-13.00, 28 January 2025
Roundtable Discussion BETWEENstitute @ transmediale, Kuppelhalle silent green, Berlin, 16.00-17.30, 30 January 2025
Workshops BETWEENstitute @ Hybrid Space Lab, Berlin, 15 March-15 July 2025


BETWEENstitute are creative ideation workshops investigating and activating the potentials of transmediale and CTM Festival networks.
Reflecting on hybrid networked formats, BETWEENstitute speculates on new models and discusses possible infrastructures and platforms that promote collaboration and co-creation.
BETWEENstitute is developed and curated by Hybrid Space Lab, on invitation by transmediale and CTM Festival.

Workshop SPIEL lab @ Hybrid Space Lab, Berlin, 10.00-13.00, 28 January 2025
Roundtable Discussion BETWEENstitute @ transmediale, Kuppelhalle silent green, Berlin, 16.00-17.30, 30 January 2025
Workshops BETWEENstitute @ Hybrid Space Lab, Berlin, 15 March-15 July 2025

Cool Cities

With our planet getting hotter and hotter, we need to cool down our cities!
Consultancy to the Deputy Mayor of Athens for Climate Governance and Social Economy, Nikos Chrysogelos, focusing on urban climate adaptation strategies.

Consultancy Cool Down Cities @ Municipality of Athens, Deputy Mayor of Athens for Climate Governance and Social Economy Nikos Chrysogelos, Athens 25 August 2024


KOSMOS is a prototype for innovative venues dedicated to global cultural interaction and an experimentation space for the future of museums and cultural institutions.
Offering a hybrid (combined digital/physical) infrastructure that fosters transcultural exchange, KOSMOS is open to all people and communities worldwide who have Internet access to participate in this co-creative platform, to interact and collectively envision new cultural futures.

Kosmos @ Hybrid Space Lab, 2024

Humboldt Futures

Humboldt Futures offers a globally accessible co-creative gaming platform for exchange and participative collective production in order to negotiate dystopian and to envision positive cultural futures.
Humboldt Futures is an experimentation space for ideating the future of museums.
Humboldt Futures is a collaboration between and Hybrid Space Lab.

Dinner Humboldt Futures @ Hybrid Space Lab, Berlin 11 January 2024
Workshop Ideation, Presentation & Discussion Humboldt Futures @ Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, 12 January 2024

Creative & Tech Festival Berlin

Hybrid Space Lab’s innovative concepts have been incorporated as recommendations for action in the White Paper of the Creative & Tech Festival Berlin.

Concept Hybrid & Crossover @ White Paper Creative Festival Berlin, 12 June 2023


Ecological transition implies and demands a conceptual mutation, a paradigm shift.
This global transistion has to integrate also other systems of knowledge and ways of conceiving the world, some of which are still organizing the daily lives of the inhabitants of cities in the Global South, and are often shunned and disregarded in the Global North.

Labs & Fests @ Glocal, 2023~2026


festCITY consists of a radical, situated approach to embed festival and cultural events into the city. It entails a process-oriented think-tank to sustainably integrate festivals and festival designing and making into the environment, with a crossover, hybrid approach that combines Berlin’s (bio)diversity leveraging unexpected encounters and combinations from the cultural and tech fields.

Lecture FESTcity, Town Hall Meeting #1 @ betahaus, Berlin, 22 March 2023

Next Stop Culture

Animal Club connects creatives, ecologists, biologists, artists, philosophers and other experts with professionals from the club scene to generate new concepts and develop new business models for a sustainable future of clubbing and culture.

Presentation, Workshop, Panel, Party @ Amsterdam Dance Event @ SEXYLAND World, Amsterdam, 16.00-24.00, 2022

Animal Club

Animal Club connects creatives, ecologists, biologists, artists, philosophers and other experts with professionals from the club scene to generate new concepts and develop new business models for a sustainable future of clubbing and culture.

Presentation, Workshop, Panel & Party Animal Club, Co-Hosted by VibeLab @ Amsterdam Dance Event, SEXYLAND World, 1 Noordwal, 1021 PX Amsterdam, 20 October 2022


The notion of a circular city has taken to occupy center stage as a main concept for sustainable zero-waste urban futures. And yet, as one takes a closer look, the circle expands in multiple ripples and loops, revealing the sheer complexity that envisioning – let alone developing – circular cities entail.

Presentation & Workshop Cities in the Loop: Re-coding the Circular City @ Hybrid Space Lab, Berlin, 1 July 2022
Presentation & Workshop zirkularKIEZ @ Bits & Bäume 2022 Conference for Digitization and Sustainability, Technical University Berlin, 2 October 2022


The way people communicate and connect around the world today, is being radically redefined by digitalization.
With the acceleration of digitization as one of the most obvious consequences of the pandemic, the use of digital tools is experiencing an unprecedented rise among arts and cultural institutions and practices.

Publication @ tanz Yearbook 2022, Germany, 15 August 2022


Convers(at)ions engages creatively with exchanges over border phenomenology and performativity, it transforms negative spaces such as military demarcations and borders by adopting a ‘more-than-human’ perspective and taps into the potential of nature and environmental conservation activities.

Research @ Korean Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) &  European Green Belt (EGB), Berlin & Seoul, October 2019~2023


The future of culture is hybrid. Cultural innovation lies in the cross-pollination between different fields, approaches and expertise.

Lectures, Presentations, Discussions & Cooking @ Hybrid Space Lab, Berlin, 2021~2023
Presentation & , Discussion Marleen Stikker, founder and director Waag Future Lab for Design and Technology @ Hybrid Space Lab, Berlin, 18.00-20.00, 30 November 2021
Presentation & Discussion Hybrid Face, Merlijn Schoonenboom, cultural historian and journalist @ Hybrid Space Lab, Berlin, 18.00-21.00, 19 May 2023
Cooking & Sound,  The Common Meal, FM Einheit, musician, sound researcher, actor, composer, producer and founding member Einstürzende Neubauten, LI Zhenhua, master chef, curator, poet, filmmaker and artist, Prof. Dr. Siegfried Zielinski, media archaeologist, writer and curator @ Hybrid Space Lab, Berlin, February 2023

reWild Autobahn

ReWild Autobahn proposes a hybrid (natural and artificial) landscape on a dismantled urban highway in Berlin as a green corridor for humans and non-humans.

Exhibition ReWild Autobahn @ BDA Gallery, Association of German Architects Berlin, Berlin, 6 October – 26 November 2021
Publication Berlin Atlas @ BauNetz, Berlin, 19 November 2021

Future Cultural Space

What are engaging, inclusive, and sustainable hybrid formats and spaces for art and culture?
For the German Federal Cultural Fund Hybrid Space Lab developed a workshop on the hybrid future of culture.

Hybrid Workshop “The Future is not Digital. Hybrid is the Future!” @ Kulturstiftung des Bundes, HoloLab – dive in Program for Digital Interaction, Halle an der Saale, Germany 14 October 2021

Hybrid Spaces

Investigating and speculating on the future of social and cultural spaces requires considering physical spaces in combination with digital media networks, emphasizing the hybrid qualities of spaces in the interplay of the digital and the physical.

Publication Hybrid Space @ @ Regeneration [and its Discontents], Lithuanian Architectural Foundation, Vilnius, Lithuania, 4 June 2021

Re-Charting Places

In our globalized world the accelerating speed of socio-political and cultural change collides with the longue-durée of heritage sites and territories. As social and political contexts around places with a public meaning change, controversies often arise.

Publication Re-Charting Places @ Contested Spaces – Concerted Projects: Designs for Vulnerable Memories, Lettera Ventidue Edizioni, Syracuse, Italy, April 2021

Co-Creating Hybrid Culture

For the German Federal Cultural Foundation Hybrid Space Lab developed Co-Creating Hybrid Culture that addresses the augmenting of physical cultural sites and practices through digital spaces via transdisciplinary co-creating events.

Keynote Future Cultural Space @ Kulturstiftung des Bundes, HoloLab – dive in Program for Digital Interaction, Halle an der Saale, Germany, 16.00 – 17.00, 22 September 2021
Research & Concept @ German Federal Cultural Foundation, Halle an der Saale, Germany, 2021

Grow Your Green City

Grow Your Green City is an international campaign creating awareness of the fundamental role played by urban green. Grow Your Green City is committed to the idea that a Smart City should be a climate-conscious city, exploring how digital and media technologies can contribute to address urban climate adaptation and water-conscious urban development, strengthening and promoting sustainability cultures.

Workshop Grow Your Green City @ Floriade Expo 2022, Almere, The Netherlands, 25 February 2021

Resignify City

Focussing on rereading the cityscape, granting visibility and recognition to voices and histories previously silenced, the program focuses on fostering memory-making and processing through the development of innovative, participatory methods that do not physically touch the spaces involved.

Lectures & Workshop Resignify City @ Media Architecture Biennale 2021, Amsterdam, Utrecht, The Netherlands, 24 June 2021

Club Futures

Club Futures is an international laboratory with the aim of developing new perspectives for the club and cultural scene.

Exchange, Ideation, Research, Panels, Parties, Prototyping, Workshops @ Club Futures, Hybrid Space Lab, Berlin & Amsterdam, 2022~2023

Hybrid Platforms

Hybrid Platforms develops con­cepts and ideas for new cultural formats and is organized and curated by the NRW KULTURsekretariat and Hybrid Space Lab.

Workshop Hybrid Platforms @ Next Level Festival for Games & NRW KULTURsekretariat, Kokskohlenbunker, Zeche Zollverein, Essen, Germany, 14 November 2020

Green Artificial Intelligent Architecture

In the Anthropocene, the juxtaposition between nature versus artifact and designed environment is becoming obsolete. In the dissolution of this polarity lays a great chance: architecture (which in the allegorical depiction of the Vitruvian Primitive Hut by Marc-Antoine Laugier and Charles Eisen of 1753 had emerged from nature) merges with nature once again.

Architecture G AI A @ de Waag Technology & Society, Amsterdam, 2019-2020

Reboot Culture

Reboot Culture experiments with collective cultural experiences deeply rooted in urban space, combining public physical space and public digital space. Through hybrid formats and the support of a mobile, modular media infrastructure, the program engages with practices that can make culture ‘go-round’ in its hybridity, embedding cultural co-creation in the city fabric. With floating stage and studio facilities at the riversides Reboot Culture merges (urban) landscapes with Hybrid Staging, developing a strong symbolic momentum for the rebooting of culture.

Concerts, Jam-sessions, Performances, Screenings & Narrow- and Broadcasts @ Instrument Inventors, Royal Academy of Art & Royal Conservatoire the Hague, Sonic Acts, V2 Lab for Unstable Media, Waag technology & society, The Netherlands, 2020-2021


As museums and cultural institutions face the prospect of a 1.5mt-apart life and economy, how to offer meaningful visitors’ experiences whilst keeping afloat of financial needs has become a most pressing question.

Research & Ideation @ Hybrid Space Lab, Berlin, 2020

Post COVID-19 City

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the use of digital instruments is rapidly increasing.
As the possible consequences of digitization are more sharply outlined, this opens new possibilities for spatial organization.
This urges us to reconsider the guiding principles and models for the urbanization of technology we want to follow and what our city visions are.
We can still choose.

Publication Post COVID-19 City @ KHM #0 Magazine, Academy of Media Arts (KHM), Cologne, Germany, 1 July 2022

Hybrid Staging

With its physical distancing measures, the COVID-19 pandemic is destroying public space as we know it.
The current crisis creates the necessity – and emergency – to rethink cultural space.

Research, Lectures & Workshops @ Cultural Institutions, Germany, 2020-2021
Keynote Hybrid Space @ Culture @ Kulturstiftung des Bundes, HoloLab – dive in Program for Digital Interaction, Halle an der Saale, Germany, 16.00 – 17.00, 22 September 2021
Hybrid Workshop The Future is not Digital. Hybrid is the Future! @ Kulturstiftung des Bundes, HoloLab – dive in Program for Digital Interaction, 13.30–18.00, 14 October 2021
Workshop Hybrid Platforms @ Next Level Festival for Games, Kokskohlenbunker, Zeche Zollverein, Essen, Germany, 14.00–16.30, 14 November 2020

Networked City

What is the relationship between city visions and urban concepts from the past and today’s Smart City narratives?

Lectures & Discussion Visions, Concepts and Narratives for the Networked City @ Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society, Berlin, 20 February 2020

Climate City

Climate City explores how digital technologies contribute to addressing climate adaptation and develops digitalization strategies that take urban sustainability into account. Climate City focuses on digitally supported participatory climate adaptation and is committed to the idea that a smart city should be a climate-conscious city.

Lectures & Discussions Climate City @ Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society, Berlin, 20 November 2019


KOSMOS @ taz

Interview by Felix Hofmann, journalist at the Berlin taz newspaper in the taz Schlossaneignung Blog.

Interview & Publication, Felix Hofmann @ taz, Berlin, 27 November 2024

Humboldt Jungle @ Schlossaneignung

An article by Philipp Oswalt, an initiator of Sclossaneignung Initiative, in DOM magazine 17, mentions Humboldt Jungle, Hybrid Space Lab’sinitiative for greening the Humboldt Forum façade.

Publication Schlossaneignung, Philipp Oswalt @ DOM magazine No. 17, DOM Publishers, Berlin, 1 November 2024

Sustainable Landscape Design and Development @ Baukultur NRW

The demands on our cities’ open spaces are far-reaching.
They should be ecologically valuable and adapted to climate change, as in view of the global climate crisis, the habitats of people, animals and plants are increasingly under threat.
Open spaces should also strengthen interaction and community building in the urban environment, be multifunctional, aesthetically pleasing and health-promoting.

Publication Sustainable Landscape Design and Development @ Baukultur NRW, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany, 15 September 2024

Wonderful Green Facade @ Tagesspiegel

Museum Director Paul Spies takes stock: “The streams of tourists are bypassing the Humboldt Forum”
There were wonderful proposals for the palace, such as a green façade.

Interview Paul Spies by Birgit Rieger @ Tagesspiegel, Berlin, 29 June 2024

Elizabeth Sikiaridi @ Progressive Governance Summit 2024

At the Progressive Governance Summit 2024, transatlantic and global partner network works on strategies and solutions that can make the 2020s a decade of progress.
Progressive Governance Summit 2024 has gathered leading as well as up-and-coming public intellectuals, impactful activists and political decision-makers from around the globe.

Participation Elizabeth Sikiaridi @ Progressive Governance Summit 2024, State Representation of Baden-Württemberg, Berlin, 21-22 June 2024

Custodians of the Past or Shapers of the Future? @ Humboldt Forum

Hybrid Space Lab developed a series of projects for the radical appropriation of the controversial Humboldt Forum in Berlin:
Whereas Humboldt Jungle formulated a strong vision for the re-wilding of the Forum and Humboldt Volcano developed a concrete architectural design solution that addresses many of the foreseeable problems in the Humboldt Forum and that could be realized in the (near) future, Humboldt Kosmos is a fictional universe based on Humboldt Forum that opens up a multiplicity of possible futures.

Publication Humboldt Futures @ Atlas der Datenkörper 2, Transcript Verlag, Germany, 27 May 2024

Humboldt Futures @ Atlas der Datenkörper

Hybrid Space Lab developed a series of projects for the radical appropriation of the controversial Humboldt Forum in Berlin:
Whereas Humboldt Jungle formulated a strong vision for the re-wilding of the Forum and Humboldt Volcano developed a concrete architectural design solution that addresses many of the foreseeable problems in the Humboldt Forum and that could be realized in the (near) future, Humboldt Kosmos is a fictional universe based on Humboldt Forum that opens up a multiplicity of possible futures.

Publication Humboldt Futures @ Atlas der Datenkörper 2, Transcript Verlag, Germany, 27 May 2024

CRISIS design @ Berlin Science Week 2023

Hybrid Space Lab contributes with the lecture CRISIS design to Designing beyond Crisis at Berlin Science Week 2023.
CRISIS design focusses on creativity as a catalyst in difficult political processes and new visions for socio-ecological transformation.

Lecture CRISIS design @ Designing beyond Crisis, Berlin Science Week 2023, 2 November 2023

Bismarck Beyond @ Foundation Historical Museums Hamburg

Hybrid Space Lab’s contribution entitled “Bismarck Beyond” to the Bismarck Neu Denken competition is exhibited at Foundation Historical Museums Hamburg from 26 July till 16 August 2023.

Bismarck Beyond @ Foundation Historical Museums Hamburg, 26 July-16 August 2023

Poly Garden City @ SHEDIA Magazine

Playgrounds, gardens, sports areas.
The roofs of apartment buildings can become a true above-ground city, with multiple benefits for the environment and our socializing.

Interview @ SHEDIA magazine 111, Athens, May 2023

ANIMALfest @ Creative Tech Festival Berlin

The Berlin Government is establishing a creative and tech festival in Berlin in order to increase the city’s international appeal.
At the Public Presentations & Discussion event of the Berlin Creative & Tech Festival 2024-2029 at THFxIMPULSE Event Hybrid Space lab presents ANIMALfest.

Public Presentation & Discussion ANIMALfest @ THFxIMPULSE Event, Flughafen Tempelhof, Berlin, 31 May 2023

fest ACCELERATOR @ Creative & Tech Festival Berlin

Panel festACCELERATOR with Steve Austen and Paul Spies at the Town Hall Meeting #2 discusses how to accelerate the planned Creative & Tech Festival Berlin 2024-2029 through international cooperation.
Hybrid Space Lab organised this panel with international experts on cultural entrepreneurship.

Panel festACCELERATOR, Steve Austen & Paul Spies, Town Hall Meeting #2 @ Holzmarkt, Berlin, 11 April 2023

Startup Energy Transition @ Berlin Energy Transition Dialogue 2023

Startup Energy Transition Festival 2023 brings together a global network of innovators shaping the future of energy by start-ups, innovation-driven corporates, investors, & public organisations.

Panel Moderation & Lecture Building a Sustainable Future: Offsetting Emissions in Smart Cities @ Startup Energy Transition Festival 2023, Berlin, 28 March 2023
Participation @ Berlin Energy Transition Dialogue 2023, German Federal Foreign Office, Berlin, 29 March 2023

festCITY @ Creative Tech Festival Berlin

festCITY consists of a radical, situated approach to embed festival and cultural events into the city of Berlin and New York County.

Lecture #1 Town Hall Meeting @ betahaus, Berlin, 22 March 2023

Club Futures @ transmediale Vorspiel

Club Futures is an international laboratory with the aim of developing new future oriented perspectives for the club and cultural scene that Hybrid Space Lab is developing together with international partners.
Club Futures @ Re:mise explores the yet to be unlocked potential of unused mobility spaces in Berlin to develop concepts for new cultural spaces and to envision new typologies and patterns for a culture-powered sustainable urban development.

Lecture & Discussion Club Futures @ transmediale , Vorspiel 18.30-20.00, 18 Januari 2023

Humboldt Volcano @ RBB

A sort of staircase enveloped in jungle thickets, a waterfall and food offerings on the way up to the roof of Berlin’s city castle.

Publication @ RBB, Berlin, 5 February 2023

Daring Design @ Tagesspiegel

As adventurous as Humboldt himself: The design by the architecture firm Hybrid Space Lab for the Berlin Palace.

Publication by Julia Weiss @ Tagesspiegel, Berlin, 31 January 2023


Hybrid Face @ INbetweenSTITUTE

Presentation and Discussion Hybrid Face by Merlijn Schoonenboom.
In the Digital Age, the face has become the most important representation of our identity. Firstly, to show ourselves to the world we use selfies and Zoom-meetings, which focus almost solely on the face.

Presentation, Discussion & Dinner, Merlijn Schoonenboom, Cultural Historian and Journalist @ INbetweenSTITUTE, Hybrid Space Lab, Berlin, 19 May 2023

Hybrid Space Lab @ Progressive Governance Summit 2022

Hybrid Space Lab is participating in the Progressive Governance Summit 2022 by the Progressive Zentrum on progressive politics.

Participation Progressive Governance Summit 2022 @ Progressive Zentrum, Haus Ungarn, Berlin, 13 October, 2022

eCommemoration Convention 2022 @ Körber Stiftung

Hybrid Space Lab is participating in the eCommemoration Convention 2022 at the Körber Stiftung.
The Körber Stiftung eCommemoration Program brings together international historians, museum makers, digital pioneers, and creatives to shape innovative and digital memory culture.

Participation @ eCommemoration Convention 2022, Körber Stiftung, 29- 30 September 2022

Hybrid Space Lab @ European Institute of Innovation and Technology

Hybrid Space Lab is participating INNOVEIT Berlin which brings together experts and entrepreneurs bringing the New European Bauhaus to life through innovation, creativity and design.

Participation INNOVEIT Berlin @ European Institute of Innovation and Technology, EIT Climate-KIC, Berlin, 23 September 2022

hybrid @ tanz

Hybrid Space Lab wrote the lead article “hybrid” for tanz yearbook 2022, the international magazine for ballet, dance and performance,  focussing on the body and space in the context of the physical and the digital.

Publication hybrid @ tanz, Germany, 19 August 2022

circulariCITY @ Bits & Bäume 2022 Conference

Workshop and presentation of circulariCITY at the Bits & Bäume 2022 Conference.
Bits & Bäume connect communities and stand up for political change in the interaction of digitalisation and sustainability.

Presentation & Workshop circulariCITY @ Bits & Bäume 2022 Conference for Digitization and Sustainability, Technical University Berlin, 1 October 2022

Post COVID-19 City @ Academy of Media Arts

The pilot issue of KHM Magazine (#0) entitled “Out of Time” will address questions such as: What does it mean for people in general and artists in particular to have to keep their distance? How do we experience the changing world, the fears, hopes or anger, promises and consolations? How can we react to them or think of them in terms of a changed future? How is our relationship to closeness and distance changing?

Article Post COVID-19 City @ Academy of Media Arts, Cologne, Germany, 27 July 2022

Deep Space @ ARA

Publication by Sílvia Marimon Molas at the leading Catalan newspaper ARA on how Spanish authorities are relocating symbols of the dictatorship.The article on Spain’s ‘uncomfortable memory’ refers to the Hybrid Space Lab’s project Deep Space.
Deep Space is a long-term investigative program initiated to deal with politics of memory, controversial space and monuments, digitalization and heritage.

Publication Uncomfortable Memory, Sílvia Marimon Molas @ ARA Catalan Newspaper, Barcelona, 16 July 2022

Hybrid Space @ Digital Leaders in Architecture

How do digital technologies influence the architectural scene and its working world? What transformations are still ahead of us? And does all this change the quality of our cities?
Presented by Schüco and Gira, Digital Leaders in Architecture provides architects with a platform for future scenarios and their embedding in reality. In 20-minute web sessions, opinion leaders from architecture are given the space to combine their specialist knowledge with future digital trends.

Interview & Lecture Hybrid Space @ Digital Leaders in Architecture, Schüco International KG, Berlin, 1 July 2022

Hybrid Heritage @ UNA Europe

Lecture at the UNA University PhD Workshop Heritage Hybridizations: Concepts, Scales and Spaces.

Lecture Hybrid Heritage @ UNA University Alliance Europe, Panthéon-Sorbonne University, Galerie Colbert, 2 rue Vivienne, Paris, 31 March 2021, Online, 1 July 2022
Published @ UNA University, Panthéon-Sorbonne University, Paris, 1 July 2022

Newsletter June 2022

Contemporary societies are faced with multiple crises, including climate change, biodiversity loss, social injustice and turmoil, geopolitical conflict and war, humanitarian crises, energy emergency and food insecurity.

Newsletter Permacrisis @ Hybrid Space Lab, 10 June 2022

Hybrid Space Lab @ Smart Cities International Roundtable

Amsterdam Smart City is working together with Future City Foundation which is leading the realization of national (the Netherlands) City Deal.
Smart City: This is how you do it.Smart City: This is how you do it.

Discussion Smart Cities International Roundtable @ Amsterdam Smart Cit, Amsterdam, 7 June 2022

Interview on Iannis Xenakis @ Deutschlandfunk Kultur

Interview with Elizabeth Sikiaridi by Britta Bürger on Iannis Xenakis‘ architectures in the live programme “Fazit” of the German cultural radio “Deutschlandfunk Kultur” on the occasion of Iannis Xenakis‘ 100th birthday about his work and importance as an architect.

Interview in German with Elizabeth Sikiaridi by Britta Bürger on Iannis Xenakis @ Fazit, Deutschlandfunk Kultur, Live Radio, 29 May 2022

Conflict Space @ ISEA 2022

The lecture and workshop Conflict Space takes place at the International Symposium on Electronic Art ISEA 2022 “Possibilities – Heritage and Futures” at the Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona.

Lecture & Workshop Conflict Space @ ISEA 2022 Symposium “Possibilities”, Heritage and Futures @ Museum of Contemporary Art, Barcelona, 12 June 2022 &  14 June 2022

ReWild Berlin @ bauhaus reuse BHROX

Hybrid Space Lab curates the pocket-size workshop on multispecies mobility at the BHROX bauhaus reuse in the framework of the Von A to B Fieldtrip – Amsterdam meets Berlin.

Lecture & Workshop @ BHROX bauhaus reuse, Berlin, 10.00-11.30, 9 February 2022

Hybrid Space @ The Future Now Show

Hybrid Space Lab lectures on Hybrid Space at The Future Now Show of the Club of Amsterdam.

Lecture @ Club of Amsterdam, The Future Now Show, Basel, Switserland, 1 February 2022

Hybrid Heritage @ Practices of Heritage

How to re-signify heritage and physical monuments with the help of creative visions and hybrid (combined physical and digital) tools? Hybrid Heritage engages with this challenge presenting a series of projects researching and designing contemporary interpretations and further development of heritage from a multicultural perspective. Including the integration of digital technology and media networks in heritage projects, Hybrid Heritage also focuses on cultural hybridity in today’s globalized world.

Publication Hybrid Heritage @ Identity and Heritage, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Stuttgart, Germany, 1 Februari 2022

Smart City Expert Workshop @ City Lab Berlin

Hybrid Space Lab contributes to the Smart City Expert Workshop focussing on cultural issues, fostering the co-creative process to shape the content of Berlin’s Smart City strategy.

Workshop Smart City Expert @ Berlin Senate Chancellery and CityLAB Berlin, 7 January 2022

reWild Autobahn @ Smart City Berlin

ReWild Autobahn is presented at Smart City Berlin „Von A nach B” – Amsterdam meets Berlin.

Presentation, ReWild Autobahn @ Smart City Berlin „Von A nach B” – Amsterdam meets Berlin,  Berlin, Germany, 9 December 2021

Marleen Stikker @ INbetweenSTITUTE

Marleen Stikker, founder of Waag is presenting Future Lab at Hybrid Space Lab.

Lecture & Discussion, Marleen Stikker, Founder and Director, Waag Future Lab for design and technology @ Hybrid Space Lab, Berlin, Germany, 30 November 2021

reWild Autobahn @ BauNetz

Baunetz showcases ReWild Autobahn as part of the Berlin Atlas.

Publication ReWild Autobahn @ BauNetz, Berlin Atlas, Berlin, 19 November 2021

Hybrid is the Future! @ Kulturstiftung des Bundes

Workshop Hybrid is the Future! at the digital cultural innovation program dive in , Bundeskulturstiftung, Germany, 14 October 2021

Hybrid Workshop The Future is not Digital. Hybrid is the Future! @ Kulturstiftung des Bundes, HoloLab – dive in Program for Digital Interaction, Berlin, 14 October 2021

ReWild Autobahn @ BDA Berlin

ReWild Autobahn is presented at the gallery of the Association of German Architects.

Exhibition ReWild Autobahn @ BDA Gallery, Mommsenstrasse 64, Berlin, 6 October-26 November 2021

Hybrid Space @ Kulturstiftung des Bundes

Keynote Hybrid Space @ Culture at the digital cultural innovation program dive in , Bundeskulturstiftung, Germany, 22 September 2021

Keynote Hybrid Space @ Bundeskulturstiftung, dive in “new forms of artistic production”, Halle an der Saale, Germany, 22 September 2021

Kiez Lab @ Utopolis

Lecture and Workshop at Utopolis Conference 2021, Bundesverband Soziokultur e.V..

Lecture & Workshop Kiez Lab @ Utopolis German Federal Association for Socioculture, Digital Socioculture in the Neighborhood, Germany, 16 September 2021

Re-Contextualizing Bismarck @ Ministry of Culture and Media Hamburg

Hybrid Space Lab is invited to develop ideas for artistic intervention possibilities at the Bismarck Monument in the Alter Elbpark in Hamburg and to suggest ways in which the monument could be set in a new context.

Lecture & Panel Discussion @ Re-Contextualizing the Hamburg Bismarck Monument,  Ministry of Culture and Media Hamburg, Germany, 16 September 2021

Newsletter September 2021

The Future is not Digital, the Future is Hybrid!

Newsletter September 2021 @ Hybrid Space Lab, Berlin, 15 September 2021

Program Board @ Culture Computing Conference 2021

Culture and Computing is an important research area which aims to address the human-centred design of interactive technologies for the production, curation, preservation and fruition of cultural heritage, as well as developing and shaping future cultures.

Program Board Member Culture & Computing Conference 2021 @ Washington Hilton Hotel, Washington DC, USA, 24-29 July 2021

Hybrid Spaces @ Lithuanian Union of Architects

Our whole sense of reality is shaped by our hybrid existence. Hybridity is a multifaceted notion, as we are experiencing a proliferation of hybridization in all dimensions of our contemporary life. This is discussed in an article on Hybrid Space, published by the Lithuanian Union of Architects.

Publication Hybrid Spaces @ Regeneration [and its Discontents], Lithuanian Architectural Foundation, Vilnius, Lithuania, 4 June 2021

Re-Charting Places @ Designs for Vulnerable Memories

We need a fresh, radically innovative and solutions-oriented approach to address the various forms of contested heritage sites in a way that is fit for the 21st century.
Article on Hybrid Space Lab’s work on contested monuments, is published in Italy.

Publication Re-Charting Places @ Contested Spaces – Concerted Projects: Designs for Vulnerable Memories, LetteraVentidue Edizioni, Syracuse, Italy, April 2021

Deep Space @ Art Journal Hjärnstorm

Hjärnstorm, the Swedish independent journal of art, literature, philosophy published an article on Deep Space.

Publication Valle de los Caídos: the Digital Architecture Embraces a Painful Heritage, Cecilia Nyman @ Hjärnstorm Stockholm, 5 January 2021

Hybrid Space @ China University of Geo Sciences

With the rapid development and application of the discipline of human ergonomics, the number of people engaged in teaching and scientific research in the field of design ergonomics in China has been increasing.

Lecture Hybrid Space @ 2020 International Symposium on Design Ergonomics, Future · Awareness · Inclusion, China University of Geo Sciences, Wuhan, China, 29 December 2020

Deep Space @ archithese

Hybrid Space Lab analyzed “Valley of the Fallen” near Madrid – the pompous tomb for the fascist dictator Francisco Franco. They suggest leaving it unchanged but covering it with a new critical layer. Using augmented reality, they want to make hidden layers visible and write history from the victims’ perspective.

Publication Informing instead of glorifying, Jørg Himmelreich, @ archithese, Switserland, 28 November 2020

Hybrid Identity @ Bauhaus University

Hybrid Space Lab contributes to the international conference “Practices of Inheritance – Metaphors, Materializations, Power Constellations” of the “IDENTITY AND HERITAGE” research cluster of the Bauhaus University Weimar and Technical University Berlin.

Lecture Hybrid Heritage @ Bauhaus University Weimar & Technical University Berlin, Conference Practices of Inheritance, Metaphors, Materializations, Power Constellations, Tempelhof Airport, Berlin, 19 November 2020

Kiez Lab @ Berlin Science Week

Kiez Lab looks at Berlin’s digital future through the eyes of city dwellers and residents, exploring new ways to align digital objectives with citizens’ needs.

Lecture & Workshop Kiez Lab @ Berlin Science Week, Participation in the Digital City, Berlin, 3 November 2020

DMZpace @ Korean Cultural Center Paris

The Paris exhibition “Negotiating Borders – Real DMZ Project” features Hybrid Space Lab’s DMZpace, a project deploying the potential of the border area as a site of both historical wounds and flourishing nature.

Exhibition DMZpace @ Korean Cultural Center, Paris, 10 September-6 November 2020


Hybrid Heritage @ Film University Babelsberg

Hybrid Space Lab contributes to the International Master Class Artistic Research, pioneering developments of immersive 360° concepts and narratives.

Lecture Hybrid Heritage @ Film University Babelsberg, Master Class Artistic Research, Potsdam, Germany, 7-18 September 2020

Deep Space @ Deutschlandfunk Kultur

The Valle de los Caídos is highly controversial as a memorial of the fallen of the Spanish Civil War: for a long time, it mainly served the glorification of the dictator Franco. The “Deep Space” project wants to show visitors also the site’s dark side.

Interview, Eckhard Roelcke, journalist @ Deutschlandfunk Kultur, Germany, 8 August 2020

Deep Space @ Tagesspiegel

Berlin’s contribution to the debate on monuments: What to do with Franco’s mausoleum?
Do not destroy it, says the Berlin office Hybrid Space Lab as it lays out ideas for a new way of dealing with the controversial Franco memorial in the “Valley of the Fallen” near Madrid.

Publication, Bernhard Schultz, journalist @ Der Tagesspiegel, Berlin, 16 July 2020

Deep Space @ TAZ

Monuments are Vehicles of Meaning. Elizabeth Sikiaridi and Frans Vogelaar research how to negotiate monuments’ narratives and how to bring criticism.

Interview, Brigitte Werneburg, journalist @ taz, Germany, 14 July 2020

Hybrid Heritage @ AMPS University Kent

As in the 21st Century the world develops a deeper understanding of heritage, digital technology is ever more present in our reading of the past. Hybrid Space Lab’s lecture Hybrid Heritage addresses how to best unlock the unique potentialities of this interdisciplinary and technological moment.

Lecture Hybrid Heritage @ AMPS [Architecture, Media, Politics, Society] Conference, University of Kent, Canterbury, UK, 29-30 June 2020

The Cross @ Humboldt Forum

Professor Sharon Macdonald, Alexander von Humboldt Professor of Social Anthropology at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, refers to our Humboldt Jungle project as an example and an inspiration for the creative appropriation and transformation of the Humboldt Forum.

Article,  Professor Sharon Macdonald, Alexander von Humboldt Professor of Social Anthropology @ Humboldt Forum, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Institute of European Ethnology, Berlin, 15 June 2020

Right to Hybrid City @ Architecture Magazine Marlowes

As the use of digital instruments is rapidly increasing during the current COVID-19 pandemic, new options for spatial organization and the possible consequences of digitization are more sharply outlined. This creates the necessity to rethink the digitalization model we want to follow and to address issues such as who should benefit from digitization and what our city visions are.

Publication The Right to the Hybrid City @ Marlowes Magazine for Architecture and City, Germany, 19 May 2020

Newsletter May 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic forces us to develop visions for future hybrid (combined physical and digital) public cultural spaces.

Newsletter May 2020 @ Hybrid Space Lab, Berlin, 15 May 2020

Inclusive Democratic Digital @ Digital City Alliance Berlin

Workshop of the Digital City Alliance Berlin on “COVID-19: Lessons learned for the Berlin Digitization Strategy” focusing on observations and experiences during the spring 2020 pandemic and drawing conclusions for a democratic and inclusive digitization policy for Berlin.

Workshop Kiez Lab @ Bündnis digitale Stadt Berlin, 6 May 2020

DMZpace @ Yeonnamjang Gallery Seoul

Featured in the “DMZ Landscape: Cheorwon” exhibition in Seoul, Hybrid Space Lab’s DMZpace project unfolds the potential of the no-man’s-land border area to overcome the tension between its historical wounds and the thriving nature. Opening up scenarios for reconciliation and dialogue through the mediation of a now lush natural biotope, the project unveils the contradictions hidden behind the visible landscape at the Korean Demilitarized Zone.

Exhibition DMZpace @ Yeonnamjang Underground Gallery, Seoul, 2 May-17 May 2020

Bricks & Bits @ Lithuanian Radio

Interview by Rūta Leitanaitė on Lithuanian Radio on how the physical and the digital dimensions of the city interact, on how to develop cities in an integrated way, making the city more fair, comfortable, and attractive.

Interview City of Bricks and Bits, Rūta Leitanaitė @ Lithuanian Radio, “Need an Architect”, Lithuania, 2 April 2020

Hybrid Space @ National Gallery of Art Vilnius

The lecture describes the development of Hybrid Space Lab’s approach to urban and spatial phenomena, coining Hybrid Space as a new set of conceptual tools and a new qualitative space from the encounter of the physical and the digital.

 Hybrid Space @ Architecture Fund, Lithuanian Council for Culture, 
National Gallery of Art 
Vilnius, Lithuania, 
5 March 2020

Future Heritage @ Points of View

What would it be like if a volcano erupted next to the new Berlin City Palace?
If huge trees grew there, exotic plants proliferated and a waterfall cascaded down?

Publication Future Heritage @ Points of View, DASA Museum, Dortmund, Germany 1 March 2020

Climate City @ Berlin

A lecture and a workshop at Köpenick Town Hall in Berlin explored concepts and instruments to consider the spatial and social dimensions of the climate city with an integrated approach. Accounting for both the spatial and the social, the workshop contributed to the strategic development of a concept for Köpenick’s public spaces.

Lecture & Workshop Climate City: Spatial and Social Dimensions @ Köpenick Townhall, Council Chamber, Berlin, 27 February 2020

Newsletter February 2020

Amidst increasing digitalization of cities, alternative social and urban approaches and inputs at play open up room for possibility for shaping urban-tech.

Newsletter February 2020 @ Hybrid Space Lab, Berlin, 15 February 2020

Experimental Space @ Weizenbaum Institute

What should spaces be like in which experiments with digital technologies are made, experienced and further developed? How can we provide access to and knowledge of digital technologies, and above all create ways to shape them, develop them further and experiment with them?

Open Lab @ Weizenbaum Institute, Berlin, 16 January 2020

Digital Strategy @ Digital City Alliance Berlin

More than thirty organisations and individuals from science and civil society sign the statement of the Digital City Alliance of Berlin. Berlin needs an inclusive digitization policy that focuses on people, nature and the common good. The development process of this strategy must be transparent and enable the active participation of civil society.

Declaration @ Bündnis digitale Stadt Berlin, 11 December 2019

Humbolt Jungle & Humboldt Volcano @ Publisher Querido

Humboldt Jungle and Humboldt Volcano are mentioned by author and historian Merlijn Schoonenboom in the book on identity “Een kleine geschiedenis van de grootse Duitse worsteling”.

Publication A small history of the great German struggle, Merlijn Schoonenboom @ Querido Publishers, Amsterdam, 5 December 2019

Deep Space @ ARA Catalan Newspaper

The Valley of the Fallen without Franco: the fate of the other 33,847 dead”
This is the title of the article by journalist Sílvia Marimom Molas in the Catalan Newspaper ARA on the future of the Valle de los Caídos with an interview on Deep Space.

Article The Valley of the Fallen without Franco: the fate of the other 33,847 dead, Sílvia Marimom @ Catalan Newspaper ARA, Barcelona, 23 November 2019 

Make Space @ Mart Stam Stiftung

The Mart Stam Stiftung frequently organizes symposia in cooperation with the Royal Dutch Embassy of Berlin. The aim is to create a dialog on interdisciplinary themes in the field of art and design in the Netherlands and Germany by juxtaposing cultural differences.

Poster @ Mart Stam Stiftung, Berlin, 15 November 2019

Newsletter November 2019

Ubiquitous digitalization pervades urban environments at an accelerating pace. So is climate change, with increasingly frequent threatening episodes of extreme weather conditions worldwide, urging us to rethink our cities, and rapidly.

Newsletter November 2019 @ Hybrid Space Lab, Berlin, 15 November 2019

Humboldt Volcano @ A small history of the biggest German struggle

Hybrid Space Lab plan is in line with the undoubtedly most important question for contemporary cultural identity: the relationship between tradition and innovation. Their idea of ​​a growing green world around the castle is the portrayal of the idea of ​​tradition as a dynamic phenomenon.

Publication A small history of the biggest German struggle, Merlijn Schoonenboom @ Querido Publishers, Amsterdam, November 2019

Newsletter October 2019

Even without the remains of the dictator, the symbolic value of Valle de los Caídos retains its controversial force. What transformations are needed at Valle de los Caídos (“Valley of the Fallen”) so as not to create a cenotaph – an empty burial monument?

Deep Space @ HuffPost

In the article “Without Franco, what to do with the colossal Valle de los Caídos?” for HuffPost, Anthony Berthelier describes the project “Deep Space: re-signifying Valle de los Caídos” with its creative approach for addressing controversial history and contested heritage.

Article Without Franco, what to do with the colossal Valle de los Caídos?, Anthony Berthelier @ HuffPost , France, 24 October 2019

Surveillance Capitalism & Cognitive Architecture @Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society

Surveillance Capitalism is becoming an established notion with a number of meanings around the commodification of personal information and Berlin lecture the social psychologist Shoshana Zuboff on 6 November 2019, organised by our partner Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society

Lecture Surveillance Capitalism, Professor Shoshana Zuboff @ Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society, Berlin, 6 November 2019 

Newsletter September 2019

What would Alexander von Humboldt’s 250th birthday wish have been?
This last summer brought again burning questions to the fore: Are extreme hot temperatures established as the new norm? Is the burning of the earth’s lungs and biodiversity ark becoming everyday news?

Newsletter September 2019 @ Hybrid Space Lab, Berlin, 15 September 2019

KiezLab @ Alliance Digital City Berlin

The challenges of digital transformation are becoming more and more tangible in the daily lives of Berliners. There is an increasing need to get involved and take the city’s digital future into its one’s own hands. From 2019 Berlin will develop a digital strategy in which goals for the digital future of the capital are to be formulated.

Workshop Kiez Lab @ Bündnis Digitale Stadt Berlin, Germany, 2019~2020

Humboldt Jungle @ Der Tagesspiegel

The main Berlin newspaper Der Tagesspiegel, published an article on the Green party questions on the implementation of the Humboldt Jungle raised in the Bundestag, the German parliament.
“And in order to honor their name, the Greens asked for the “state of the considerations (…), a greenery, a so-called Humboldt Jungle, to be installed”. The brief reply: “Further measures on the facades are not provided.”

Publication Humboldt costs, yes and no @ Der Tagesspiegel, Germany, 19 July 2019

Deep Space @ Magazine for Architecture Marlowes

The Valley of the Fallen is a large memorial erected near Madrid in the mountain range of the Sierra de Guadarrama on the initiative of the dictator Francisco Franco. It is dedicated to the fallen of the Spanish Civil War. Within the scope of the project “Deep Space” it is proposed to transform the monument by digital means.

Publication From Monument to Memorial@ Magazine for Architecture and City Marlowes, Germany, 16 Juli 2019

City to Go @ Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society

Ubiquitous digitization is increasingly transforming urban life in all its aspects and Smart City technologies promise unlimited efficiency to urban mobility solutions. It is however worth reflecting on why digitally supported and automated negotiation concerning, amongst others, mobility does not necessarily equal objective and fair decision-making.

Presentations & Discussion City to Go @ Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society, 15 July 2019, Berlin

Deep Space @ University Library Hamburg

Instead of creating a gap in this highly symbolic place, the international think tank Hybrid Space Lab represents the impetus to explore alternative memory narratives to the previously totalitarian narrative of the Valle de los Caídos.

Article Romanistik Blog @ State and University Library Hamburg Carl von Ossietzky, Hamburg, 8 July 2019


Humboldt Jungle @ German Parliament

One of the “questions” concerning the Humboldt Forum that the German Green Party (Fraktion BÜNDNIS 90/DIE GRÜNEN) put before the German Parliament, the “Deutscher Bundestag” on 2 July 2019 was:
Question 22: “What is the current state of the considerations on the part of the Federal Government for the greening of the facades, to install a so-called Humboldt Jungle?”

Publication 19/11306 Answer @ Deutscher Bundestag, German Federal Government, Germany, 2 July 2019

Newsletter July 2019

Ubiquitous digitization is increasingly transforming urban life in all its aspects and Smart City technologies promise unlimited efficiency to urban mobility solutions.
It is however worth reflecting on why digitally supported and automated negotiation concerning, amongst others, mobility does not necessarily equal objective and fair decision-making.

Newsletter July 2019 @ Hybrid Space Lab, Berlin, 15 July 2019

Exhumation Finissage @ Goethe Institut

On 24 September 2019 Spain’s Supreme Court approved unanimously the exhumation of the former dictator Franco from the underground basilica of Valle de los Caídos mausoleum. Hybrid Space Lab’s project “Deep Space: Re-signifying Valle de los Caídos” investigating what transformations are still needed at the Valle de los Caídos so as not to create a cenotaph – an empty burial monument – is becoming increasingly urgent.

Opening, Exhibition, Lecture, Discussion, Finissage & Public Space Exhibition on Facade: Lost Memory – Recovered Memory @ Goethe Institut, Madrid, 5 June 2019 until Franco’s Exhumation

Newsletter June 2019

Future Narratives and Immersive Experiences symposium at the Film University Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF on May 22 2019 brought together interdisciplinary co-creators in the audiovisual sector, companies dealing with media, VR / AR / MR, games, 3D sound, the staging of productions, communication, heritage and cultural institutions or other fields of activity with the urge of delivering high-quality storytelling in the digital era.

Newsletter June 2019 @ Hybrid Space Lab, Berlin, 15 June 2019

Deep Space @ NONUMENT Symposium

“What happens when an object loses its original purpose? Why does architecture find itself displaced, unwanted and repurposed?
Buildings and physical infrastructure possess a longue durée that is fundamental to their spatial and political impact.
But their long-term pretension can also become their undoing: politics, society, media and culture change faster than bricks and concrete.
Structures can usually adjust only in very expensive ways: with renovation or destruction.
History leaves behind either heritage or rubble, both a sort of an architectural ‘living dead’.

Lecture @ NONUMENT! Symposium, Prague, 14 June 2019

Deep Space @ France TV

Article “We come for the place, not for Franco “: El Valle de los Caídos, a tourist site almost like the others” by journalist Juliette Campion, France Televisions.

Publication, Juliette Campion @ France TV Info, Paris, 10 June 2019

Deep Space @ El País

Deep Space is an international project to re-think the burial site of former dictator Franco.Deep Space, presented at the Goethe Institut in Madrid, uses augmented reality to change the totalitarian nature of the Spanish Civil War monument the Valley of the Fallen.

Publication, Peio H. Riaño @ El País, Madrid, 6 June 2019


Crossover @ Public Diplomacy Magazine

By means of creativity, Hybrid Space Lab’s approach paves the way towards a more integrated, collective processes of memory- and meaning-making.
Bringing creativity into controversial situations informs engagement with contentious landscapes, negotiation stasis, and political reticence.

Publication Creative Crossovers @ Public Diplomacy Magazine, University of Southern California, USC Annenberg, USC Centre on Public Diplomacy, USC Masters of Public Diplomacy Program, USA, 7 June 2019

Deep Space @ Goethe Institut Madrid

Public space installation, lecture and panel discussion together with Miquel Gonzalez, Photographer, Emilio Silva, Journalist, Prof. Gutmaro Gomez Bravo and Hybrid Space Lab at the Goethe Institut in Madrid.

Opening, Exhibition, Lecture & Discussion Lost Memory – Recovered Memory, Deep Space @ Goethe Institut, Madrid, 5 June 2019

Humboldt Jungle @ Make City

Hybrid Space Lab unleashed and subsequently curated a heated discourse around this utopian proposition. The combination of tabloid-friendly imagery with international expertise on greening cities and climate change proved to be a highly effective strategy.

Publication Make City, Francesca Ferguson, MAKE_SHIFT @ Make City, Berlin, May 2019

Newsletter April 2019

Digitalization transforms our cities, with far-reaching efforts towards technology-powered increased efficiency, sustainability and at times participation.
This raises new questions on privacy, data governance and (digital) design, historically unaddressed by city planning, architecture, civil society and governance.With cities worldwide striving to earn a “Smart City” reputation, it is however disputed who exactly benefits from these concepts.

Newsletter April 2019 @ Hybrid Space Lab, Berlin, 15 April 2019

GREENtopia @ Art Museum of China

At the Art Museum of China the exhibition space will be transformed into a creative laboratory, an interdisciplinary platform co-developed by international artists, creative thinkers, independent scholars, urban planners and stakeholders. It is a union, a mini co-op city inside a skyscraper.

Exhibition GreenTopia @ Art Museum of China, Greater Bay Area, Shenzhen, P.R. China, 15 March-15 April 2019

City Making in the Digital Age @ Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society

City Making in the Digital Age is the kick-off event of City Making Lab, a co-operation between Hybrid Space Lab and Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society.Keynote speaker Marleen Stikker, co-founder of Waag Society, an Amsterdam based interdisciplinary non-profit media lab and research institute that aims to put social values at the core of technology by creating and promoting open, fair and inclusive innovations.

Keynote by Marleen Stikker , co-founder of Waag Society @ City Making in the Digital Age,  Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society, Berlin, 21 February 2019

Archiving Fabric @ documenta 14

The documentary “Fabric” that Hybrid Space Lab produced for “documenta 14” in 2017 and that narrates a Middle Eastern family story as well as the history of the industrial complex that today houses the Athens School of Fine Arts is part of major Greek archives.

Archive Fabric @ documenta 14, Athens School of Fine Art, Athens, 15 February 2019

Newsletter February 2019

As technology, the digital and the physical intersect, affecting our lives and societies in ways previously unthought-of, our thinking and approach to reality must be future-proof, too.
Here is an upshot of an increasingly digitally networked and co-created prospect, ranging from fashion to heritage, to diplomacy.

Newsletter February 2019 @ Hybrid Space Lab, Berlin, 15 February 2019

Diplomacy Lab Cross Over @ Diplomacy Camp

Issues like disinformation, AI and the civic impact of digital technology have only become more contentious, particularly in Europe, Brexit on the horizon, European elections looming, the rise of China as a technological superpower and continuing security challenges on the continent’s eastern and southern flanks, Europe’s diplomats need to grasp the opportunities and threats of digital technology now, more than ever.

Lecture & Workshop @ Permanent Representation of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to the European Union, Brussels, 7 February 2019

Deep Space @ Bnieuws TU Delft

Working on places of conflict can be extremely challenging.Architecture practice Hybrid Space Lab takes a rather unique approach for the re-signification of the controversial site of Valle de los Caídos in Madrid, the burial ground of Spain’s dictator Francisco Franco and 33,000 victims of the country’s brutal civil war.

Article by Elena Rossoni @ Bnieuws TU Delft, The Netherlands, 5 February 2019

Deep Space @ transmediale

Deep Space: re-signifying Valle de los Caídos is presented on 25 January 2019 at the transmediale in Berlin, Germany.

Lecture & Discussion @ transmediale, Berlin, 3 February 2019

Deep Space @ TRACES

TRACES is a three-year research project investigating the role of contentious heritage in contemporary Europe.
By deploying an innovative research methodology based on an artistic/ethnographic approach, TRACES analyses challenges, opportunities and practices inherent in transmitting difficult pasts and heritages.
Hybrid Space Lab presents Deep Space the a long-term investigative program initiated to deal with politics of memory, controversial monuments and heritage.

Lecture & Discussion @ TRACES, Politecnico di Milano School of Architecture, via Ampère 2, Milan, 25 January 2019

Interview Future Heritage @ DASA Dortmund

Future is en vogue.
In 2018, she delivered the motto of the science year “Working Worlds of the Future”.
Daily, the media discusses the extent to which robots intervene in our everyday lives and what the progressive digitization is doing to us. And even exhibitions are not excluded from this.

Lecture Future Heritage @ DASA, Dortmund, Germany, 23-24 January 2019

Water Consious Fashion @ Fraulein

An initiative of the Hybrid Space Lab, in cooperation with the Neonyt Fair and the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Berlin.

Publication Neonyt Fair @ Fraulein Magazine, Germany, 15 January 2019

Deep Space @ Het Financieele Dagblad

Frans Vogelaar wants to give the Valley of the Fallen in Spain, one of the most controversial places in the world, new meaning. How does the founder of the Berlin design lab and think tank Hybrid Space Lab think to do that with use of digital technology?

Article Deep Space @ Het Financieele Dagblad, the Netherlands, January 2019

Newsletter December 2018

Valle de  los Caídos (Valley of the Fallen), the Francoist monument built between 1940 and 1959 close to Madrid, will soon be emptied of Franco’s remains.
As it risks becoming a cenotaph – an empty burial monument – and it is at the center of heated public discourses surrounding its future, Valle de los Caídos is paradigmatic of the difficult processes of re-signifying controversial monuments.

Newsletter December 2018 @ Hybrid space Lab, Berlin, 15 December 2018

Future Heritage @ DASA

What’s the future like? For professionals in the exhibition business this is a very relevant and difficult  problem. Because the future does not give us any objects yet.

Lecture Future Heritage Szenografie Colloquium 2019 @ DASA, Dortmund, Germany, 23-24 January 2019

Newsletter November 2018

With the words “Die heiße Asche des Diktators”, the Hot Ashes of the Dictator, in Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ) of November 1st 2018, journalist Paul Ingendaay captures the toxicity of the highly divisive Francoist Memorial at Valle de los Caídos, as well as the urgency of Hybrid Space Lab’s workshop “Deep Space: Re-signifying Valle de los Caídos”.

Newsletter November 2018 @ Hybrid Space Lab, Berlin, 15 November 2018

Deep Space @ Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

The Valley of the Fallen, the shrine of Franco’s dictatorship, is still dividing Spain.
With the words “Die heiße Asche des Diktators”, in Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ) of November 1st 2018, journalist Paul Ingendaay captures the toxicity of the highly divisive Francoist Memorial at Valle de los Caídos, as well as the urgency of Hybrid Space Lab’s workshop Deep Space: Re-signifying Valle de los Caídos.

Article The Hot Ashes of the Dictator, Paul Ingendaay @ Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 1 November 2018

Deep Space @ Catalan Newspaper ARA

Catalan journalist Sílvia Marimon Molas describes in her article “The Gaze of European Experts” in the Catalan newspaper ARA on 31st October 2018 the workshop “Deep Space: Re-signifying Valle de los Caídos” participants’ visit to the site and the necessity of a change of the monument’s narrative.

Publication The Gaze of European Experts, Sílvia Marimon @ ARA Catalonia, Spain, 31 October 2018

Deep Space @ Valle de los Caídos

“Deep Space: re-signifying Valle de los Caídos” is a workshop at the Medialab Prado in Madrid from 25 till 27 October 2018 in Madrid. Hybrid Space Lab is  co-organizing an international conference and executing workshops with public interventions and pop-up exhibitions in Berlin at the transmediale and in Rotterdam at the New Institute in 2019.

Workshop”Deep Space: re-signifying Valle de los Caídos”, @ Medialab Prado in Madrid, 25-27 October 2018
Lecture, @ TRACES in Milan, January 2019
Lecture, @ transmediale in Berlin, February 2019
Films, Talks, Discussions, Installation, Event @ Goethe Institut Madrid 6 May 2019

Newsletter October 2018

The past summer brought several burning questions to the fore. We hope you had a cool place to ponder over them. Are extreme hot temperatures worldwide the new norm? How fast does the ice melt at 32°? This was the alarming high temperature measured this summer above the Arctic Circle!

Newsletter October 2018 @ Hybrid Space Lab, Berlin, 15 October 2018

Humboldt Volcano @ The Vienna Hofburg

In the chapter “International Developments; The Schlossplatz and the Museum Island in Berlin” Humboldt Volcano is mentioned as the example of the rethinking of the Humboldt Forum.

Publication The Vienna Hofburg since 1918 @ Institute of Art and Music Historical Research, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna, Austria, 1 October 2018

Newsletter September 2018

The etymology of recordar, Spanish for “to remember”, is “to go back to one’s heart”, as memory was once thought to reside there and, even today, processes of memory making are immersed within affective landscapes.
Valle de los Caídos (Valley of the Fallen), the Francoist monument built between 1940 and 1959 close to Madrid, will soon be emptied of Franco’s remains.
As it risks becoming a cenotaph – an empty burial monument – and it is at the center of heated public discourses surrounding its future, Valle de los Caídos is paradigmatic of the difficult processes of re-signifying controversial monuments.

Newsletter September 2018 @ Hybrid Space Lab, Berlin 15 September 2018

Humboldt Volcano @ Garten + Landschaft

How is Berlin becoming a socially just smart city?
The Make City Festival discussed ideas like the Humboldt Volcano at the Humboldt Forum designed by Hybrid Space Lab.

Publication, Susanne Isabel Yacoub @ Garten + Landschaft, Germany, 15 August 2018

Newsletter August 2018

On August 25th 2018, the Spanish government approved a decree to exhume Franco’s remains from Valle de los Caídos.
What transformations are needed to re-signify the controversial monument of Valle de los Caídos?

Newsletter August 2018 @ Hybrid Space Lab, Berlin, 15 August 2018

Riga Readings @ Advanced Social and Political Research Institute

Hybrid Diplomacy: How to integrate digital and creative innovation in diplomatic processes.
AR/VRxIoT+AI+? = Hybrid Space
The combination of physical and media space, of local place and digital networks, is coined Hybrid Space. Space today is transformed by technologies such as Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR) or Mixed Reality, becoming increasingly hybrid.

Lecture The Transformation of Diplomacy: Digitalization and Innovation @ Advanced Social and Political Research Institute, Riga Readings in Social Sciences, University of Latvia, Riga, 22-23 November 2018

Humboldt Volcano @ TIP

Berlin urgently needs new ideas, impulses and visions.
Humboldt Volcano was the featured image in the article by TIP Magazine.

Publication, Iris Braun @ TIP, Berlin, 14 June 2018


Embassy Lab GRÜNtopia @ Tagesspiegel

Among other international experts, Anna Yudina was invited to attend the “Embassy Lab GREEN TOPIA” at the Dutch Embassy, where Elizabeth Sikiaridi and Frans Vogelaar of Hybrid Space Lab invited to the event, which is part of the international festival “MakeCity”.

Publication, Sabine Holper @ Der Tagesspiegel, Berlin, 23 June 2018

Renate Künast @ Embassy Lab GRÜNtopia

We are very honored that Renate Künast, politician for the Bündnis 90/Die Grünen and Member of the German Parliament is opening Embassy Lab GRÜNtopia.
Green spaces are essential for the quality of life, wellbeing, and health of urban populations.
Today, the focus on and interest in green urban spaces is increasing thanks to initiatives working toward Healthy Cities, environmental justice, food security, and strengthening local communities.

Lectures & Discussion, Embassy Lab GRÜNtopia, Keynote Renate Künast @ Embassy of Kingdom of the Netherlands, Berlin, 22 June 2018

GRÜNtopia @ MakeCity

We are honored to join Sir Peter Cook, architect and writer, founder of Archigram, we will present GRÜNtopia.
MakeCity the Festival for Architecture and Urban Alternatives in Berlin brings together architect, planners, civic groups and developers in a citywide conversation on thinking and making city differently.

Discussion Panel @ MakeCity Festivalzentrum, Tschechisches Zentrum, Berlin, 16 June 2018

Humboldt Volcano @ YEAST

The “MakeCity 2018” architecture festival with 250 events in 18 days aims to make architecture in the capital more transparent and invites people to join in the conversation and help develop it

Article @ YEAST, Germany, 15 June 2018

Humboldt Volcano @ Baunetz

With the increasing urbanization and the virulent climate crisis, interest in nature is also growing. In various formats, such as talks, discussions, guided tours, exhibitions, workshops, open-house events and more, the public is invited to think of green and gray infrastructure in the city. Something like this: what if we were to look at urban space from the perspective of animals and plants?

Publication @ Baunetz, Germany, 15 June 2018

playVOID @ Pop Up Park

A two week program explores how the VOID in the center of the Embassy’s premises can function as a pleasurable communication space by playing, dancing, lounging, exchanging, enjoying.

Opening & Press Conference Public Pop-Up Park @ Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Berlin, 15 June 2018
Reading, Presentation & Discussion Alexander von Humboldt and Humboldt Volcano @ Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, MakeCity Festival, Berlin, 15 June 2018

Humboldt Volcano @ Berliner Kurier

The “MakeCity 2018” architecture festival with 250 events in 18 days aims to make architecture in the capital more transparent and invites people to join in the conversation and help develop it.

Publication Rethinking Berlin @ Berliner Kurier, Berlin, 14 June 2018

Humboldt Volcano @ Detail

The architecture festival MakeCity will take place in 2018 under the motto Berlin Remixing | City New Mixed.

Publication, Elena Markus @ Detail, Germany, 14 juni 2018

Humboldt Volcano @ TAZ

It must be a very special event when Ada Colau, former city activist and since 2015 Mayor of Barcelona, and Sadiq Aman Khan, London’s first Muslim city head, travel to Berlin without being invited by the Governing Mayor.
Nevertheless, both will be in town on Thursday – and will open the second Make City Festival with building senator Katrin Lompscher and other guests.
The theme of the 18-day event is “City Remixed”.

Publication, Uwe Rada @ TAZ, Berlin, 11 juni 2018

Alexander von Humboldt and Humboldt Volcano @ Tagesspiegel

Rüdiger Schaper, author and head of the cultural department of the Berlin “Tagesspiegel” presents his biography on Alexander von Humboldt and discusses Hybrid Space Lab’s  Humboldt Volcano project during our Studio Talk @ MakeCity Festival. Moderation is by Merlijn Schoonenboom, historian and journalist.

Studio Talk, Reading, Presentation & Discussion @ MakeCity Festival, Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Berlin, 5 June 2018

Newsletter May 2018

Hybrid Space Lab is curating Embassy Lab GRÜNtopia which takes place in Berlin on 22 June 2018 and focuses on innovative solutions for integrating green in dense urban situations. Embassy Lab GRÜNtopia is part of the MakeCity Festival 2018.

Newsletter @ Hybrid Space Lab, 1 May 2018

Mart Stam Talks @ MakeCity

Lucas Verweij will moderate presentations and a panel discussion with leading artists and architects from the Netherlands and Germany who work at the interface of architecture, theatre, and material & surface design in the public space and develop remarkable, often participatory concepts.
The Mart Stam Talks are organized by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the Mart Stam Stiftung für Kunst + Gestaltung and the Weissensee Kunsthochschule Berlin.

Lectures & Panel Mart Stam Talks @ Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Berlin, 29 June 2018

Technology & The City @ BPD Magazine

BPD Magazine will publish in June 2018 a double interview with Prof. Frans Vogelaar, Partner at Hybrid Space Lab in Berlin and Prof. Dr. Elphi Nelissen, Dean of the Faculty of Architecture at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) on how digitization is changing mobility and the city. They explore the possibilities of digital technologies for citizens and cities and the design of future cities.

Double Interview with Prof. Dr. Elphi Nelissen & Prof. Frans Vogelaar @ BPD Magazine, The Netherlands, 1 June 2018

Newsletter April 2018

Hybrid Space Lab co-organized together with the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs The Hague Digital Diplomacy Camp 2018 Un-Conference on February 2nd 2018.
Hybrid Space Lab organized Hybrid Diplomacy Lab “A Reset Button for the Debate over Migration” on January 18th 2018 at the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, The Hague.
The Swiss architectural magazine “archithese” published Humboldt Jungle on January 16th 2018.

Newsletter @ Hybrid Space Lab, Berlin, 15 April 2018



Recent developments such as Internet of Things, Big Data, and Machine Intelligence have ambition and the potential to algorithmically manage life, including urban nature. These developments in technology and media are supporting the development of a new hybrid architecture where Architecture and Nature fuse: NatureTecture!

Article NatureTecture © Hybrid Space Lab, Berlin, 20 March 2018

Fabric @ Technopolis

Public screening of the documentary “Fabric” at the exhibition “MADE IN GREECE” of the Athens Industrial Gas Museum at the venue INNOVATHENS.
“Fabric” was produced for “documenta 14” that took place in Athens in spring 2017.
The documentary narrates the history of the industrial complex that today houses the Athens School of Fine Arts.

Public Screening Fabric @ Technopolis, Athens, 11 March 2018

Affect Space @ transmediale

Affect Space refers to self-mediated leisure spaces that act as affective backdrops for digital self-activation.
Hybrid Space Lab presents Deep Space in this context.

Lecture &  Discussion Affect Space, Transmediale Festival Face Value, @ Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin, 4 February 2018

Digital Diplomacy Un Conference @ Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands

Fast-paced advances in technology are creating diffuse and volatile conditions in which international actors operate. Disruptive innovations such as machine learning and big data analytics are changing governments, NGOs, the media, businesses, and in some cases entire industries. New and unexpected players entering the field are putting pressure on the traditional division of roles between politics, business, journalism and civil society. And this is just the beginning: developments like artificial intelligence and blockchain technology are only just starting to have an impact.

Lecture & Workshop Digital Diplomacy Camp Un-Conference @ Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands, The Hague, 2 February 2018

Humboldt Jungle @ archithese

The Swiss architectural magazine Archithese published “Humboldt-Dschungel” as part of the issue on “Ruines”.
How would it be if the Berlin City Palace grew huge trees, sprouted up exotic plants and toppled a waterfall?
The Think Tank Hybrid Space Lab presents a refreshingly ruinous idea in the discussion about the controversial reconstruction.

Publication Humboldt Jungle @ archithese, Architecture Magazine, Switzerland, 15 January 2018

Humboldt Volcano Erupts @ Berlijnse Avonden

The Dutch and Flemish cultural association “Berlijnse Avonden e.V” presents Humboldt Jungle and Humboldt Volcano and invites you on January 6 to the studio of Elizabeth Sikiaridi and Frans Vogelaar, the architects for the new Berlin city palace – the Humboldt Forum – the Humboldt Volcano and the Humboldt Jungle have been designed.

Lecture & Discussion @ Berlijnse Avonden e.V., Berlin, 6 January 2018

Deep Space @ Affect Space

The concept of Affect Space deals with the overlap of urban public spaces, the explosive growth of mobile media and wireless networks, and the intense affective exchanges that increasingly dominate how these spaces function.

Master Classes, Public Interventions, Conferences, Pop-up Exhibitions @ Cool Mediators Foundation, Berlin, Cambridge (MA, USA), The Hague, Madrid, Rotterdam, 2018-2019

Digital Fabrication @ Aedes Metropolitan Laboratory

Craftsmanship in the Digital Age invites established manufacturers, proponents of newer digital production tools, architects, and building industry representatives, to co-articulate a craftsmanship approach to incorporating digital fabrication into architecture.

Lecture Prof. Dr. Richard Sennett, Centennial Professor of Sociology, London School of Economics @ ANCB The Aedes Metropolitan Laboratory, Berlin, 18 December 2017
Roundtable Discussion @ ANCB, The Aedes Metropolitan Laboratory, Berlin , 18 December 2017

Urban Garden Kit @ Urbanism Architecture Bi City Biennial

The Urban Garden Kit at the Urbanism and Architecture Bi-City Biennial (UABB) brings together urban planners, architects and landscapers, artists and curators, game developers and communication experts and other creative professionals.

Lecture, Workshop & Exhibition @ UABB 2017, Hong Kong & Shenzhen, P.R. China, 16-22 December 2017

Fabric @ Foundation Hellenic World

The documentary “Fabric” which we made for the documenta 14 is now part of the archive of the Foundation of the Hellenic World and of the collection of the Hellenic Cosmos Cultural Centre.

Archive Foundation of the Hellenic World @ Hellenic Cosmos Cultural Centre, Athens, 14 December 2017

NatureTecture @ MediaLab CAFA Beijing

Lecture “Naturetecture” at the Media Lab, Central Academy of Fine Arts in Beijing.

Lecture NatureTecture @ Media Lab, Central Academy of Fine Arts, No.8 Hua Jia Di Nan Street, Chao Yang District, Beijing, P.R. China, 27 November 2017

BioTecture @ Central Academy of Fine Arts Art Museum Beijing

Recent developments such as Internet of Things, Big Data, Machine Intelligence and Precision Farming will algorithmically organize life, including urban nature.
These developments in technology and media are supporting the emergence of a new hybrid architecture, a BioTecture, where Nature and Architecture fuse.

Lectures & Discussions @ CAFA Art Museum, Central Academy of Fine Arts Art Museum (CAFA) & Beijing Visual Art Innovation Institute, no 8. Hua Jia Di Nan Jie, Chaoyang District, Beijing, P.R. China, 25-26 November 2017

BioTecture @ Communication University of China

BioTecture proposes how architecture will merge with green structures.
The accelerating developments in nature, bio-technology, technology and architecture are creating a new hybrid architecture.

Lecture BioTecture @ Communication University of China (CUC), Dingfuzhuang, Chaoyang District, Beijing, P.R. China, 24 November 2017

Avant Garden @ Festival of Intermedia Hong Kong

Humboldt Volcano is exhibited at the Crossing Border | Border Crossing, International Festival of Intermedia in Hong Kong. Humboldt Volcano, a hybrid building and vertical garden, is such an ‘inter-media’, as it opens up and enables the appropriation of the Berlin Humboldt Forum by an international multicultural public.

Exhibition International Festival of Intermedia @ Hong Kong Jockey Club, Hong Kong, 9-22 October 2017

Social Design Award @ Der Spiegel

Humboldt Volcano is shortlisted as a candidate for Social Design Award by DER SPIEGEL. The Social Design Award honours special urban development projects.

Social Design Award @ DER SPIEGEL, Germany, 29 September-26 October 2017

Fabric @ documenta 14 South Issue #9

Adam Szymczyk, director of documenta 14, refers to the documentary Fabric in the documenta 14 magazine South.

Publication South issue #9, Katerina Koskina, Adam Szymczyk, Domenick Ammirati @ documenta 14, Kassel/Athens, 17 September 2017

CLASH @ Xian Art Museum

CLASH refers to the clash of the encountering systems and functions as a social tool for bargaining, exchange and cross-fertilization.
CLASH is made out of elements that are to be transformed and expanded by visitors, tourists, artists, and inhabitants of Xi’an.
The futuristic and utopian installation CLASH embraces a social space and a shelter.

Exhibition CLASH @ Xi’an Art Museum, Xi’an, Shaanxi, P.R. China, 16 September-3 October 2017
Forum @ Xi’an Art Museum, Xi’an, Shaanxi, P.R. China, 10 September 2017

Smart & the City @ Xi’an Art Museum

The exhibition Silk Road, Portal to World Imagination at the Xi’an Art Museum in China re-imagines the cities along the Silk Road. Smart & the City showcases the integration of Smart Technologies and the Urban, as tools for a sustainable New Smart Silk Road.

Exhibition The 4 Session of the Silk Road International Art Festival @ Xi’an Art Museum, Xi’an, Shaanxi, P.R. China, 16 September-3 October 2017

Soft Urbanism @ Xi’an Art Museum

Soft Urbanism, a vision of the urban in the digital age, based on a “Network Paradigm” approach to urbanism, reinvents the historic networks, connecting them to today’s hybrid, combined urban and media, networks, accelerating them into the future.

Exhibition The 4 Session of the Silk Road International Art Festival @ Xi’an Art Museum, Xi’an, Shaanxi, P.R. China, 16 September-3 October 2017

Jungle Magic @ Duitslandnieuws

Only a few construction projects in Germany are more controversial than the rebuilding of the City Palace in Berlin. With a bold plan, the Dutch professor Frans Vogelaar knows how to break the stuck debate.In the heart of Berlin one of the most controversial buildings of the moment stands out: the rebuilding of the Berliner Stadtschloss.

Publication, Bertus Bouman @, Berlin, 15 September 2017

Humboldt Volcano @ Der Tagesspiegel

Rüdiger Schaper, head of the cultural section of the German newspaper Der Tagesspiegel presents the Humboldt Volcano in an article entitled “Welcome to the Jungle – rescheduling is not forbidden, there is still time. The article, which gives an overview of the current discussion about the Humboldt Forum, is illustrated with a large-scale image of Humboldt Volcano. Humboldt Volcano acts as a symbol and icon for a better Humboldt Forum.

Publication Rüdiger Schaper @ Der Tagesspiegel, Berlin, 1 September 2017

Berlin becomes Baroque @ Deutsche Bauzeitung

In Deutsche Bauzeitung the author Bernhard Schulz, who is editor in the culture edition of Tagesspiegel Berlin publishes an article on the reconstruction of the Berlin City Palace.
The article also refers to Humboldt Volcano.

Article Fake Architecture, Bernhard Schulz @ DB Deutsche Bauzeitung, Germany, 1 September 2017


Poly Garden City @ Kathimerini

Improving life in Athens requires thoughtful investment and realistic proposals. Poly Garden City is a project for Athens, which incorporates green on a wide variety of hard surfaces of buildings, creating gardens and helping to change the microclimate.

Article Poly Garden City, Nikos Vatopoulos @ Kathimerini Newspaper, Greece, 29 June 2017

Fabric @ American School of Classical Studies

The American School of Classical Studies at Athens has archived the documentary “Fabric”.
“Fabric” is now part of the collection of the archives of the Gennadius Library.

Archive American School of Classical Studies @ Gennadius Library, Athens, 25 May 2017

Rex @ Kathimerini

Publication of the research on the Athens “Rex” theater and cinema complex in the Greek daily “Kathimerini”. The research on “Rex” was done in preparation of the documentary “Fabric” that is screened at the Athens School of Fine Arts in the framework of documenta 14 from April to July 2017.

Article Rex, Nikos Vatopoulos @ Kathimerini Newspaper, Greece, 18 May 2017
Article Rex, Nikos Vatopoulos @ ekathimerini Newspaper, Greece, Website, 11 June 2017

Internet of Things & Nature @ V2 Institute for Unstable Media

NatureTecture proposes how Internet of Things will merge with green structures in the city.
With the Internet of Things, Big Data and Machine Intelligence algorithmically organizing life, society, work and industry, the only question that remains is what will happen with nature. The accelerating developments in nature, bio-technology, technology and architecture are creating a new hybrid architecture.

Lecture & Discussion NatureTecture @ V2 Institute for Unstable Media, Rotterdam, 9 April 2017

Fabric @ Kathimerini

“Fabric” features the life cycle of “Greek Spinning and Weaving Mills”, but at the same time it is the narration of the greater framework in which the bourgeois citizens of the Ottoman Empire acted. It focusses on the role of Athens after 1922 and on the industrialization with the many workers’ hands of the refugees from Asia-Minor, on social responsibility, and on labor ethos.
Fabric is screened at the “Old Library” space of the Athens School of Fine Arts during documenta 14.

Screening Fabric @ documenta 14, Academy of Fine Arts, Athens, 8 April – 17 July 2017
Publication Fabric, Nikos Vatopoulos @ Kathimerini Newspaper, Greece, 28 April 2017
Publication Fabric, Chara Papadimitriou @ Punta Grecia, Greece, 10 May 2017
Publication Fabric, Nikos Vatopoulos @ ekathimerini Newspaper, Greece, 11 May 2017

Fabric @ documenta 14

Fabric is a documentary film and exhibition on the history of the buildings of the former textile factory which now houses the Athens School of Fine Arts. Fabric is shown at the documenta 14 in the Former Library at the Athens School of Fine Arts.
8 April–17 September 2017.

City of Amsterdam @ City of Berlin Think Tank Dinner

Hybrid Space Lab hosted a Think Tank Dinner with experts on urban development and creative city professionals from Amsterdam and Berlin.

Discussions & Dinner City of Amsterdam @ City of Berlin @ Hybrid Space Lab, Berlin, 13 March 2017


The social and economic transformations which are happening in both Russia and China are parallel in many ways and both countries are experiencing the shift from a planned economy to new models of development.

Lectures & Workshops Soft Urbanism @ STRELKA Institute,Moscow, 1-6 July 2012

Redesigning the Berlin Palace @ Kathimerini

Reconciling supporters and opponents of “Humboldt Forum”, the Humboldt Jungle and Humboldt Volcano received a strong positive reception in the Berlin cultural world.

Publication Green Emperor made in Greece, Nikos Vatopulos @ Kathimerini Greek Newspaper, 24 January 2017

Humboldt Volcano @ Humboldt Forum Future

Humboldt Volcano and Humboldt Jungle are part of the exhibition “Palace.City.Berlin.” in Ephraim Palais in Berlin.
The exhibition is devoted to the Berlin Palace and its significance for the city and its inhabitants.

Exhibition Humboldt Forum Future Palace.City.Berlin. @ Ephraim Palace, Berlin, 25 November 2016-23 April 2017

Flexible Infrastructure @ TU Berlin

What are the social, economic, participatory, urban-architectural and technical concepts that Berlin as a Smart City really needs?
Smart City Berlin should address in an integrative way connected challenges such as urban growth and housing, migration and demographic change, mobility, use of resources and circularity, climate adaptation, citizen participation and digital networks.

Workshop Intelligent City Flexible Infrastructures for Smart City Development @ TU Berlin, HUMBOLDT-VIADRINA Governance Platform, Berlin, 21 November 2016

TOURcity @ ARTez

Tourism is a growing global phenomenon, adding to the wealth of cities, and contributing to the congestion of their “points of interest”; enabling global cultural exchange but also threatening local cultures and disrupting established local and global business models.
New forms of tourism are emerging such as Medical Tourism, Slow Tourism, Disaster Tourism, Slum Tourism, Culinary Tourism.

Lecture & Workshop FuTourism & Circular City @ ARTez, Arnhem, the Netherlands, 10 November 2016

Hybrid Culture @ Kulturinvest Conference

How do digital networks transform cultural institutions?
Digitalization supports hybridization as a fusion of creative artistic practices (post-medium art) as well as of cultural creators and consumers (cultural co-creation).
Participatory social media open up cultural institutions and transform them into active players in the creation of communities.

Keynote @ Tagesspiegel, Kulturinvest Conference, Digital Strategies & Social Media, Berlin, 4 November 2016

Ethics of Technology @ Beijing Media Art Biennale

Our current geological age is being described as “anthropocene”, as the epoch during which human activity is the dominant influence on climate and the environment.
But we do not need to consider a “longue durée” historical approach, giving priority to long-term historical structures over events.

Exhibition NatureTecture @ Beijing Media Art Biennale, China Millennium Monument, Beijing, 24 September – 30 October 2016
Lecture & Workshop NatureTecture @ Beijing Design Week 2016,  Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing, 30 September 2016

Design Zone @ Der Tagesspiegel

The special art edition of the German newspaper DER TAGESSPIEGEL Kunst 2016, which appears during the 9th Berlin Biennale for Contemporary Art, publishes an article by Bettina Homann, an interview on the projects Humboldt Volcano and Humboldt Jungle.

Publication Design Zone by Bettina Homann @ DER TAGESSPIEGEL Kunst 2016, Berlin, 2 September 2016

INbetweenSTITUTE @ Urban China Magazine

798 and the Creative Cluster Conundrum is a highly ambitious and innovative project in order to plan the next step of Beijing’s renowned 798 Art District and is presented during Beijing Design Week.

Workshop & Presentation INbetweenSTITUTE @ Urban China Magazine, Beijing, 26 – 27 September 2016

Refugees Futures @ DMY Festival 2016

Given the masses of uprooted people worldwide the question for solutions from the global design community arises to help refugees feel at home and support those that want or have to stay make their lives liveable.

Discussion Think Local Act Local! @ DMY Festival 2016,  Kraftwerk, Berlin, 2 June 2016

Climate Adaptation @ Deutsches Architektur Zentrum DAZ

How to rebuild a city in the 21st century as global temperatures are rising?
Poly Garden City offers a sustainable green approach for the rebuilding of cities in Syria.

Discussion Strategies to Rebuild Aleppo @ Deutsches Architekturzentrum DAZ, Berlin, 22 April 2016

Culture of Sustainability @ Station Berlin

Can foreign cultural policy internationally promote sustainable concepts and processes?
How to communicate the complex issues of sustainability to a broad international audience by using cultural means in a playful and attractive way?
How to convey sustainability in an international intercultural context?

Lecture & Workshop Menschen Bewegen 2016 @ Station Berlin, Foreign Cultural Policy, Berlin, 15 April 2016

Landscape Urbanism @ Brandenburg Technical University

At the edges of the cities: landscape development strategies.

Publication Foundation of the Brandenburg Technical University Cottbus @ Brandenburg Technical University Cottbus-Senftenberg, Chair of Landscape Architecture and Planning, ISBN 978-3-940471-24-6, IKMZ University Library, Cottbus, Germany, 13 March 2016

Humboldt Jungle @ Berliner Kurier

Berliners, do you want this fairy tale castle?
Berliner Kurier, the Berlin newspaper, publishes an article by Stefanie Hildebrandt on Humboldt Jungle.

Publication Berliners, do you want this fairy tale castle? Stefanie Hildebrandt @ Berliner Kurier, 20 February 2016

Humboldt Jungle @ Die ZEIT

DIE ZEIT, the German weekly newspaper publishes an article by Dr. Werner Bloch on Humboldt Dschungel.
Berlin discusses a big idea: the Humboldt Dschungel.
It is the idea to elicit from the bold cultural monster, the Humboldt Forum, something more playful, rampant, outlandish…Is Humboldt Dschungel the better Humboldt Forum?

Publication Is this the rescue?, Dr. Werner Bloch @ DIE ZEIT, Nr. 9/2016, Germany, 18 February 2016


Humboldt Jungle @ MDR, WDR3, Deutschlandfunk, NDR3, SR2 Ö1, ORF1, Deutschlandradio

German radio presents interviews and discussions on Hybrid Space Lab’s Humboldt Jungle proposal for the future of the Humboldt Forum in Berlin.

Interview, Dr. Werner Bloch @ MDR Figaro, WDR3, Deutschlandfunk, Ö1 ORF1, Germany & Austria, 10, 11, 18 February 2016
Discussion @ SWR2 Wissensmagazin, Germany, 11 February 2016
Discussion @ NDR3 Journal, Germany, 11 February 2016
Discussion @ SR2 Kulturmagazin Länge Sieben, Germany, 11 February 2016
Discussion Greening of the facade is “absurd idea” @ Deutschlandradio Kultur, Germany, 15 February 2016
Discussion Wilhelm von Boddien & Elizabeth Sikiaridi on the Humboldt Jungle @ Deutschlandradio Kultur, Germany, 19 February 2016

Mediated Body @ Crossing Border Festival Hong Kong

City Kit is a combined urban-computer game to upgrade your neighborhood.
City Kit was developed for the Hong Kong Social Housing Authority with as a target group young people that are familiar with computer games but hardly play outside.

Exhibition City Kit @ JCCAC Crossing Border Festival, Hong Kong, 1-7 February 2016

Humboldt Jungle Dinner @ Alte Tankstelle

How do we save the Humboldt Forum? Experts involved in culture and politics discuss Humboldt Dschungel.

Lectures, Discussion & Dinner @ Alte Tankstelle, Bülowstraße 18, Berlin, 29 January 2016

B.A.N.G. @ Design Innovation Europe.

Subject to the exponential technological acceleration, challenged by alarming ecologic and social changes design’s role in shaping our increasingly hybrid world is changing.

Lecture & Discussion B.A.N.G. Design @ Design.Innovation.Europe., Embassy Kingdom of the Netherlands, Berlin, 30 November 2015

Hybrid Space Lab @ Berlin Climate Protection Conference

Berlin is growing.
With an increasing demand for mobility, infrastructure and communal services the challenge is climate protection.

Prof. Frans Vogelaar @ Climate Protection Urban Growth Conference, EUREF Campus, Berlin, 24 November 2015

Urban Shrinkage @ Brandenburg University of Technology

Urban shrinkage as a chance for the cityscape?
The “Transformation Landscape” concept spotlights the left over spaces, and the landscapes in transition and in waiting.

Lecture Transformation Landscape @ Brandenburg University of Technology, Cottbus, Germany, 5 November 2015

Players of Change @ Cities in Transition Conference

In pitch camps you can discuss your issues with experts, city officials as well as creatives to get inspiration and build networks.

Conference Cities in Transition @ Mörchenpark, Holzmarktstrasse 25, Berlin, 10 October 2015

Hybrid Design @ Media Lab CAFA Beijing

Hybrid Design is a strategy that incorporates elements and processes from diverse fields that are in todays design practice not always perceived as compatible. This is a method to generate new design visions.

Lecture Hybrid Design @ Media Lab, Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing, 27 September 2015

Hybrid Heritage @ Beijing Design Week 2015

Hybrid Heritage is researching and designing contemporary interpretations and further development of heritage under a multicultural perspective.

Exhibition Hybrid Heritage @ Beijing Design Week 2015, Baitasi ReMade, no. 4 West Gongmenkou Hutong, Xicheng District, Beijing, 25 September-7 October 2015
Lecture Hybrid Heritage @ Baitasi Info Hub, No. 313 Fuchengmen Inner Street, Xicheng District, Beijing, 26 September 2015
Workshop Hybrid Heritage @ Media Lab, Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing, 26-27 September

Hybrid Design @ IFA Summit

Hybrid Space Lab’s Prof. Frans Vogelaar delivers the Keynote “Hybrid Design” at the IFA in Berlin, the global trade show for consumer electronics

Keynote Hybrid Design & Discussion @ IFA+ Summit, CityCube, Berlin, 8 September 2015

Humboldt Jungle @ GRÜN kulturell

Already existing and financed facade parts will be assembled and all still open areas of the facade of the Humboldt Forum will be planted with botanically exciting greenery and successively added to later.
Such a design, the Humboldt Jungle, not only visualises the interdisciplinary approach of the Humboldt brothers.

Expert Meeting Politics meets culture: ANAlyseS, ideaS, CoNcePts @ GRÜN.kulturell Kulturcontainer, Berlin, 9 July 2015

Humboldt Jungle @ Press

Humboldt Jungle press, radio and WEB publications.

Awareness Campaign Humboldt Jungle @ Press, Germany & International, 2015-2016

Cities in Transition @ University of Amsterdam

Students of the University of Amsterdam explored European cities, visited local initiatives and interviewed City Makers. This summer we publish their articles and interviews weekly. Maarten Ketelaar is spending a semester in Berlin, Germany and interviewed Elizabeth Sikiaridi and Frans Vogelaar of Hybrid Space Lab.

Interview City Makers New Europe @ Cities in Transition, University of Amsterdam, 8 July 2015

Humboldt Jungle @ TAZ

At the Berlin Castle, where the baroque façade is still missing, “Humboldt Jungle” is to grow.
On Tuesday evening, the project initiators spoke to experts and representatives of the various castle initiatives about possible implementations.

Publication Seductive Image, Brigitte Werneburg, Journalist @ TAZ, Berlin, 8 July 2015

New Civic @ Make City Berlin

Citizens take part in innumerable co-creation initiatives in the private and the public domains, and more importantly in the hybrid blur where the one can’t be separated from the other.

Lecture & Workshop Shaping the New Civic Smart City meets Creative City @ Make City, Berlin, 13 June 2015

Greek Slow Food @ Markthalle Neun

Panel discussion on the Greek Slow Food movement curated by Hybrid Space Lab and Markthalle Neun in Berlin on July 17 2015.

Discussion Greek Food Culture Today @ Markthalle Neun, Berlin, 17 July 2015

Urban Lab @ Metropolitan Solutions

In the Dutch Urban Lab the Dutch Embassy in Berlin showcases in cooperation with Hybrid Space Lab and the City of Amsterdam the “Dutch Approach” on urban challenges.

Public Program Metropolitan Solutions Smart City Governance @ Dutch Urban Lab, CityCube, Berlin, 21 May 2015
Public Program Crisis Design @ Dutch Urban Lab, CityCube, Berlin, 22 May 2015

Hybrid Space Lab @ GRÜN kulturell

Museum of Modern Art; a gift with consequences. What does Berlin need from the Cultural Forum?

Expert meeting Politics meets culture: ANAlyseS, ideaS, CoNcePts @ GRÜN.kulturell Kulturcontainer, Berlin, 20 May 2015

Networked Participatory Design @ DAMDI Publishers

Networked organizations and systems are today transforming our society in general.
With new technologies and digital media currently transforming production and social communication, urban and architectural design is being redefined in a new context.

Networked Participatory Design @ DAMDI Publishing House, Seoul, Republic of Korea, 1 May 2015

Internet of Things and the City @ V2 Institute for Unstable Media

International Internet of Things Day Rotterdam explores the concept of IoT and implications for society.
Technology and data will merge with physical objects and structures in the city and alter our city experience. In all domains, whether healthcare, waste management, shopping, public transport or education and social life, IoT will influence our cities.

Lecture Internet of Things @ V2 Institute for Unstable Media, Rotterdam, 9 April 2015

Queen Máxima @ Intelligent Mobility

Interactive workshop during the working visit of Queen Máxima of the Netherlands to Hamburg on March 20, 2015 is organised around the theme of “Intelligent Mobility in the City”.
Dutch and German policy makers, institutions, companies and universities went into dialogue and brainstormed about new and creative forms of public transport on land and water.

Workshop Intelligent Mobility, Queen Máxima of the Netherlands @ Intelligent Mobility in the City, Delta Cities, Hamburg,  20 March 2015

Affect Space @ open!

open! the platform for Art, Culture & the Public Domain published an essay by Eric Kluitenberg on Hybrid Space titled “Affect Space”.

Publication Affect Space, Eric Kluitenberg @ open! Platform for Art, Culture & the Public Domain, Amsterdam, 10 March 2015

Co-Creating Athens @ Lifo

Greek lifestyle magazine Lifo published article on Hybrid Space Lab’s workshop on the revision of the “hated” Athenian apartment buildings.

Article by Dimitris Kyriazis @ Lifo, Athens, 14 January 2015

Hybrid Theory & Practice @ Disobedience

Publication by Hybrid Theory and Practice in Format P: Disobedience. Theory and Practice by the Bec Zmiana Foundation, Warsaw.

Publication Hybrid Theory and Practice, Disobedience: Theory and Practice @ Format P, Bec Zmiana Foundation, Warsaw, Poland, December 2013

Shrinking Car City @ Archined

Internet of Things Conference: at the intersection of technology and the built environment.

Publication, Paul van den Bergh @ Archined, The Netherlands, 21 May 2014

Hybridnet @ V2 Institute for Unstable Media

The lecture Hybridnet & Industry 4.0 will be streamed from the Hannover Messe 2014 and will take place at the Holland Smart City House in the TV studio, Halle 16, Metropolitan Solutions.

Lecture @ Hannover Messe, Metropolitan Solutions Conference Berlin, 9 April 2014
Lecture @ Internet of Things Conference Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 9 April 2014

Smart & the City @ Metropolitan Solutions

The animation film Smart & the City brings the themes processed at the “Metropolitan Solutions fair into the public realm, communicating to a general audience in a fresh, vibrant and generally comprehensive way.

Urban Screening Energy City, Water City, Green City, Participatory City @ Opera, Hannover, 7-11 April 2014
Publication Smart & the City @ Hannoversche Allgemeine, Hannover, 9 April 2014

Smart & the City @ Bild Newspaper

Merkel admonishes industry. Holland lets opera shine.And its European neighbour is bringing the atmosphere of the trade fair directly into the city: films about the “City of the Future” will be projected onto the façade of the opera house every evening until Wednesday.

Projection Smart & The City @ Opera, Hannover, Germany, 5 April 2014

Smart & the City @ Hannoversche Allgemeine

On Wednesday 9 April 2014 in the evening the walls of the Opera House became a canvas for a light installation. The approximately 15 minute animation runs in a continuous loop on the facade of the opera house.

Future Urbanism @ Strelka Institute for Media, Architecture and Design

“Future Urbanism” project – a collection of forty one interviews with contemporary writers, architects, sociologists, economists and city planners by Strelka in Moscow.

Interview Future Urbanism @ Strelka Institute for Media, Architecture and Design, Moscow, Russian Federation, 15 december 2013

Intelligent Urbanism @ Beijing Design Week

Shrinking Car City, is a project on electromobility, the cityscape, urban growth and smart city.

Lecture Shrinking Car City @ Beijing Design Week 2013 & Italian Institute of Culture, Beijing, 12 December 2013

Seeds of the Future @ Triennale di Milano

Exhibition at the Triennale di Milano reflecting on the themes of mobility, of living and working and imagining how energy research , new materials and ICT technologies will shape our daily over the next 20 years.

Exhibition Mobility Living Working @ Triennale di Milano, Milan, 9 October – 22 December 2013

City Kit @ Jockey Club Hong Kong

Hybrid Space Lab’s project City Kit is exhibited in the After City exhibition at the Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre in Hong Kong.

Exhibition City Kit @ Hong Kong Jockey Club, After City, Hong Kong, 1-6 October 2013

Networked Participatory Design @ Hutopolis

Participatory design projects today not only stand in the long tradition of the efforts of inserting the voice of the public into the process of shaping cities; they are also part of a general trend and of a paradigm shift.

Publication Networked Participatory Design @ Hutopolis, Beijing Design Week, Beijing, 30 September 2013

Anti-Tectonics @ Beijing Design Week

Can the mutable conditions of today’s China become the basis for radical development of architecture and urban planning disciplines?

Lecture Urbanisation in China @ Beijing Design Week 2013 , Dashanzi, 798, Beijing, 28 September 2013

Big Design and Big Data @ Geo City Symposium Beijing

GeoCity Smart City is the feature exhibition for Beijing Design Week 2013. Curated by CMoDA (China Millennium Monument Museum of Digital Arts), the exhibition augments and maps information design and application cases for smart cities initiatives around the world, and to use it as input for Smart Beijing case development.

Lecture Geo City Symposium @ CMoDA, China Millennium Monument Museum of Digital Arts, Beijing, 28 September 2013

CRISIS design @ Beijing Design Week 2013

How long can you hold your breath? Lecture on Crisis Design on September 26th 2013 at the event Our air! Our responsibility! , organized by Interactive Beijing and the Central Academy of Fine Arts Beijing.

Lecture Our Air! Our Responsibility! @ Beijing Design Week 2013, China Millennium Monument Museum of Digital Arts, Beijing, 26 September 2013

Shrinking Car City @ Museum for Architecture & Engineering NRW

Hybrid Space Lab’s work is exhibited within the framework of the Dynamik und Wandel. Entwicklung der Städte am Rhein exhibit at the Liebfrauenkirche Duisburg (September 9th 2013 to October 13th 2013), organized by the Museum für Architektur und Ingenieurkunst NRW.

Exhibition Future Vision @ Museum for Architecture & Engineering NRW, Cologne, Germany, 9 September-13 October 2013

Hybrid Space Lab @ Refugium

Hybrid Space Lab’s work is exhibited at the Refugium: Berlin as a Design Principle exhibition at Tempelhof Flughafen Berlin.

Lecture & Exhibition @ DMY International Design Festival, Berlin Design Week 2013, Flughafen Tempelhof, Berlin, 5-9 June 2013

Hybrid Institute @ Deutsche Bauzeitung

The Nederlands Architectuurinstituut (NAi) has established a reputation as a center for all aspects of architecture in the Netherlands and as the largest architectural center in the world.
But the golden times are over, the current savings policy forces to rethink.
The NAi had to merge with two other institutions and is now going new ways together with these partners into the Nieuwe Instituut.

Publication The New Institute @ Deutsche Bauzeitung, Germany, 3 June 2013

U.F.O. @ Jockey Club Hong Kong

Hybrid Space Lab’s work is exhibited in the U.F.O. exhibition at the Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre in Hong Kong.

Exhibition @ Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre, Hong Kong, 23 May-23 June 2013

Notations @ Notebook DAMDI Publishers

Drawings and analog notations are essential within the process of developing ideas, concepts and designs.
Hybrid Space Lab projects are strongly process-oriented using notations of processes.

Notations @ Notebook, DAMDI Publishing House, Seoul, Republic of Korea, 1 May 2013

City Kit @ Culture Station Seoul 284

CITY KIT is a combined urban-computer game to upgrade your neighborhood.
The CITY KIT project was developed for the Hong Kong Social Housing Authority with as a target group young people that are familiar with computer games but hardly play outside.

Exhibition & Publication Dream Society @ Culture Station Seoul 284, Seoul, South Korea, 20 April-26 May 2013

Dream Society @ Culture Station 284 Seoul

Hybrid Space Lab’s work is exhibited within the framework of the Dream Society exhibition at the Culture Station Seoul 284 from April 4th 2013 till May 26th 2013.

Exhibition Dream Society @ Culture Station 284, Seoul, South Korea, 4 April-26 May 2013

Rebooting Design @ Design Journal

For the Design Journal, an international, refereed journal covering all aspects of design, Hybrid Space Lab wrote the article Rebooting (Dutch) Design on hybrid design for the special issue on Dutch Open design.

Publication Dutch Open @ Design Journal Volume 15, United Kingdom, December 2012

Simple City @ Plan 12

Exhibition and lecture Simple City at the architecture and design festival Plan 12 in Cologne.

Lecture Simple City @ plan12, Cologne, 22 September 2012
Exhibition Simple City @ plan12, Cologne, 21-28 September 2012

Simple City @ Bauwelt

From stacking living spaces as efficiently as cardboard boxes to constructing strange amorphous objects according to standard computing power, architects can apparently do anything with the help of modules.
Consequently, “Architectural Particles – Modular Building in the Digital Age” is the highlight of the so-called Architecture Year 2012 at the Museum of Applied Arts Cologne (MAKK).

Publication Simple City, Uta Winterhager @ Bauwelt, Germany, 12 September-13 November 2012

Simple City @ Museum of Applied Arts

Architectural Particles – Modular Building in the Digital Age is an exhibition on modular digital architecture.

Exhibition Simple City @ MAKK Museum for Applied Arts, Modular Building  in the Digital Age , Cologne, 12 September -13 November 2012

City Kit @ World Architects eMagazine

Coinciding with the rise of digital tools that foster participatory systems, Hybrid Space Lab is an entity that exists in the realm between architect and client, the traditional shapers of space.
Here Elizabeth Sikiaridi and Frans Vogelaar of Hybrid Space Lab share three of their projects (CITY KIT, DIY Pavilion, SIMPLE CITY) and their thoughts on networked participatory design systems today.

Publication Simple City @ World Architects eMagazine, 1 May 2012

Winter Herb Summer Worm @ Stylepark

Simple elements that make planning and construction much easier – architects have been looking into the possibilities afforded by modular construction for quite some time now.
What do these modules require in order to fulfill the basic functions of a living and working space and simultaneously remain adaptable in their implementation?
The exhibition, “Architekturteilchen”, at Cologne’s MAKK museum takes a closer look at this question.

Publication by Jorg Zimmermann @ Stylepark, Germany, 1 May 2012

Copy Culture @ Netherlands Institute for Design and Fashion

The Copy/Culture Symposium İstanbul, presented by Premsela, the Netherlands Institute for Design and Fashion in cooperation with SALT examines the implications of copying, open source and sampling on the design trade and profession. Talks by Fulco Blokhuis, Aslı Kıyak İngin, Geert Jan Jansen, Tomas Klassnik, Elizabeth Sikiaridi, Tim Vermeulen, Fei Wang and Atilla Yücel.

Lecture Symposium Copying Open Source Sampling @ SALT, Premsela, the Netherlands Institute for Design and Fashion, Instanbul, 28 April 2012

The Future of Germany @ Club of Amsterdam

Hybrid Space Lab is invited to lecture “Inert Innovation” on “The Future of Germany” at the Club of Amsterdam.

Lecture Future of Germany & Panel Discussion @ Club of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 19:00-21:00, 20 April 2021

Hybrid Space @ Media Cultural Sciences University Utrecht

Max Urai interviews Professor Frans Vogelaar, who is a professor for Hybrid Space at the Academy of Media Arts in Cologne.

Interview by Max Urai @ BLIK #5.0, University Utrecht, Media and Cultural Sciences, Utrecht, The Netherlands, March 2012

German Cityscape @ Seoul National University

The international travelling exhibition presents a broad spectrum of themes in landscape architecture. It focuses on areas of the profession poised to gain international importance, illustrating the tasks and techniques of landscape design in the post-industrial age.
The exhibition provides a wealth of knowledge about landscape architecture and features examples from Germany’s North Rhine-Westphalia.
An international travelling exhibition on the working fields of landscape architecture by the Chamber of Architects of North Rhine-Westphalia with the support of the Ministry for Building and Transport of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia.

Opening Lecture NatureTecture: Sustainable Development of the Cityscape, Prof. Elizabeth Sikiaridi, 2 December 2011
Exhibition NatureTecture @ Graduate School of Environmental Studies, Seoul National University, 2-9 December 2011

Iannis Xenakis @ Akademie der Künste

Control and Chance
Iannis Xenakis: composer, architect, visionary

Lecture on Iannis Xenakis @ Akademie der Künste, Hanseatenweg, Berlin, 25 November 2011

Hybrid Prosumer @ Forbes

Hybrid Design initiated by Prof. Frans Vogelaar, Academy of Media Arts Cologne, approaches technological developments from the perspective of the designer, by “inhabiting technology”, by transforming these technological developments to meet the way we want to live. It introduces the design fields that are emerging through the combination and fusion of environments, objects and services in the information-communication age.

Publication Re: Thinking Innovation, Haydn Shaughnessy @ Forbes, USA, 16 October 2011

Hybrid Design @ Beijing Design Week

The Department of Hybrid Space / Academy of Media Arts Cologne Germany (KHM) and its founder, Prof. Frans Vogelaar, presents “Hybrid Design”, consisting of lectures, screenings and a workshop on self replicating 3D printers (Fab Lab).

Lectures, Exhibition & Workshop Hybrid Design @ Beijing Design Week, Beijing, China, 27 September-3 October 2011

Hybrid Space @ Delft University of Technology

In recent years our means of interacting with one another have changed dramatically thanks to emerging virtual realities, globalitaty and mass customization.
Historically built space has been a platform for social interaction: how can architect ensure a relevant public role in an emerging media driven society, which seems to operate separately from traditional collective spaces.
Hybrid Space Lab is contributing with a lecture and workshop to INDESEM, the International Design Seminar hosted by Delft University of Technology.

Lecture & Workshop Hybrid Space @ Losing Ground, INDESEM 2011 International Design Seminar, Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands, 13 May 2011

CoThenticity @ Dutch Design Institute

Hybrid Design initiated by Prof. Frans Vogelaar, Academy of Media Arts Cologne, approaches technological developments from the perspective of the designer, by “inhabiting technology”, by transforming these technological developments to meet the way we want to live. It introduces the design fields that are emerging through the combination and fusion of environments, objects and services in the information-communication age.

Publication Re: Thinking Innovation, Haydn Shaughnessy @ Forbes, USA, 16 October 2011

Hybrid Notations @ Centre of Contemporary Art Torun

Transdisciplinary workshop at the Centre of Contemporary Art Torun in Poland, focussing on notations of hybrid space, addressing urban environments in their hybridity and complexity.

Lecture, Workshop & Article @ Centre of Contemporary Art “Znaki Czasu”, Torun, Poland, 31 March-3 April 2011


Iannis Xenakis @ Contemporary Art Center Torun

When asked about the precursors of hybrid projects, Hybrid Space Lab mentions Buckminster Fuller and Iannis Xenakis.
During the lecture, Hybrid Space Lab introduce Xenakis, the Greek music composer, theoretician, and architect.

Lecture Xenakis’ Morphologies @ Contemporary Art Center Znaki Czasu, Torun, Poland, 1 April 2011

Hybrid Space @ Contemporary Art Center Torun

Discussing hybridization as a general approach and strategy and as a quality of urban spaces.
The public lecture serves as an introduction to the workshop “Hybrid Notations”.

Lecture Hybrid Space @ Contemporary Art Center Znaki Czasu, Torun, Poland, 31 March 2011

Shrinking Car City @ Deutsche Bauzeitung

Electric vehicles are regarded primarily as regards sustainability, ie as a vehicle to support the entry into the post-fossil age.
At the same time, the introduction of the new electro-powered motors opens up opportunities for the redefinition of the car with far-reaching consequences: the car is shrinking – and the public space of the city can grow again.

Publication Shrinking Car City @ Deutsche Bauzeitung, Germany, 1 February 2011
Publication Shrinking Car City @ GermanArchitects, Germany, 11 May 2011

NatureTecture @ Deutsches Architektenblatt 2011

The exhibition “ NatureTecture ” by the Chamber of Architects of North Rhine-Westphalia on the development of landscape architecture in Europe was on display in Istanbul until mid-December 2010.
On November 26, 2010, AKNW Vice President Dr. Christian Schramm and the President of the Istanbul Chamber of Architects, Prof. Deniz lncedayi, opened the exhibition in the European Capital of Culture 2010 in front of around 200 Turkish architects, landscape architects, interior designers and urban planners.

Publication NatureTecture @ Deutsches Architektenblatt, Germany, 1 February 2010

Reconquest of the City @ ZENO

Electric vehicles are regarded primarily as regards sustainability, ie as a vehicle to support the entry into the post-fossil age. At the same time, the introduction of the new electro-powered motors opens up opportunities for the redefinition of the car with far-reaching consequences: the car is shrinking – and the public space of the city can grow again.

Publication Reconquest of the City @ ZENO, Germany, 1 January 2011

DIY CITY KIT @ Architectural Digest

Hybrid Space Lab developed a series of projects for the radical appropriation of the controversial Humboldt Forum in Berlin:
Whereas Humboldt Jungle formulated a strong vision for the re-wilding of the Forum and Humboldt Volcano developed a concrete architectural design solution that addresses many of the foreseeable problems in the Humboldt Forum and that could be realized in the (near) future, Humboldt Kosmos is a fictional universe based on Humboldt Forum that opens up a multiplicity of possible futures.

Publication Humboldt Futures @ Atlas der Datenkörper 2, Transcript Verlag, Germany, 27 May 2024

NatureTecture @ Deutsches Architektenblatt 2010

The current processes of change in the environment, economy and society are also fundamentally changing the way we look at the landscape and how we deal with it in planning.
The new exhibition “NatureTecture” by the Chamber of Architects of North Rhine-Westphalia shows how our landscape has developed over the past centuries and what challenges landscape architects are currently facing.

Publication NatureTecture@ Deutsches Architektenblatt, Germany, 1 March 2010

Hybrid Space @ Sonic Acts 2010

Hybrid Space is the superimposition and layering of physical, informational and media infrastructures, and social, cultural and economic flows.
Hybrid Space is the fusion of Physical and Digital Space.

Lecture Hybrid Space @ Conference Poetics of Space, Sonic Acts 2010, Amsterdam, 26 February 2010

Cognitive Space @ 010 Publishers

Primary Conditions: The Emancipation of the Pluripotential.
In the societies of control, power relations come to be expressed through the action at a distance of one mind on another, through the brain’s power to affect and become affected, which is mediated and enriched by technology.

Publication Cognitive Space, From Biopolitics to Noopolitics Architecture & Mind in the Age of Communication and Information @ 010 Publishers, Delft School of Design Series on Architecture and Urbanism, Rotterdam, 2010

Hybrid Space @ Hong Kong & Shenzhen Bienniale for Urbanism & Architecture

Winter Worm Summer Herb pavilion is designed by Hybrid Space Lab for the 2009 Hong Kong & Shenzhen Bi-City Bienniale of Urbanism & Architecture.
Winter Worm Summer Herb contains 9 video art works by Yang Yong, Jiang Zhe, Xu Tan, Leung Meeping, Kwan Ng, Urbanus, and Hybrid Space Lab.
The mobile and collapsible pavilion will travel to 4 locations in Hong Kong and Shenzen.

Publication & Exhibition Winter Worm Summer Herb @ 2009 Hong Kong & Shenzhen Bi-City Bienniale of Urbanism & Architecture, Hong Kong & Shenzhen, 1 December 2009-15 February 2010

Hybrid Space @ Film Festival Cologne

Film Festival Cologne is an important industry event and one of the leading festivals in Germany and presents the major global trends and showcase outstanding works of audiovisual storytelling.
Prof. Frans Vogelaar presents Hybrid Space and participates in the discussion panel at the Media Architecture section of the Film Festival Cologne 2009.

<span class=”u-font-color-grey”>Lecture &amp; Panel Hybrid Space @ Media Architecture, Film Festival Cologne, 2 October 2009</span>

111 Professor @ University of Geo Sciences Wuhan

Frans Vogelaar has been appointed 111 Professor at China University of Geosciences, Wuhan, China.
The Thousand Talents Program is a talent recruitment program established by the Government of China in 2008.

111 Professor, Prof. Frans Vogelaar @ China University of Geosciences, Wuhan, China, 1 April 2009

City Kit @ Dutch Design Foundation

The Winter Worm Summer Herb pavilion consists of triangular plywood plates sown together with the help of cable binders.
At a very low cost and low technology construction the pavilion is also a flexible mobile structure that can be very easily disassembled, transported, reassembled and sown together again, adjusting to the size of the site and the local requirements.

Publication City Kit @ Platform 21, Dutch Design Foundation, 20 October 2022

Soft Urbanism @ University Dortmund

Soft Urbanism stands for an interdisciplinary field of work that examines the “soft” aspects, the communication aspects, of the city and deals with the dynamic interplay of urban planning and the space of mass media and communication networks, for example with information and communication processes in public space.

Publication Soft Urbanism @ Stadperspektiven, University Dortmund, Germany, 1 September 2008

City Kit @ Platform 21 Dutch Design Foundation

Playing the game City Kit, you adapt a digital version of your local surroundings according to your desires. In a switch from changes in the neighbourhood that are beyond your control, City Kit makes you the architect, urban planner, environmental expert or designer. City Kit is currently shown with a presentation and demo version and soon you will be able to play and experience the game at Platform 21 during Checking Reality.

Exhibition City Kit @ Checking Reality, Dutch Design Foundation Premsela, Platform 21, Amsterdam, 18 May-27 August 2008
Publication @ Curatorial Cooking, Dutch Design Foundation Premsela, Platform 21, Amsterdam, 18 May 2008
Lecture Participatory Design @ Club Real #4, Dutch Design Foundation Premsela, Platform 21, Amsterdam, 27 August 2008

Migrating Reality @ General Public Berlin

Electronic and digital systems generate completely new forms of migration.
In the creative arts, new phenomena related to migration and the synergies of disparate systems are emerging.
Artistic products evolve from traditional forms into hybrid digital forms.
Analog products are being digitized; data spaces are trans-located from one data storage system to another; existing sounds, images, and texts are remixed and fused into new datasets.

Lecture Hybrid Space @ General Public, Berlin, 4 April 2008

Soft Urbanism @ University of Architecture and Planning Aalborg

The lecture Soft Urbanism will address the interaction between the physical and the digital public domain in the contemporary urban networks.
It will focus on the way that the physical environment relates to the space of mass media and communication networks and how these influence each other.

Lecture Soft Urbanism, Between Physical and Digital Public Domain @ University of Architecture, Design and Planning, Tegnesalen, Toldkammeret, Aalborg, Denmark, 15 November 2007

Iannis Xenakis @ Alice Foundation

This contribution discusses the interdisciplinary aspects of Iannis Xenakis’ oeuvre and his Synthesis of the Arts. In doing so, I draw on archival research-including Xenakis’ personal archives in Paris and interviews with him.

Publication, Lecture & Discussion Iannis Xenakis @ Make it New, le Poème électronique, Alice Foundation , Eindhoven, the Netherlands, 15 June 2004

Neighbours Network City @ Metalocus

This contribution discusses the interdisciplinary aspects of Iannis Xenakis’ oeuvre and his Synthesis of the Arts. In doing so, I draw on archival research-including Xenakis’ personal archives in Paris and interviews with him.

Publication, Lecture & Discussion Iannis Xenakis @ Make it New, le Poème électronique, Alice Foundation , Eindhoven, the Netherlands, 15 June 2004

Urban Acupuncture @ Deutsche Bauzeitung

Urban redevelopment starts selectively in the urban field with conversions and extensions, using resources sparingly and strategically.
The reprogramming of existing buildings is not just about functional reallocation.
The reutilisation of spaces is a process that goes beyond the functional aspects and also includes the re-coding and symbolic re-evaluation of space.

Publication Urban Acupuncture @ Deutsche Bauzeitung Germany, 20 February 2007

Hybrid Habitat @ European Forum Alpbach

What about security in our globalized world? The yearning for more security in our increasingly complex world and innovative solutions for coping with it.
Trust and security are becoming increasingly important for people in our globalized world. Globalization does not only take place “outside”; our own personal environment is also being globalized, with our real surroundings being expanded by virtual Internet space.

Lecture Hybrid Habitat @ European Forum Alpbach, Technology Forum, Security in a Globalized World Alpbach, Austria, 25 August 2006

Iannis Xenakis @ Soundspaces of the Arts

There is a fascinating moment of artistic synergy in the aesthetic production of the 20th century. An architect, Le Corbusier, conceived an electronic poem, an electronic synthesis of visual and acoustic events, as well as a “vessel for the poem” (a pavilion) for the presentation of the Philips company at the 1958 World Exhibition in Brussels.
The result was one of the most exciting buildings of the post-war era, the Philips Pavilion, in which the electronic composition and the building form interrelated parts of a total work of art in which the elements of light, colourful images, rhythm and sound combine to form an organic synthesis.

Publication “From event structure to spatial form” @ Klangräume der Kunst, Kehrer Verlag, 7 Juli 2006

Hybrid Space @ Talking Cities

The interactive Audio Lounge provides the framework for Talking Cities Radio, designed exclusively for Talking Cities.
Audio Lounge is realised in cooperation with students from the “Hybrid Space” project group of Prof. Frans Vogelaar, Academy of Media Arts, Cologne.

Exhibition Talking Cities Radio @ Talking Cities, Essen, Germany, 16 May 2006

Structural Change @ Wirschaftjahrbuch

Structural change as a challenge.
Axel Schuch asks questions.
Elizabeth Sikiaridi answers.

Publication & Interview Structural change, Axel Schuch @ Wirschaftjahrbuch, Germany, 1 May 2006

Sub City @ Space Time Play

What is computer and video game space – and: is there an architectural history of game space-time?
Across 500 pages, the edited book publication Space Time Play will investigate these questions by compiling designs, best practice examples, as well as essays, interviews, succinct statements, and game space analyses.

Publication Sub City @ Space Time Play, Birkhäuser, Publishers for Architecture, Basel, Boston, Berlin, 1 April 2006

Soft Urbanism @ Deutsche Bauzeitung

Soft Urbanism stands for an interdisciplinary field of work that examines the ‘soft’ aspects, the communication aspects, of the city and deals with the dynamic interplay of urban development and the space of mass media and communication networks.
Soft urbanism, as a holistic view of urbanity, is important for the city in transition both in a context of shrinkage and in growth regions.

Publication Soft Urbanism @ Deutsche Bauzeitung, Germany , 1 April 2006

Industrial Succession Landscapes @ Bauhaus University Weimar

Workshop in cooperation with the TU Berlin, the TU Kaiserslautern and the Bauhaus University Weimar published by Bauhaus University Weimar (European Urban Studies).

Workshop & Publication Industrial Succession Landscapes @ Bauhaus University Weimar, Germany, 17 February 2006

Public Media Urban Interfaces @ Metalocus

Bridging the gap and connecting the global media spheres with local content and place, an architecture of communication spaces proposes a combined analog-digital infrastructure: publicly accessible interfaces between the global media space and the local urban place.
Public Media Urban Interfaces is an alternative scenario for the interplay of mass media in order to reinforce the function of public (urban) space. This project develops a hybrid urban network-space, a fusion of media space and urban space.
It emphasises the role of the public in an increasingly privatised society and occupies the vacuum in between the local and the global. The products of this alliance of urban and media networks are “hybrid” spaces that are at the same time analog and digital, virtual and material, local and global.

Publication Public Media Urban Interfaces @ Metalocus, Madrid, Spain, 17 November 2005

Smart Home @ Die Wohnungswirtschaft

Architect Elizabeth Sikiaridi, professor at the University of Duisburg-Essen, researches and teaches the effects of information and communication technologies on living and working.
In this interview, she comments on the opportunities and risks of smart home applications.

Publication Smart Home @ Die Wohnungswirtschaft, Germany, 1 October 2005

Public Urban Media @ Urban Screens Stedelijk Museum

Urban Screens ’05 is an international conference ranging from critical theory to project experiences by researchers and practitioners in the field of art, architecture, urban studies and digital media.
The focus is on understanding how the growing infrastructure of large digital displays influences the visual sphere of our public spaces.

Lecture Public Urban Media @ Conference Urban Screens, Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, 23-24 September 2005

Wearable Futures @ University of Wales

Wearable Futures is an interdisciplinary conference, which aims to bring together practitioners, inventors, and theorists in the field of soft technology and wearables including those concerned with fashion, textiles, sportswear, interaction design, media and live arts, medical textiles, wellness, perception and psychology, IPR, polymer science, nanotechnology, military, and other relevant research strands.

Publication & Lecture Hybrid Urban Mobility Spaces @ Conference Wearable Futures, University of Wales, UK, 16 September 2005

Idensity® @ University Stuttgart

To reinforce the significance of public space we have to deal with at least two “public”, the global and the local public, by creating spheres where local and global public space can fuse and interchange.

Publication Idensity® @ University Stuttgart, Germany, 1 August 2005

Smart Home @ Bundesgartenschau 2005

BUGA 05 in Munich provides food for thought.
As a contribution to the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development, which begins in 2005, a total of four symposia will be held in cooperation with the German UNESCO Commission.

Lecture Smart Home @ Bundesgartenschau München 2005, Munich, Germany, 16-17 June 2005

Idensity® @ MIT Press Leonardo

Idensity® develops scenarios for an interplay of the urban space and the media domain.
New interdisciplinary fields of planning and design are introduced: Soft Urbanism, exploring the interaction of urbanism and the space of mass media and communication networks, and Hybrid Space Design, developing fused analog-digital / architectural-media spaces.
Within this framework, “Idensity®” is proposed as a conceptual tool for developing space in the information-communication age.

Publication Idensity® @ MIT Leonardo Press, Boston, USA, 1 July 2005

Idensity® @ PTAH Architectural Magazine

Public Media Urban Interfaces is an alternative scenario for the interplay of mass media in order to reinforce the function of public (urban) space.
Public Media Urban Interfaces develops a hybrid urban network-space, a fusion of media space and urban space.

Publication Idensity® @ PTAH Architectural Magazine, 1 July 2005

Soft Urbanism @ University of the Arts Berlin

It helps to develop a holistic view that considers the entire space of the urban landscape, that includes not only the built-up but also the undeveloped areas, not only the physical-architectural but also the digital-media spaces in the transformation processes of the urban.
Soft Urbanism stands for such an interdisciplinary field of work that examines the ‘soft’ aspects, the communication aspects, of the city and deals with the dynamic interplay of urban development and the space of mass media and communication networks.

Lecture Soft Urbanism @ Symposium Operation City, University of the Arts Berlin, Germany, 26-28 May 2005

Architecture of Succession @ Deutsche Bauzeitung

The tasks facing the professions that develop and design the environment are changing. Half a century of peace in Western Europe and the accelerated globalization of migration and capital have broadened architects’ and planners’ scope of operations.

Publication Architecture of Succession @ Deutsche Bauzeitung, Germany, 5 January 2005

Communication Space @ ISEA 2004

Today, the communicational paradigm, with its “network-cities” and “nodes”, “terminal architectures” and “urban branding strategies” is infiltrating and transforming the architectural/urban discourse and practice.

Lecture & Panel Architecture of Switching @ ISEA 2004, Helsinki, Finland, 19-22 August 2004

Iannis Xenakis @ Technoetic Arts

To reinforce the significance of public space we have to deal with at least two “public”, the global and the local public, by creating spheres where local and global public space can fuse and interchange.
“The new city presupposes that the cables of the interhuman relations are switched reversibly, not in bundles as with television, but in real networks, respons(e)ibly, as in the telephone network. These are technical questions; and they are to be solved by urbanists and architects.“
Vilém Flusser 1990

Publication Idensity® @ Aminima, Spain, 1 May 2004

Idensity @ Aminima

To reinforce the significance of public space we have to deal with at least two “public”, the global and the local public, by creating spheres where local and global public space can fuse and interchange.
“The new city presupposes that the cables of the interhuman relations are switched reversibly, not in bundles as with television, but in real networks, respons(e)ibly, as in the telephone network. These are technical questions; and they are to be solved by urbanists and architects.“
Vilém Flusser 1990

Publication Idensity® @ Aminima, Spain, 1 May 2004

Idensity® of the Urbanite @ Cyber Art Congress Bilbao

To reinforce the significance of public space we have to deal with at least two “public”, the global and the local public, by creating spheres where local and global public space can fuse and interchange.

Lecture Idensity ® of the Urbanite @ Cyber Art Congress, Bilbao, Spain, 23-30 April 2004

Idensity @ RICX Media Architecture

To reinforce the significance of public space we have to deal with at least two “public”, the global and the local public, by creating spheres where local and global public space can fuse and interchange.
“The new city presupposes that the cables of the interhuman relations are switched reversibly, not in bundles as with television, but in real networks, respons(e)ibly, as in the telephone network. These are technical questions; and they are to be solved by urbanists and architects.“
Vilém Flusser 1990

Publication Idensity® @ Media Architecture Conference, RICX, Riga, Latvia, 15 March 2004

Hybrid Space @ Springerin Magazine

RIXC, the center of new media culture in Riga (formerly E-lab), is known for its wide-ranging interest in the latest communication technologies.
One of the first Art + Communication festivals put Net-Radio at the center of extensive international discussions as a form of production, but also of distribution of art content.

Publication Hybrid Space, Tatiana Goryuchevace @ Springerin magazine for criticism and theory of contemporary culture, Austria, 16-17 May 2003

Media Architecture @ New Media Festival

The Media Architecture, New Media Cultural “Art + Communication” Festival, an event that stands at the cusp international research network between the computer and the postmodern architecture.

Lecture Networked Architecture @ New Media Cultural Festival, Riga, Latvia, 16-17 May 2003

Mobility Lab @ International Architecture Biennal

International Architecture Biennial Rotterdam event is held every two years in the Dutch port city of Rotterdam, itself recognized worldwide as an architectural trendsetter.
The International Architecture Biennial focuses 2003 entirely on the theme of ‘mobility’, examining the issue of modern-day mobility and the consequences for architecture and urban development.

Lecture & Exhibition @ International Architecture Biennal, Rotterdam, 7 May-7 July 2003

Hybrid Space @ Digital Commons

Democracy can be understood in two notably distinct ways. In the institutional view democracy is understood as the interplay of institutional actors that represent ‘the people’ and are held accountable through the plebiscite; public votes, polls and occasionally referenda.

Essay Constructing the Digital Commons, Eric Kluitenberg @ tactical media files, Amsterdam, 1 March 2003

Network Space @ Deutsche Bauzeitung

Hybrid Space Lab is concerned with how the expanding media networks interact with the physical, the public space. Their work is to be seen at the International Architecture Biennale 1ab in Rotterdam. International Architecture Biennale 1ab in Rotterdam.

Interview Many to Many, Christian Holl @ Deutsche Bauzeitung, Germany, 1 March 2003

Spatial Models @ International Colloquium University Stuttgart

The lecture and publication addresses urban/architectural space in the emerging information-communication age and introduces and presents spatial models embedded in a “communicational paradigm” in urbanism.

Lecture & Publication Spatial Models @ International Colloquium Perspectives on Urban Space, Urban Planning Institute, International Centre for Culture and Technology Research, University Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany, 28.-29.11.2002

Idensity® @ UIA World Congress Architecture

Today, the communicational paradigm, with its “network-cities”, “nodes” and “terminal architectures” is infiltrating and transforming the architectural/urban discourse and practice.
Within this framework, ‘idensity®’ is proposed as a conceptual tool for developing space in the information/communication age.
This composite term consists of the combination/fusion of the word “density” of real/urban and “virtual”/media communication spaces (density of connections) and of the word “identity”.

Lecture & Publication Idensity® @ UIA World Congress Architecture, Berlin, 16 June 2002

Network Society @ Neue Zürcher Zeitung

The conference A2B is an initiative of architect Jacques Herzog.
This year’s exhibition “We are building the future for you” was presented by the prominent lecturers as designers of the future.
International luminaries of architecture in real space like Toyo Ito were placed alongside pioneers of virtual architecture: Elizabeth Sikiaridi explained the term ‘idensity’, which has already been protected by her, which describes the density of media and urban networks and the fusion of virtual and real spaces.

Publication Information Technology and Architecture, Villö Huszai @ Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Switzerland, 1 February 2002

Network City @ ETH Zurich

On the subject of “mobility: immobility”, a number of international architects and representatives from the political and business sectors were invited to attend the conference at Swissbau.
The symposium was intended to expand the traditionally rich architectural lectures in Basel through a new thematic focus: the links between architecture and urban development with information and communication technologies.

Publication Mobility : Immobility, Susanne Schumacher @ ETH Zurich, Switzerland, 29 January 2002

New Mobility @ A2B International Architecture Symposium

The world is changing and with it the cities.
The new possibilities of physical mobility in the industrial age have decisively influenced architecture and city planning.
The question now arises as to how much the present revolution of information and communication will have.

Lecture Technology & the City @ A2B International Architecture Symposium 02, Basel, Switserland, 24-25 January 2002

Idensity® @ Technoetic Arts

The world is changing and with it the cities.
The new possibilities of physical mobility in the industrial age have decisively influenced architecture and city planning.
The question now arises as to how much the present revolution of information and communication will have.

Lecture Technology & the City @ A2B International Architecture Symposium 02, Basel, Switserland, 24-25 January 2002

Mobility Immobility @ entourage

The conference A2B is an initiative of architect Jacques Herzog. This year’s exhibition “We are building the future for you” was presented by the prominent lecturers as designers of the future. International luminaries of architecture in real space like Toyo Ito were placed alongside pioneers of virtual architecture: Elizabeth Sikiaridi explained the term ‘idensity’, which has already been protected by her, which describes the density of media and urban networks and the fusion of virtual and real spaces.

Publication Architecture in the Information Age, Francesca Ferguson @ entourage, Switzerland, January 2002

Iannis Xenakis @ Werk Bauen Wohnen

Iannis Xenakis (1922-2001), who was originally trained as an engineer and was working as an architect in the office of Le Corbusier and who later was to become an internationally known composer, designs in co-authorship with Le Corbusier the “vessel containing the poem”, the shell structure of the Philips Pavilion.

Publication Iannis Xenakis @ Werk Bauen Wohnen, Germany, November 2001

the Use of Space in the Information/Communication Age @ Infodrome

“the Use of Space in the Information/Communication Age – Processing the Unplannable” presents an introduction to the questions raised by the developments in information/communication technology (ICT) and their interaction with the urban.
It also addresses the challenges of urban/regional planning in the early stages of the information/communication age.
This “issue paper” is intended to be a basis for a workshop within the framework presented by Infodrome, dealing with the theme of the “use of space in the information/communication age”.
The paper is based on our long-term research and work in the development of a new field of planning and design that combines urbanism and architecture with information/communication networks and media spaces (“Soft Urbanism”, “Networked Architecture”).

Publication the Use of Space in the Information/Communication Age @ Infodrome, Amsterdam, 1 May 2000

Idensity® @ Kunst NRW-NL

Hybrid Space is new interdisciplinary field of design, researching the transformations of architectural, urban and regional space of the emerging “information age”, exploring the dynamic interaction of architecture, urbanism and the space of mass media and communication networks.
Hybrid Space develops scenarios for the interplay of public urban and public media space.

Publication Idensity® @ Kunst NRW-NL Amsterdam, 8 October 1999

reBOOT @ Kunst NRW-NL

reBOOT a floating media laboratory will descend the Rhine, the archetypal symbol of connection between Nordrhein-Westfalia and the Netherlands, in the week of October 8th till the 15th.
During the journey non-stop live programs are sent out via the internet, realised by artists, musicians and media collectives from both countries.
While descending the river the boat will dock in various cities along the Rhine for special on-site performances, events and art projects.

reBOOT @ Kunst NRW-NL Amsterdam, 8 October 1999

Hybrid Space @ Arch Komm

What is the role of urban planning in this highly dynamic unpredictable environment?
What could replace the failing instrument of prognosis?
What will the tools for processing possible urban transformations be?
Could hybrid (urban and media) environments function as generators (of trust) transforming planning to an event-communication (space) and entertainment zone?

Discussion & Lecture Science Friction @ de Orderverstoorders, de Balie, Amsterdam, 25 Januari 1999

Ivory Tower @ Kunstforum

Academy for Media Arts is located where I would like to see it most, in between.
And I mean that in the strict sense of the word, because I believe that the interspaces will be the most exciting spaces in the future.
So, not these fixed gravitational places, but what moves between the designated places.

Interview Ivory Tower with Many Openings, Amine Haase & Siegfried Zielinsky @ Kunstforum, Germany, January 1999

Information Technology and the Urban @ de Balie

What is the role of urban planning in this highly dynamic unpredictable environment?
What could replace the failing instrument of prognosis?
What will the tools for processing possible urban transformations be?
Could hybrid (urban and media) environments function as generators (of trust) transforming planning to an event-communication (space) and entertainment zone?

Discussion & Lecture Science Friction @ de Orderverstoorders, de Balie, Amsterdam, 25 Januari 1999

Politics of Space @ Lab für Kunst und Apparate

Publication “Politics of Space” for Lab für Kunst und Apparate, Academy for Media Arts.
The segregation processes in media environments are nothing but the enhancement of tendencies manifesting themselves in the “real” space with the creation of the urban ghettos and their counterparts, the (suburban) protected social reservoirs for the upper classes.
These access-controlled residential areas can be found today all over the world, in Third World and in western democracies as well as in the east neo-capitalist countries.They range from heavily protected impenetrable fortresses to retirement towns for well-off pensioners or projects like Walt Disney’s Celebration – an entire residential town (not a theme park).

Publication Politics of Space @ Lab für Kunst und Apparate, Academy of Media Arts, Cologne, Germany, 1 October 1998

Deutschen Bundesbank @ Wettbewerb Aktuell

Restricted realization competition for the extension of the Deutsche Bundesbank in Frankfurt/M.

Publication Deutschen Bundesbank @ Wettbewerb Aktuell, Germany, 1 October 1998

Deutsche Bundesbank @ Baumeister BBK

Explanatory report on the competition entry Deutsche Bundesbank in Frankfurt.
1st prize: Behnisch & Partner, Stuttgart
Collaborators: Elisabeth Sikiaridi, Matthias Tusker, Peter Schmal, Falk Petry, Susanne Dexling, Dieter Lachenmann

Deutsche Bundesbank @ Baumeister BBK, Germany, 1 September 1998

Nederlands Dans Theater @ Domus

The first mayor work built by Office for Metropolitan Architecture is the Netherlands Dance Theatre in The Hague.

Publication Nederlands Dans Theater @ Domus, Magazine for Architecture, Design and Art, Italy, 1 May 1989

Professor Hybrid Space @ KHM

The Academy of Media Arts (KHM) was founded in 1990 and offers an educational concept, unique within Germany, which brings film, art and science together.
The Academy of Media Arts is a teaching and research institution for media in Cologne, Germany.

Professor for Hybrid Space, Frans Vogelaar @ Academy of Media Arts, Cologne, Germany, 1 April 1998

Soft Urbanism @ Architect 1997

Public urban space and the “space” of communication networks are usually seen as frameworks for social interaction, competing or mutually exclusive.
The traditional functions of urban public space are being taken over by telecommunications networks.
The inputs and outputs of their channels are increasingly located in private interior spaces.

Soft Urbanism @ Architect, Magazine for Architecture and Urbanism, 1 June 1997

Public Media Urban Interfaces @ Man Mass Media Conference

Interaction or Manipulation?
Man – Mass – Media, conference and exhibition organised by the Internationales Forum für Gestaltung in Ulm.

Exhibition & Lab @ Internationales Forum fur Gestaltung, Ulm, Germany, 20-22 September 1996

Media Babies on Chanel no.5 @ Items

Telecommunications lacks the tangibility of real space. Conversely, the culture of the city needs to integrate digital technology.
How telecommunications and the city interact.
Media Babies on Chanel no.5 is a concept for a digital public structure for the city of London.

Article Network Architecture, Ed van Hinte @ Items #6, Netherlands, 20 September 1995

Hybrid Space @ Doors of Perception Conference

Doors of Perception is an annual conference, and a programme of workshops, seminars and pilot projects, organised by the Netherlands Design Institute in Amsterdam. Doors of Perception seeks answers to the question: what are multimedia and global networks actually for? Doors of Perception generates scenarios about future applications of new technology and enhance the development of multimedia and online environments by bringing together previously unconnected knowledge and skills.

Lecture Hybrid Space @ Doors of Perception Conference, Dutch Design Institute Premsela, RAI Convention Centre, Amsterdam, 4-6 November 1994

Complexity @ ARCH+

Often, comparisons, parallels to landscape, are drawn to nature in the work of Behnisch & Partner. The architectural ensemble is perceived as a continuation of the landscape.

Publication the Work of Behnisch & Partner, Elizabeth Sikiaridi @ ARCH+, Germany, 1 September 1994

Venda @ Museum Magazine Vitrine

A colossal De Klerk, complex dream-pictures in wood or a monkey with a transistor radio and a bright pink rear end. Rotterdam’s Museum of Ethnology is showing some 30 sculptures by South African Venda artists in a remarkable display. ‘If there is one general characteristic to be given to contemporary African art, it is an unstoppable narrative drive.’

Publication The storytelling art of the Venda, Paul Faber @ Museum magazine Vitrine, Rotterdam 1 August 1994

Media Babies on CHANEL no.5 @ Items #6 1993

Telecommunications lack the tangible everyday reality of the residential neighborhood. Conversely, the culture of the city is entitled to digital technologies.
This is why Frans Vogelaar and Elizabeth Sikiaridi developed the project “Media Babies on Chanel no.5.”
It is a more elaborate concept for a digital public space for London.

Media Babies on CHANNEL no.5 @ Items #6, Magazine for Design, Visual Communication and Architecture, 1 September 1993

Demand your Right to Broadcast! @ Architectural Association

Media Babies on CHANEL NO.5 derives its strength from fragmentation in order to develop a truly public “narrow/broadcasting/catching media network. A local-based public interface the “Media Baby” is instrument that seduces its public to use and abuse the television medium, maximizing its possible spontaneity by hijacking the public’s imagination.

Demand your Right to Broadcast! @ Architectural Association, Architectural Association School of Architecture, 34-36 Bedford Square, London, 24 July 1991

Frans Vogelaar @ Architectural Association

Media Babies on CHANEL NO.5 derives its strength from fragmentation in order to develop a truly public “narrow/broadcasting/catching media network. A local-based public interface the “Media Baby” is instrument that seduces its public to use and abuse the television medium, maximizing its possible spontaneity by hijacking the public’s imagination.

Demand your Right to Broadcast! @ Architectural Association, Architectural Association School of Architecture, 34-36 Bedford Square, London, 24 July 1991

Helmuth Kohl & Elisabeth Sikiaridi @ Helmuth Newton

During the construction of the German Parliament in Bonn Helmut Newton photographs the German Chancelor Helmut Kohl.
Elisabeth Sikiaridi simultaneously takes a picture of Helmut Kohl and Helmut Newton.

Photograph of Helmut Kohl & Elisabeth Sikiaridi @ Helmut Newton, Bonn, Germany, Summer 1990

Hybrid Space @ Architectural Association School of Architecture

Exhibition and publication at the Architectural Association School of Architecture on Architecture & High-Touch and Tech Surfaces.
Networked Urbanism: merging digital and physical space.

Exhibition & Publication Hybrid Space @ Architectural Association, Architectural Association School of Architecture, 34-36 Bedford Square, London, 17-21 June 1989

Frans Hals Prize for Exhibition Design @ Items #8 1988

The Netherlands has a new design prize: the Frans Halle Prize for exhibition design.
The initiative deserves and receives much praise.
However, the elaboration of this new prize leaves much to be desired.
Carel Kuitenbrouwer takes stock now that the prize has been awarded for the first time.

Frans Hals Prize Exhibitiondesign @ Items #8, Magazine for Design, Visual Communication and Architecture, 1 September 1988

Frans Hals Prize for Exhibition Design @ NRC Handelsblad

Frans Vogelaar produced a magnificent and dazzling scale model that, if executed, would have had an overwhelming and disconcerting effect on the visitor.
The open network of forms constructed from scrap-like material was therefore called a “brilliant plan” by the jury.

Publication Frans Hals Prize for Exhibition Design, Carel Kuitenbrouwer @ NRC Handelsblad, Rotterdam, 14 September 1988

Uruba @ Museum of Ethnology Rotterdam

The Uruba exhibition features traditional fabrics and clothing, was brought together by the Ahmadu Bello University of Zaria in Nigeria with the cooperation of the Ministry of Culture in Lagos and was previously on display at the Commenwealth Institute in London.

Exhibition Uruba, Article by Saskia de Bodt  @ NRC Handelsblad, Rotterdam Library, Museum for Ethnlogy, 29 Januari 1985

House for Juliet @ Studio Alchimia

House for Juliet is an intervention by Alessandro Mendini in the building that according to legend (and partly but only partly according to history and findings) is identified as a wing of the Capulets’ palace.

Design & Exhibition, House for Juliet, Studio Alchimia @ Achille Forti Gallery of Modern and Contemporary Art,  Via Cappello, Verona, Italy, 8 June-30 September 1982

Studio Alchimia @ New Intentions in Design

You don’t really know what design is anymore, and talking about design, happy or unhappy, fails you; rock has saved your life.

Exhibition & Publication on Studio Alchimia, Stefano Casciani @ Nuove Intenzioni del Design, Reggio Emilia, Italy, 18 April 1982